Is the trendy hatred for white men amongst young women, a cope for something greater?

Is the trendy hatred for white men amongst young women, a cope for something greater?

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Women hate weak men. If you give them everything they ask for they don't see it as kindness they see it as weakness and they'll hate you for it. White men have given white women everything they asked for and now they think we're little pussies

Yes, of course it fucking is. She's upset that her crazy ass isn't with someone who will take care of her, because she's the definition of a roastie.
She isn't interested in actual love, she just wants to be taken care of. I can't fault her for that, it is actually somewhat natural, but I can fault her for being lazy and whiny.

It's a maladapted mating strategy. You can see other apes do it. A female will provoke alpha males with teasing and when they retaliate aggressively they present their genitals and the attack becomes a rape which is a mating opportunity.
Our modern society is so secure, and men so civilised, that the rape they crave never happens. So their instincts tell them to up the ante.

This is what people mean when they say "The best revenge is living well"

Just some toasted roast is all. Good on those exes for dodging that bullet.

It's just virtue signal points.
They want people to like them because they're not us.
Twitter Search "White People" and sort by "Latest."
Refresh every 30 seconds or so.
If you ever wanted a red pill, or needed to justify your feelings, this is how you do it.

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She could have married a rich white man and been a good wife and enjoyed the vacation with him. Alas who would want her

This is literally woman for "I'm deeply jealous and sincerely hope that my rich, white, straight Male friends will see this and pick up on my signals and take me for a tropical vacation".

It's a desperate call for attention that manages to indicate two things:

- She's single
- She dates straight, white, rich men

>one of my ex boyfriends

Roastie can't deal with ending up all alone after getting off the cock carussel


You get more pathetic by the day, browncel.
Seriously, just kill yourself already.

The absolute truth.

Yeah. Combine these and it all makes sense. Women test men for their reliability. They do this by making absurd demands of men just to see how much they can get away with. When they get away with too much they lose respect for the man.
In the modern world weve decided that the instinctual method of courting is not civilised. So we punish a lot of that behavior (exclusively men), but we did not identify and press women's obsolete instincts. Men assued nature's pull to strike women and instead to indulge them infinitely. Were women to also check their behavior, and stop constantly testing men by lying about what they want. Then there wouldn't be a problem.
The biggest question is: are women uncivilized because they refuse to change or because they functionally cannot change. The answer to that question will determine the right solution.

this is just a humblebrag, though, she's boasting that she dates rich men

>woman admits she constantly fucks the very thing she hates the most

Well there you go. Redpill summarized


>chad doesn't notice me so all men suck
They are incels OP.

What are the chance he was unfeeling because he didn't take her on trips once a month?

No she's not. She's chad's cock receptacle that he dumps shortly after shes fulfilled her function. He doesnt even take her on vacation. She's just a hole.

Maybe she needs to learn to suck a dick?

Same mentality

But she's LITERALLY not an incel

She's a commitmentcel

A girl I just spent seven months with admitted to me she had been talking to her ex boyfriend over the last month. I dumped her last week because she wouldn't stop drinking alcohol so frequently and she was a stage 5 clinger. She told me a few weeks ago her ex hit her up. She's been on a cruise with him for 4 days now, and I dumped her last Wednesday.

Women are fucking garbage. Even the ones who claim to be conservative and traditional are pure fucking garbage.

women (and some men) are so fucking retarded that they think a guy having fun is supposed to be a jealousy plot line agasint them because that is what they do to us

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>they don't see it as kindness they see it as weakness and they'll hate you for it
This is the single most off-putting attitude any human being can possibly have. And all women have it. How can anyone even do anything with a person like this? There's nothing to work with here.

um, 'Memphis loot crew'

>women calling men narcissistic
Is this like some kind of new meme?

its similar to how boys bully girls they like

She has never been in a position where she wanted sex and couldn't get it. Theres no such thing as a female incel.

There's an equivalent. Which is a woman who wants to be married but can only get cock. But it's not the same situation, it's has different causes and different consequences. The fattest, ugliest, meanest women can have sex exactly as often as they want.

2017...they look straight out of 2001.

Involuntarily single?
Spinster is the word. It's already a concept.

I went out with friends of mine and his gf started ranting anti-white shit
I said “it’s ok to be white.”
She shit up and and had a shocked look on her face
Her bf who is Asian guy just started cracking up laughing

Humans are hominids Mohammed.

Spinster implies men dont want to be around her at all

A commitmentcel is a woman who gets dicked over and over but dumped once the man is done with her cause she isnt worth hanging around

just wait til the next recession hits. no matter how many evil twitter posts she makes or likes she gets she's going to be completely fucked along with many other women of her caliber

You can hit them. Dominate them. Control their lives. It's what they want and they'll reward you with sex and obedience as long as you keep it up.

Otherwise you have to teach girls that this attitude exists, it's natural, and it should be resisted. All adult women now are fucked short of a very rare transformative experience.

Let me guess. She was white herself?

>makes complaint stating frustration with those who live without consequence and conscience
>is female
The irony! These people have no self-awareness; how fun it must be to live like this.

I get it but your combining "commitment" and "celibate" and omitting "involuntary"

lmao she couldn't keep her cunt in check enough to get a man to take her on a vacation

Yeah but -cel has become the generalized term for "person who wants thing but cannot get it"

>A commitmentcel

the term you're looking for in insol, for involuntary solitude, the female version of incel

The absolute mental gymnastics that had to be performed to put the premise of this post together is impressive, whether or not it's genuine.

Truest shit I’ve read on here in a few weeks

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> There is no hope for me in this life, I can only pine to die and become the thing I hate.

Holy shit are women this deeply and eternally blackpilled? Doesn't this inspire her to take a vacation herself? I almost feel bad. Almost.

I agree that thats happening but it's stupid and shouldn't be encouraged.

I think you’re just mad your ex is a slut user. Better luck next time.

Based jews

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> 2017
Why do they look like they are from the 90s?

Ah that's a good one. Still phonetically very similar to incel (so I'd expect most people to mishear it), but it makes more sense.

i tried convincing some feminist in a YT comment section that women are unfunny
i'll post my 4-part rant here because why not:

1) The average girl is more likely to lack the birds-eye-view view of reality that's needed to be funny than the average guy. They're less able to detach themselves from their immediate surroundings and less able to detach themselves from their feelings. This is why, for example, female trolls don't exist. I think this is the self-awareness thing I was talking about earlier. It's why you're more likely to hear girls viciously mock or gossip about people and play it off as humor than you are to hear guys do so. For females mocking is more angry, vicious, emotional, and personal. Maybe the mocking or the joke attempt sounds funny to them, but because of their lack of self-awareness, they don't realize that nobody else finds it funny.

2) I think girls care too much about what the group thinks, so for many of them comedy is too much a means to an end rather than an end in itself (the end goal being improving their social status) (thereby making their attempts sound forced/unnatural, and therefore not funny).

3) James Allsup did not make an essentialist argument, he argued that girls aren't put under the same societal pressure as guys to develop a personality in order to attract a mate, since unless they're ugly, they don't need to (guys will be attracted to them for other reasons). James Allsup implied what you're saying, which is that if society's gender dynamics were to dramatically change, girls might have to develop a sense of humor to attract guys, thereby making girls funnier.

4) If he were to make an essentialist argument, he'd say that females (having had the more submissive gender role for about 99.99% of human evolution) have always been more attracted to funny guys than guys have been attracted to funny females, maybe because humor gives one a sort of power (opposite of submissive). Therefore evolution selected for funny guys but not for funny females.

>implying that any of you mixed race biracial rape baby goblin mutt mongrels are white

woman somehow has SEVERAL selfish narcissistic unfeeling ex boyfriends she still keeps tabs with on social media.
does this not reflect badly on her?

thats it, they now dont have anything more to ask other than superiority over males

She was probably (((Whites.)))

Yes they do seem to select for extraordinarily sinful behavior. Anyone who wants even the slightest chance of avoiding eternal damnation to hell on Judgment Day needs to pic related.

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Women are just genuinely hateful. It just never came out until they had the ability to voice it.

Is she implying that any group of people has it easier than white women?

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Forever alone

Women fail to understand male attraction at the most basic level.
Women see men saving history with other women as a sign that they must have worth and makes him more desirable.
They then try to display that they have been in valuable men in the past to show that they must have worth, failing to understand that this devalues them in the eyes of other men for commitment.

>retarded white bitch
>Los Angeles
Makes sense

maybe she never learned winners fail and get up, losers fail and stay down

A thought from "The might is right" illustrates it very well, being that women, like every other nature resource are just spoils of war. You conquer it? You control it. Thats it. They can be "civilized" if they had a good father, something many people in general lack today. If a father was a figure in her family, she ll look up to him for the rest of her days, if not, she will become a thot most likely, if not saved by a strong man.

The nerve on these thots-

how is that hatred? she wants to be us.

Some women are petty. Some fewer are stupid enough to admit they're so petty that she randomly stalks an ex and when she learns he's not miserable without her, it angers her.

All I needed to know

Yeah she was a white girl

Fuck sake. America is such a shithole


No just the women its popular amoungst faggots and sioboys.

I’ve seen this happen in front of my own eyes with my sister and my cousin. Doormat fathers turn women into cunts. I also think there may be a correlation between this and coalburning.

Read her twitter bio. She is a wedding planner.

No wonder why she seems alone. Her job is to sell men (through fakery) into slavery and debtor's prison.

Take her to the tropics then fucking leave her there. And let her know just how useless to the world she is.

Would you hit this, and I'm not talking about the cat.

Look at those … cough …. breasts.

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