Have you ever noticed

The further down the Danube you go, the shittier the country becomes, I have a theory to explain this
So, the river begins pretty much in Bavaria, which has always been a culturally developed and ingenious part of Europe, and I attribute this to the lack of shit, let me explain;
As you go down the Danube you arrive in Austria, a well developed place, but, not as good as Bavaria. Indeed when you see the various blunders of the Austrian people throughout history (Karánsebes, WW1, Hitler), you can definitely see that something is up. That is, the Bavarians have been dumping their shit in Danube and as it flows to Vienna, the Austrians consume it, so they evolved to be a bit of shiteaters.
Not only that, but the Austrians dump their own shit down the river and as it flows to Hungary, the Hungarians eat German and Austrian shit. Sure, they had their moments in history but compared to the others are kinda irrelevant, just look at their suicide rate, it's the human organism rejecting the consumption of shit.
And further down is Serbia, where, at this point, the feces concentration is high enough to cause serious mental damage, and as the Serbs eat Hungarian and German shit, they become lazy and complacent, and comes with no surprise, that they were Ottoman and Hungarian vassals for such a long time, not to mention the various chimpouts like the Yugoslav war or the assassination of archduke.
And finally you get to Romania and Bulgaria, where, Gypsy skatole receptors activate, and therefore they settle where the concentration is highest. As for the Bulgarians and Romanians, years of eating Serbian, Hungarian and German shit have not been kind to them, to say the least.
This is also why Greece is the best Balkan country, consistently relevant since ancient times, and the Ottomans barely holding onto it for 100 years in most places

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Other urls found in this thread:


>this is your brain on Greek

Can confirm this is true

wait ur saying purer water is better for you?

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Who cares about some stupid river?

The real reason is Ottoman invasions. The closer to the Ottoman Empire you were the higher concentration of Turk rape babies


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The Danube Delta is indeed a massive pile of dung, but the rest is of course gibberish. We in the Carpathian Basin are sitting pretty on one of the world's largest amount of underground freshwater, and it's fucking delicious.

>Greece is the best Balkan country
even fucking Gypsyland is better than you

Which one?

Couldn't possibly the proximity to Turkey.
But that would mean that the Greeks...
It might be the proximity to Turkey.

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Romania, but this can be said about every shithole in the Balkan tho

So is this a romanian hating thread in disguise?

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That is a large wall of text of manlet cope.

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the further south you go the more turkroach miscegenation there is
garbage genes=garbage countries

It kind of makes sense.
Fucking Krauts, pay reparations for us, asap!

Danube doesn't "begin" in Bavaria you broke stupid fuck.

Fuck off dracula


What’s with yuropoor obsession over rivers?

>dumping their shit in Danube and as it flows to Vienna, the Austrians consume it, so they evolved to be a bit of shiteaters
We have the Hochquellleitung delivering loads of fresh water from the alps to Vienna. Nice try, but we don't drink out of fucking rivers, shitskin.

Swabians need to be purged anyway, they are Spätzlejews

Interesting theory, but how does it explain Bosnia? The country with the biggest retard ratio in the region has no access to Danube anoos-water