Welp, after having no gf all my life, being an alcoholic, no job, family hates me, i've finally decided to off myself

welp, after having no gf all my life, being an alcoholic, no job, family hates me, i've finally decided to off myself.
stream + my stupid sob story suicide note:

thank you guys, even though you were mean to me sometimes, you always reminder me of a big brother. Goodbye Jow Forums

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attention seeking much?

Do a flip

Nigga you live in the US hop on a train and go cross country

Ugh you're supposed to kill Jews then yourself not hust yourself dumbass.


This is just a leftist doxxing exercise. OP is a fag as per usual.

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what ever JIDF!

Oh this LARP again. Why do you do this?

>fixed carry handle

fuck off retard

Don't do it user.

I ain't clicking that shit nigger

>same discord link as last night
whats the discord go to? some le epic meme troll

Fake and gay

dont be a lazy faggot
get on a bus and change your scenery
when someone says kys they dont mean kys for real bro...

Will it to me if I roll higher digits

I fucking hate glowniggers like you

It was destiny OP, send rifle plz.

Don’t do it user. In three years you’ll be thankful you didn’t.

Read book of Matthew.

I love this one, fuckin lol.

Same discord link as the guy saying he was going to do a shooting like 2 weeks ago. You mossady bois are getting sloppy