Jow Forums, I present to you: The Virgin Shooter

Jow Forums, I present to you: The Virgin Shooter
>scared, concerned look
>wears glasses to a shooting
>looks like a B-movie henchman
>fumbling with magazines
>0 deaths
>just shattered some glass
>gunned down by law enforcement, probably wanted to live as he bled out

seriously though, how did they get such a great action shot of an active shooter?

Attached: virgin_shooter.jpg (800x542, 65K)

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You know why so many threads are being spammed on this nothingburger that got shut down instantly? It was a false flag designed to get a lot more attention but Mossad was sloppy as usual.

I forgot to mention his boots, couldn't even bother to tuck his laces.

>Dpms Oracle with no buis
Deserved it

already Memory holed? i swear there are pics of him Held down by officers in a parking lot, not shot

I swear to God, todays mass shooters can't even do a research or properly prepare. Everyone wants to be next Breivik, but nobody want's to hussle and the result is the same: the only cold body on the ground is them.

It's because the deep state has recruiting problems. Their false flags are getting shitter and shitter. Just look at the Japanese and Norwegian tankers. No one believes it was Iran.

Because he was just a concerned citizen who believes now is a time when we get to carry weapons like that in public without notifying authorities.

The belt magazines have a red dot (live fire)? And the clip in the magazine has no red dot (blanks for the show outside)?

Attached: Red Dot No Dot.jpg (855x1336, 179K)

Before he snapped he decided to change his glasses, shave his eyebrows, expand his jawline, and age 10 - 15 years in the face. Stress does some amazing things...

Attached: Square frame glasses vs round frame.jpg (1086x837, 153K)

Tf is up with his foot placement?

they just like different brands of mag to me

he got away with it...

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they're extended mag

And plus the blast from a bullet blank could of broke the glass still

air force fag larping as a military fag

His laces do look poorly tied, possible trip hazard, this guys a dumbass

>Trip hazard
Found the glow nigger, how did you guys cuck him into doing it?
Threaten CP plant?
Did he fuck somebodies daughter?

He posts anti Semitic shit on 8, also here. Fucker had the hen at the reception desk tie his shoes for him, bad idea obviously.

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Need social media.

hahaha what a fucking faggot

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He didn't seem to plan this out very well if at all. You walk up to that place in full battle gear and start running to the parking lot? Oh this isn't Starbucks?

Different brands. The ones in the pouch look like they're hexmags while in the one in the rifle is a Magpul PMAG

Different magazines have different base plates. Magpul P-Mags and Hexmags.

Woody Allen isn't looking too good these days

literally who ?

rick moranis

He has both in a picture on his FB account.

uh tl;dr?

Hi FBI, I have something for you.

Btw, Is my English ok? Not too russian or something?

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>shooter ded
>zero body count
>from Texas
Your becoming a real disappointment, texas. Expected better of you from all that talk.

You've got it backwards kiddo, shooters always get dropped instantly here. Welcome to Texas

lol military fags are overrated as fuck. kek at all the retards saying cops can't shoot. Made quick work of this faggot.

God I can smell the poverty

yeah, it looks perfect. you couldnt stage somebody looking this dumb... OR COULD YOU? hahahaha

need some context. what is this?

Looks like he got an amazon “red dot” too.

I wonder if he used his mom’s prime account to order that piece of shit lmfao

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To be fair, considering how little he did, I probably wouldn't have spent much money either.

Seriously the guys guarding this place are super super Pros, he called one look at them and turned and ran

They probably put that hole in the glass

Some guy attacked a court house in Dallas Texas but was gunned down by the Rangers guarding the place.

A couple of years ago there was a black that attacked the police killing about 8 officers, after those events the police upgraded big time. This goes to show that the preparation paid off.

Here’s a pic of the nigger that tried to fuck with Texas in 2016

Attached: 32897E19-24DA-43F5-8F8B-EB09BD957CD7.png (684x1024, 743K)

POLcel BTFO. Dis nigga had a sword LoL :grin: :joy::rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

Pathetic COPE!

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Does anybody have the pic of him dressed in crusader armor with a weeb body pillow?

This dude is most pathetic Jow Forums shooter

I bet he was a flat earther

>Some guy attacked a court house in Dallas Texas but was gunned down by the Rangers guarding the place.

why? could he have picked a harder target?

this is so hilariously retarded that it reeks of false flag

>performing a shooting
>in Texas, of all places
>0 kills, not even injuries

Holy shit this guy got what he deserved.

Claiming false flag instead of admitting that he was a moron who worshipped TRUMp like the_donald pussies and most of you here who thinks he does no wrong.


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lmao guy lookin like my nibba squidward wit dat nose hangin out da ski mask

That video of him shooting into the entrance and quickly backing off as the those inside returned fire.
Yea dude was a grade A retard, he had no plan other than to walk into the place and start shooting.
At least that pavement ape used some brain cells as he fired on officers from an elevated position in 2016.

He deserved to die for using such shitty gear... faggot

beady eyes, big nose, stout stature...

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gear queer gets venthilated
news at 11


Get the hate out of your heart user. Love is the only way. :kissing_heart:

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Mods can you please make it so that you get banned for using 'cope' and 'whitoid'? They might go back to red.dit!

Mods plz halp!

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Who wears brand new boots to a suicide by cop?

I bet he played some sort of rail shooter and didn't properly understand 3d.

this would have offered more protection than his $40 vest. i mean the pillow.

imagine wasting trips in this douchebaggery

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Did more than you ever will faggot

Lol no helmet. What a faggot.

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interesting nose

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Cold steel gladius machete

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Yeah I got that

What's your point?

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well he may be a dipshit but his tacticool levels are through the fucking roof desu.
only the dead will see the end of the war.

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Its a meme he reshared, not a picture of him.


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What about that nigger Dallas „sniper“ that killed like 7 cops

He’s a hero along with dorner. 8-1 kill streak. May the bacon be plentiful in heaven

the one in the gun is a magpul pmag and the ones on his belt are hex mags just different brands

The photographer says it himself, it just doesn't seem real

He cannot even tie his boots right or fix the sling on his rifle. Fail to prepare , prepare to fail

Speak english you ammosexual permavirgin

Sloppy job Putin Dick


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Glowies are butthurt they got caught

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I wish mods would ban reddit/summer fags

Can you imagine being this guy? What the fuck, we need to ban guns now.

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>when the glowing golem realizes what’s going to happen to him

I am loving this shit.

Dilbert attempts a shooting spree
Fucking kek!

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Can you imagine being this glownigger intern? What the fuck, we need to ban fags now.

Hi FBI. Have another (you).

fucking airsoft

I'm here year round. Imagine the cope of wanting censorship like Reddit has?

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Honestly a guy with a handgun could do far more damage

Except he BTFO'd a bunch of cops, unlike that lily wh*te microdicked incel from today.

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and what's up with the sling?

Imagine saying cope every 3 sentences like you have Tourette’s or a brain injury

It doesn’t censor automatically, why are you such a nigger
Plus Breivik has the high score and he’s white

People get different pairs of glasses all the time... i call bs on the jawline and eyebrows, they look exactly the same

Researching how to commit a mass shooting will get you arrested in America. You're not allowed to search for certain things (CP, bomb making synthesis, how to commit murder, etc)

He'd had military training! He's dead, so we may never know his motive.

> hussle

I was thinking the same thing. He has to be stopped.