Diddle me


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The core premise of pizzagate is that its a conspiracy to rape children above the law.

b-but muh trump and shit

Tony Rodham is however dead with no cause of death. I cannot make the blind to see, and no longer care to. Riddle me this: Who killed Monica Peterson?

>the criminals continue to get away with it
>that means there's no crime

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Western politics is a house of cards. Pedophilia is the glue holding it together. One goes they all go.


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Because it's real, obviously

That's like saying if the FBI, CIA and State Dept attempted a coup to overthrow the President, then why haven't they been hanged?

Because trump is a weak willed New York pussy with the bone spurs to prove it

>No arrests
>Therefore pizzagate is fake
Do you even know what pizzagate is, retard?

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why is lagunitas lumped in?
legit non-megacorporate beer
normies wouldn't drink it

the rest checks out

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Have you forgotten about DrPizza?

>1 post by ID
Also replying to this call out doesn't count because you're just replying to make another post by your ID. Won't count Juan.

If someone committed a crime and was never caught, why is he not in jail?

If Trump did something illegal, why isn't he in jail?
And with that, OP just got BTFO'ED in a single post. Saged and hidden

Because if God exist they won't go in jail, but hell

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Zozzle me this: who killed JP Morgan?

>Who's going to arrest me? Me?

Podesta goes down publicly in November


Also Anderson cooper’s mother dead news came out today. The mainstream media won’t report on pedophile deaths



pizzagate is a goose chase

if pizzagate is real
that's why no one is in jail
(except a couple of scape goats who got light sentences)

this problem is deeper then you know
you will never know how deep that shit is
those who know will not tell

Holy shit OP, you actually imagine jail still works that way.

>Faggot OP, confirmed.

Trudeau’s best friend is a convicted pedophile

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What about Obama and poor Wendy?

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This omg this

They go to hell with or without God. The singularity is coming.

Anderson Cooper was abused as a kid and continues the cycle of abuse

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They probably made him kill his brother. That's the kind of shit they do.

>checkmate raycysts