Why the fuck does the Netherlands still exist...

Why the fuck does the Netherlands still exist? Even their so called royal family isn't related to the real founding father of NL, who was a German man. Their language is slowly dying too, and people have suggested they replace their language with English. The Netherlands should be part of Germany, and perhaps Belgium and Luxembourg too,
and ditch their language and speak our language.

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-L23001,_Amsterdam,_Durchmarsch_deutscher_Truppen.jpg (800x570, 74K)

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Heim ins Reich.

Attached: Dialektkontinuum.png (2912x2232, 1.39M)

Stop Fourth Reich-ing, nazi

Even a Dutch national socialist party in the 30s wanted NL to be part of us, it's not just me who wants it

Let him Fourth Reich. They'll save everyone's asses eventually.

Germans are Slavs and not even Germanic.

Get an actually good economy and I wouldn't care about it. I do refuse to speak your nazi language though

well duh, that is half of what national socialism is about

Ich will mein Fahrrad zurruck.

Also belgium and luxemburg are the soutern parts of our country, stolen from us by the disgusting french. Please get an army and destroy france again

The leading NSB party were against German annexation though, and we weren't planning on annexing NL neither.

Our economy is better than yours though, and "nazi language"? Are you fucking 12?

And anglos are actually asian

National Socialism is about pan germanism, and not just Germany. You had the same stuff going on in Scandinavia, ofc there will be nationalists who wanted to be independent but a surprisingly large amount of them were in favour of a Germanisches Reich

Fuck Germany

Your country is like 8 times the size and has 5 times the population, but barely 3 times the economy. and yes I fucking despise your language.

Also stop the fucking green energy bullshit, I prefer to actually have net energy.

Fuck off

Fuck Willem van oranje the race traitor

Merging with Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg would be a waste. The Dutch have a rich and proud history. We were know as the best ship builders and merchants in the 17th century. We have fought of the sea for decades. We even destribute our knowledge of dikes to other countries like The United States and The United Kingdom. We fought an eighty year for our independence. In 1672 the Dutch Republic was simultaneously attacked by England, France, and the prince-bishops Bernhard von Galen, bishop of Münster, and Maximilian Henry of Bavaria, archbishop of Cologne and we won that war. Still to this day we are know for our harbours and our export to Europe. The Dutch language is not dying because the language is so separate. We have one official language: Dutch, one unofficial: Frisian and about two dialects per province. Our culture may be under attack but we still fly our national or province flags, farmers still wear wooden shoes, we still eat more frikandellen and bitterballen than kebab and shoarma. Our politics are not yet completely worthless. Merging with Germany would destroy our culture and get us closer to the jewish wet dream of one european country controlled by them.

*Willem alexander

Nothing against Willem van oranje.

>Their language is slowly dying too
>people have suggested they replace their language with English
I refuse to believe this....
That can't be true?

Merging with Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg would be a waste. The Dutch have a rich and proud history. We were know as the best ship builders and merchants in the 17th century. We have fought of the sea for decades. We even destribute our knowledge of dikes to other countries like The United States and The United Kingdom. We fought an eighty year for our independence. In 1672 the Dutch Republic was simultaneously attacked by England, France, and the prince-bishops Bernhard von Galen, bishop of Münster, and Maximilian Henry of Bavaria, archbishop of Cologne and we won that war. Still to this day we are know for our harbours and our export to Europe. The Dutch language is not dying because the language is so separate. We have one official language: Dutch, one unofficial: Frisian and about two dialects per province. Our culture may be under attack but we still fly our national or province flags, farmers still wear wooden shoes, we still eat more frikandellen and bitterballen than kebab and shoarma. Our politics are not yet completely worthless. Merging with Germany would destroy our culture and get us closer to one european country.

Was in NL a few months ago. Those boys are way too tall to be German. Ja moeder is en hoer, OP

>We fought an eighty year for our independence
and youre giving it for free since 1990 for importing shitskins that will soon outbreed you
ahahahahahhahahaha get fucked you fucking country of junkies and homos, you lend sweden money for war and they invaded on us in 1660

They are literally the same people as us, get cancer and stay under British control fag

clapped you in ww2 and will clap you again colgate

fuck no. Saying they are like you is saying that russian are like us.
you are more swarthy, they are more blue eyed and blond haired. And taller.

The Dutch, especially those living north of the Rhine, have a different, seperate mentality though. I think the Flemish mentality would be much closer to the German one.

Hahaha no they're not. Theyre the same as us, just with different culture and a slightly different language.

It's because we are taught the English language to ensure good economic relations and the Dutch language isn't solid because a large population per each province speaks their own dialect

no fucking way genetically. Eastern and southern germans look in no way like dutch.
Maybe northern/western north germans. Havent been in that area yet.

Try and we'll hang you from our windmills

Merck toch hoe sterck !

Attached: Recreatiefoto-Gerard-Veerling-7029.jpg (800x533, 298K)

based polish user knows what he is talking about

Attached: polder_pepe.png (630x529, 110K)

They're a german tribe, always been. Like the Saxons or the Franks.

Niet zo sterck zonder België, Noord Frankrijk And Luxemburg dus kom maar hier

Please just take us with you Germany

Attached: ap,550x550,16x12,1,transparent,t.u2.png (549x413, 83K)

Your country has such a insufficient economy that seventeen year olds come to us for work. You are right about the giving it free part. But that might change soon

>English language to ensure good economic relations
And I get that, but to say that people would actively say for the English language to replace Dutch just sounds like bs.
>Dutch language isn't solid because a large population per each province speaks their own dialect
Yeah, I kinda knew that, I got family in Germany and they still speak their dialect. But they're still told and use the Standard German in School or when going out and about.
Are your schools just not as focused on learning the "unifed" Dutch language? Are dialects still mutally understandable and thus not seen as being a problem? In Germany a Northern German and a Southern German couldn't understand one another until Standard German pretty much united them.

Flanders has a pretty distinct seafaring tradition among the european peoples. Important subgroup.

They are equally associated with the islands than any larger German reich.

>Your country has such a insufficient economy that seventeen year olds come to us for work
No fucking shit. Its like wages are 4x better in a country that lived for 50 years with capitalism instead of communism.
And for 17 year old such money is unbelievable. They can buy their first car, Volkswagen Golf IV or BMW M3 or Audi.

why the dutch language dying? any source to this? I like dutch , its like a mix of swedish german and english (scottish)


>founding father of NL
Never was any such thing as a "founding father of the Netherlans".
You either betray your utter ignorance of history, or are completely disingenuous.

those seventeen year olds can kick the shit out of your pathetic gay police :DDD

Stay mad, nigger.

All of Europe should be ruled by Germans. Fuck it, let them rule the whole world. Our best Americans are of German stock.

Not interested in that, just a national socialist pan Germanic empire and our righteous colonies

Oh, look, another weak bait post by Hans.

our country has such a kickass economy that we might earn money where our job is worth 2 times more and spend that money in our homeland where its worth 4 times more.

Your country has such a kickass economy that your people come here to drink beer on the streets, hang out with niggers and clean toilets for 1€ an hour