Most cucked country

What is the most cucked country (after sweden)

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the uk

pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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We're all in the same boat, EVROPEAN fellas.

Can't we just stop the bullying? It's so tiresome...

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they look like pigs

You, Hans. You’ve been cucked for almost 100 years

1. Sweden
2. UK
3. Germany

Sweden, England, Canada, France

In any order.

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top tier cucked countries:


honorable mentions:

oi kraut you wish you could shag this guv

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thats the shills goal
the mark of all shill threads

>What is the most cucked country (after sweden)
The USA. USA is going to be ultracucked after next dem comes to power.

Any cucking the USA embraces almost immediately spreads to other countries so their focus is turning to the US.

How is Poland cucked? They literally steal money from the EU, give nothing back, and are able to protect their borders from migrants. Ukraine is semi-cucked simply because its ran by a bunch of kikes.


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poland took 600 thousand immigrants in 2018, nobody took more
polish government is the most jewish in history, they call israel an "internal country" and let them change polish laws at will
polish citizens can't buy agricultural land
polish potable water is owned by israel
all polish industry is owned by foreigners, including banks
most politicians, bankers, artists and professors are jews
polish government invited an american occupational force to be stationed in poland
poland gets funding from the EU only to build infrastructure for germans to fill poland with their shitty products

the list goes on and on

Canada of course,they were +93% white in 1981 and now they are -53%.

This is the fastest genocide on the face of the fucking Earth, even after the asteroid hit, it took at least 10,000 years for the all dinosaurs to die out, Canadians died in last than a hundred years.

UK third of course.

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The Jew S obviously. Sweden, Germany and UK being on top of that list is just delusional. The Jew S is miles ahead in all metrics.

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>Overtly cucked:

>Under the radar cucked:

>Dead men walking

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Easily the UK

you mean USA,
>cucked by

The most "cucked" people are those of the Germanic/"Teutonic" race, meaning Scandinavians, Germans, Dutch and Afrikaaners (and some Belgians and French). They seem cucked because they are robot-like, sort of like the white version of a chink. Simultaneously the do not feel empathy for other human beings and are capable of extreme violence and sadism.

These countries are cucked because they are easily led and are now controlled by the Jew.

But, of these, Sweden is the most cucked, closely followed by Germany, Norway and Netherlands. South Africa is also extremely cucked. I lived there for 3 years and most are still blue pilled on race.

I agree.

((they)) want to divide us and make us fight each other instead of focusing our attention on our common enemy.

Unironically correct on all fronts. You cannot escape the nigger horde here.

the poster below me is the most cucked

Nah stop with the blackpills. I ve seen some decent british whores here during the summer.

Cucknada. Germany

YAAAAY! i‘m most cucked living in the second most cucked country kn the world

The reason these people are so easily led is because a. They are naturally naive and b. They only care about social status and nothing else. They also have an insect-like mentality about authority and worship it just like chinks do. "The system" is always right.

> Your best option is to ignore Swedes. Swedes are not real people. Real people know how to have conversations. Swedes are not interesting, either as a group or individuals. Sweden=no culture. You can only integrate into a society that gives you benefits for integrating. What is the benefit of integrating into Swedish society? You learn a language in order for the locals to become warm and friendly toward you. Learning Swedish is pointless because Swedes will be just as dull and standoffish toward a fluent Swedish speaker as they will toward a person who doesn't know Swedish. So you might as well just use English with them, since learning Swedish won't change their behavior toward you.


We still cool for now. Get fucked, northcucks.

therefore i love you swedes!

imagine thinking canada isnt based... you watch too much cbc news, outside of toronto this country is good

I can relate to the feeling of being depressed since moving to Sweden. When you move to a new country, there is this feeling of so many things being new, stimulating, and overwhelming for a period. That's the honeymoon period. The rest is when you settle in and everything stabilizes. From there, you might end up disliking the place, or eventually it grows on you.

The problem with Sweden: there is never any honeymoon phase. When I got to Sweden, I wasn't stimulated by anything: no interesting architecture, city arrangements, food, history, cultural aspects, etc. The things that normally stimulate a person when they move to a new environment never happens when you move to Sweden.

I've never thought it was possible a country could be as dismally boring as Sweden. Before I moved to Sweden, I didn't have any expectations. I didn't expect a mile a minute country with exciting people who are wild party animals. My thought of Sweden was a quiet country with reserved people who take a while to crack, but the time it takes to crack is worth it.

On the contrary, when you finally crack into a Swede's social shell, what do you get? Nothing. They do not open up and become interesting at all. A Swede you don't know is just as dull and uninteresting as a Swede you've known for years. When first found this out, I was shocked how Swedes are incapable of having engaging conversations with even their closest friends.

You make friends with Swedes, learn their language, aren't a troublemaker or a shitstirrer, and adopt their behavior. The result: you feel just as isolated from Swedes and underwhelmed by them as an immigrant who doesn't bother to learn their language or integrate. There is no point in integrating to Swedish society because there are zero benefits. Integrating into Swedish society will not make Swedes warmer or friendlier to you compared to a guy who refuses to integrate. So integrating into Swedish society is a waste of time.

get a hobby

Spain is more cucked than sweden

The US won’t be cucked because it will be impossible to pass anything in the senate. 32 states are still majority rural farmland. Even if they elect Democrats they will be very centrist Dems.

New Zealand is really really cucked.



You see this? This is why we need roving RWDS in all western nations to remind these invaders that if they refuse to integrate, they will be exterminated.

People think Sweden is the cuckest country on earth only because they don't know about Argentina:

* Mandatory 30% of all candidates to congress/senate must be women.
* One of the first countries to fully legalize gay marriage and adoption.
* One of the first countries to pass gender identity laws that had no requirements on transitioning of any kind.
* A mandatory % of state employees must be transgender.
* No restriction for immigrants from neighboring countries, citizenship is auto-granted to any one of them who asks for it.
* Free education up-to and including post-graduate university for even temporary migrants (half the students at my university are from Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay).
* No gun rights, the few we had are being stripped away.
* Any crime against a woman is now typified as "gender violence" and carries higher penalties.
* Cuck judges let child rapists and thieves (as long as the victims aren't women) free as quickly as possible. Always use the lowest penalties and every trick in the book to reduce them even further.
* All women are given free money if they have children (on top of all the benefits poor people receive already).
* The average person on welfare makes 1.5 times as much as a minimal wage worker.
* One of the heaviest tax loads in the world.

All this while we are still a fucking bankrupt third world country.
Truly the cuckest of all.

Fuck I feel lightheaded already, maybe popped a vein writing this down. I need to take a break from this shit.

Germans and Swedes are dead inside. To me they seem like walking corpses. There's a gloomy emptyness hanging over Germanic people, idk why

>Most cucked
>Can't actually get a permit without finding a job there first
Show flag

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at least you dont get raped by million of mudslims running into your country


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Only because they have better options and prefer to go to europe, there is nothing stopping them if they decided to come here.

they rape each other

Why don't you go back to your own shithole!

Based. I wouldn't have it any other way. Always fun to see immigrants slowly rot away to our opaque way of life.

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>There's a gloomy emptyness hanging over Germanic people, idk why
strong mind, empty look. it’s even not race but more IQ related

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This. Lets knock this the fuck off.

hmm.. pastaniggers and frogs are high IQ as well, but they have the Latin temperament. I think it's more about living in a cold grey country shapes your personality to this. It's also a mystery to me what aggressive desert people are going to do here except for gibs in our depressive climate. I hope they all kill themselves

Canada, Germany, France, and Bongistan are all in the running.

hard to belive (or - accept), because I've seen here on /pol good Swede lads with brains and soul. I think any northen-indoeuropeans are equal this way or another. you think we Russians are gloomy and unfriendly as well, but it's another one stupid stereotype.

maybe Im wrong, but I don't want to think so.

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Too much of a pussy to let in brown people. White people are pussies


Sweden is not a country. Sweden is the corpse of a country.

How do we measure this?
>most under the heel of feminists?
all parties says they are a feminist party, even the oppositon
>worst immigrant slogan ever?
Wir Shaffen Das
>having actual full blown communists in the government group of parties?
(dat's us once they stop posturing and announce the new government)
>most ridiculous licence laws?
bin that spork
>having the most churches torched this year
not just the most, but also the most extreme case/loss
>being such a poor shithole country that even rapefugees dont want to squat there
it easy to be le based no rapefugee countries, when no gibs are offered, even to ones own population
>the most ridiculous faggot for a president?
Any good larps lately, or has xe toned it down after the poos yelled at xir?
>Straight up giving money to Jews?
(how is this somehow never an issue when the cuckness of a country is discussed)
And so on and so forth, so yeah brother
>We're all in the same boat, EVROPEAN fellas.
This, and it not just us us Evro Peons. Other continents have their own issues too.

The only difference is we are cucked under pretense of 'patriotism'. Pic: our 'president' with his handlers.

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This user knows well what's going on

>Swede lads with brains and soul.
They are anons here. If the said anything even remotely wrong-think in real life, they'd be in a heap of trouble. So no wonder if you cant have an engaged conversation even when you've befriended them. They are terrified that even friends might snitch on them to the thought police.

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The most cucked country is the giant ranch where the Jews grow their usury slaves to make them money and die for Israel. /thread

Paid niggers to go back to Africa and they all just got the first boat back.
England specifically, self explanatory.
Shabbos Goyim: The Country, literally exporting faggotry.

All three of those apply to USA. We are so far ahead of everyone.

>We're all in the same boat.
Absolutely, It's happening to us all just at varying degrees... for the present. The conclusion will be the same for all. It's like a bunch of fags arguing over who is the least gay.

What rabbi ? your Country is cucking every other one how can Isreal be Cucked ?