Did you know that the pope offered the throne of the Holy Roman Empire to a Norwegian king?

Did you know that the pope offered the throne of the Holy Roman Empire to a Norwegian king?

The Norwegian king declined.

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What a based king you got there, Håkon.

Truly a man of honor.

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The true Norwegian royal bloodline died after the black death (and Norway became weak)

that sucks the holy roman empire was peak european perfection

>The true Norwegian royal bloodline died after the black death (and Norway became weak)
Mongols and jews, bad news

The last quote was not too bad though
"Norwegians believe in God, Allah, everything and nothing"

But the other parts... bleeeh

>Norwegians believe in Allah
>not too bad

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God and Allah is the same god so...
Still the same evolutionary flaw in the human brain that makes us superstitious (afraid of the dark).

Thanks for proving to me that Norwegians are total cucks. You are literally making petty excuses for praying to Allah. Why don't you just shut up and eat your disgusting cardboard kebab-pizza and yucky brunost, fjeldnigger?

HAHAHAHAHAHA, topkæk, actually had to check if real.

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What a flaming homo

POLAND mixed in with savage Asiatic sub human filth..............HAHAHAHH

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meh, still better than 50% tax

only china has more money than us

how do you believe everything and nothing at the same time?

Lol, didn't even notice that.

This proves King Harald is secretly /ourguy/.

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Danes are the most arrogant, retarded posters on Jow Forums. You're as cucked as the rest of us, regardless of your muh strictest immigration policy of the west. You already have tons of shitskins that aren't going anywhere, you're as SJW-runied as everyone and you also have grenades going off every now and then in Kopenhagen. The muh based denmark meme needs to die.

>Danes are the most arrogant, retarded posters on Jow Forums

100% true.

You're just jealous of our brunost. Admit it already

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your king is a retard though, sorry but he is

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Nice argument Hans, really made me think.

Hes just a good boy PR man that shakes hands and reads speeches made by his minions. But i remember how the political discussion around immigration changed in Norway after he made that comment. More people started speaking their mind on this topic without the fear of being labeled a racist.

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He is just a puppet (saying what the government tells him to say)

Someone literally just writes him a speech and he reads it on camera

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Isn’t he Greek? The crown prince looks like a kike. He doesn’t even look Nordic.

I agree that Danish arrogance on Jow Forums goes too far, but they are objectively NOT "as cucked as the rest of us".