New clearer and colored images of the Iranians taking off the limpet mine has been released by the US Navy!

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I thought it was torpedoes

"Experts" saying this is clearly damage done by a limpet mine.

Not buying this bullshit

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bit late
NO ONE believes the US government anymore
no matter who is president. no matter what party controls congress

This proves nothing you fucking retard. Where's the video?

well, that settles it
guess we have to kill 1,000,000 people now

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How could it be torpedoes? The holes are above the water line, anyways this is the Japanese ship that was attacked by limpet mines, the Norwegian ship might have been attacked by missiles as well.

Sloppy Job Putin. DICK

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>US Navy just happens to be in the area and just happens to have this photo and don't worry we photoshopped it to make it clearer for you.
lol Sorry Jews, no one is taking the bait. If it was Iran they'd sink the ship and they certainly wouldn't target one of the few nations that's trading with them, based Anime Land.

Compare that boat to the boats that Iran was parading as their new fast attack speedboats some time back.

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video would prove nothing more than Iranians were the first to collect evidence from the ship

Now everyone can pretend they've always known what a limpet mine is.

>taking off the mine they had previously placed

What did they do, go to the local Hollywood set and film the latest batch of "proof" ?

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Go away schlomo

it was clearly the jews kikes miga boomers whatever can I just have some shillbux ples

Ok that’s it, time to die for israel right now! Enough is enough!

Facts are facts and they all point to Iran being behind the tanker attack. The idea that Israel would operate in the Persian Gulf is dumb given that all their ships are on standby to bomb Syria. No one who's pro Iran thinks Saudi Arabia can actually operate near Iran's border. And the US bombing a Japanese ship is just retarded, plus the video footage from infrared shows Iran's fuck up.

Even my bluepilled old dad doesn't buy this

>he's not interested in explosives and things that go boom
you're probably a faggot

There is not anyone alive who believes this kikery. Nobody.

But does Iran have WMD's?

>how is this a torpedo
>holes are above water line
Well then how is it a limpet mine? That would be below the water as well. Maybe it was a small watercraft like the USS Cole bombing. Maybe it was a surface skimming missile like the Exocet?

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I don't like the idea of war with Iran, either, but they did this. Clear.

This doesn't add up. Iranians aren't retards. They wouldn't all huddle around a mine while it's removed. Limpet mines are designed to detonate if they are tampered with. You don't just go up and pop the thing off, even if it's your mine, and you certainly don't have a group of people huddle around the thing. You send one guy, in a dingy, and everyone else stays the fuck back.

>the US bombing a Japanese ship is just retarded
Why is that retarded? Operation Northwoods. The US was going to bomb Americans go false flag their way into a war. Why wouldn't they bomb moon people?

The biggest part of this is how the Iranians forcefully detained the crew of one of the ships and took them to Iran, proving that the people in the video are Iranian. Why would "actors" take the crew and evidence to Iran? lol

The Navy is always in the area. Diego Garcia Naval station.
Constant presence in the Gulf.

here's the thing,
no one fucking cares

>what is EOD

Not 15 guys on the only boat around

Hey everyone this guy always knew what a limpet mine is. Suuure.

there's your fed

Mine neither both my incredibly bluepilled parents weren't buying it for even a second. I guess it helps a zionist neocon is in office like back with bush. If it was Obama they'd just stick his and michael's dick in their ears.

ya it looks like Iran did have a heavy hand and this... most people know this... problem is if its worth going after them for this right now?
makes more sense to gather more evidence and have the fags at the EU come aboard, fuck why should the US deal with these persian scum on their own.

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wow THIS time I'll believe the US government

Still doesn't explain why Iran would attack a country that they're trading with by putting holes in the boat without sinking it then standing around to be photographed. Also like the other user said, why disarm the mine with like 15 guys on the boat? Why not send one guy in case something goes boom?

Hey everyone, this guy isn't a whiny little government faggot on a VPN. Suuuuuure.

Seem's legit to me, what more proof do you need?

It's time to make Zion great again.

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I don't see no mine. I see people inspecting damage caused by a drone fired mutt missile.

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Because you're in a position to know what's a naval mine, what's an Iranian patrol boat, and what's actually between your asscheeks. Dumb faggot.

Holy shit.

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Water lines are not consistent with waves n such. But I also dont think its a torpedo, but being above the current water lines isnt proof it wasn't a torpedo.

Because take a look at where they were placed, the one that exploded, was placed over the engine room, to disable the ship, the second one was placed over the compartment where the oil is stored, the mine was probably supposed to set the ship on fire, if it exploded below the water line the fire would've been put out by water. And I think the area below the water line is thicker, at least on some tankers, they have a "double bottom" in case the ship hits something and the first layer of hull is torn.

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What about Japan, they weren’t convinced

What evidence do you have that they did that? The media? The IC?

>no one on the entire planet knew what a limpet mine was before today

What the hell is wrong with you, you dumb faggot? The kind of person reading about these things before this being some autist on Jow Forums is exactly who I would expect.

I trust criminals more than I trust your government. Hell, your government are the biggest criminals on earth. Imagine conspiring to kill thousands of Americans to serve ZOG.

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Imagine reading one 1960s operation then extrapolating that to mean every attack is a false flag. Fucking moron, it was clearly Iran this time. Fucking conspiracy tards

good guy iranians. they save lives by removing limpet mine and aren't afraid of glownigger psyops.

Lime and limpet green

Why stop at 1mil? They aren't white, Christian, or American. I don't see what you ball-garglers have a problem with. Seems like you just get sand in your vaginas every time someone decides to grow a spine. War is fantastic. Its gods way of showing humanity who is right and who is unAmerican. Deal with it, fags.

A dingy is just a small boat, pick whatever boat you want. There are procedures to ordinance disposal. You can see them on display anytime a suspicious package is detonated. You'll notice how they differ from suspicious packages that are placed for propaganda and filmed, and manhandled, and driven around all over the place. No one on that boat is acting as if they are in disposing of live ordinance. So, either the Iranians are completely retarded, in which case we don't have to worry about their nuclear program, or that isn't a live explosive.


The fact that the Iranians showed the crew on national TV lol

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>water puts out an oil fire

Jesus, thank the lord that one of you faggots has enough sense to do some digging instead of sporting out to 'muh israel.'

How do you know thats the crew?

It didn't explode, so they went in and removed it to expunge the evidence.

Are the Iranians the only operators in the world with this type of speed boat? How common is it to have a v pattern and machine gun placement in that location?

Also, how in the Hell was America able to get a colored photo with such clarity that the shadows are even seen? If America now has the hardware to illuminate dark photo scenes in real time without the usage of light like this, then that is amazing. However, I am assuming that this was obtained through photoshop, so I would look at a photo like this with immense skepticism.


spot the agent who sabotaged the ship

the fire would have suffocated below the water line dumbass

Glow harder, Nigger.

If it's your own mine, yeah you can disable it yourself. I heard mr. Navy seal shill on infowars describe it, pretty simple stuff if you're trained to put it on you're trained to take it off (if it's the kind you can take off).
I will concede the point about small boats though.
Did I say that?
No, I said I wouldn't put it past the US Government to attack Japan as a justification for war since they've planned far worse in the past.

Boats were hit by US drones, crew reported seeing a projectile before explosions

Because the Iranians said so



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A naval mine is not a thing. Its like saying nukes and low caliber rockets are the same.

Go take your schizo meds.

its almost like they want a conflict. John Kerry keeps going to Iran and talking with them. I wonder what his role in all of this is

>It was clearly Iran

Remember King David Hotel?

Sen. Cotton calls for a “retaliatory military strike" on Iran over oil tanker attacks

I knew them as "limpet charges" but yeah they aren't the most obscure thing in the world

>that jew silhouette

It was, they changed it. Theyve got plenty of leftover unused propaganda from the last 20 years


1488 is a jooooooz

You mean 6 million (((people)))

I think the video was taken by a helicopter if I remember correctly, also see how the Iranians are looking up in this photo? Perhaps they see the helicopter filming them.

This shill forgot his proxy


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>t. Completly retarded or glowing in the dark.

do the Iranians also have iraq's WMDs?
or the Syrian chemical weapons?
neck yourself underpaid fed kike

>this bad faith ad hom post
>Hitler's spirit winking in the numericals
Yeah...this was definitely Israel.

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Look up dayvision you fuckin pleb.

But what about Japan, they don’t believe it either

FFS it's past midnight here your incessant glow is ruining my sleep.

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Show us the video of the ship returning to Iranian soil, but you can't, b/c it was staged.

(((Someone))) wants their US lackeys to bomb Iran.

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>rescue guys from a oil tanker after mossad attacks it
>show them on national TV because it is major news
>release them to Dubai the next day

Oy vey goyim!! Look at how Iran attacked these sailors and then took them captive.

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>Still doesn't explain why Iran would attack a country that they're trading with by putting holes in the boat without sinking it then standing around to be photographed
Because the Holocaust, you antisemite!

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>false flags have never been used to start major wars
>what is USS Maine
>what is Gulf of Tonkin
>what is Operation Himmler
>what is Mukden incident

Fuck off CIA pig.

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