Cortez with only 1500 men capture empire of 25 million

... Yet allegedly, "US can't defeat Iran, Iran is too big and populous to be invaded."

Only the capital city of Tehran needs to be taken, capturing the top mullahs in a lightening strike, and putting one of them on TV to tell the rest of the nation to stand-down.

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Other urls found in this thread:

No self-respecting person wants war with Iran.

The US couldn't even defeat third world sub-human rice farmers wearing straw hats, at the peak of their super power status.

This isn't 40K and the US Marines aren't Space Marines.

We would easily destroy the iranian state and military. The hard part is sticking around and trying to bring civilization to mudshits

>and putting one of them on TV to tell the rest of the nation to stand-down.
oh wow, and then what? the entire country swears fealty to israel and everyone lives happily ever after?

We infect them with the gay and they become reliant on aids medicine to survive.


Cortés had horses, epidemics, gunpowder, steel,Christ and a lot of native allies at his side. The Aztecs had enemies, superstition and a weak emperor at theirs.


>Amerimutt understanding of history
Do 10 minutes of the simplest research on the Spanish conquest and you'll find out that over 99% of the Spanish forces were indigenous allies.

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t. Iranian retard living in germany who mistakes our hate for jews as a love for iran a country full of arabic rapebaby mudshits with no semblance of ancient Persia

dude if anybody is getting infected with the gay its us, i mean lets be real about that.

Destroying the Iranian military and government would be accomplished in weeks. It only took us three days in Iraq.
Trying to bring order and create our own puppet government is where we would fail and the power vacuum we would create would likely be more detrimental.

OP is right. This will work. We did this in Iraq and everything turned out peachy.

t. humorless muzzie

What a try hard fed. You try so hard to fit in and you still stand out as a Shabbos goy.

Geography is against you

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I know hence why we would control the aids medicine supply and why we could easily infect them.

>gets kim chi'd
>gets riced
>gets lambed
>gets kebabed
>now he wants to get saffroned

Israel can take them then. Great point!

who were totally useless in any actualy fighting. but yeah they helped in supply lines and things like that, and allying them instead of fighting them meant not overwhelming the spanish with shear numbers

Thank you for posting this
Too many brainless just think “hurr fly helicopter over it we be fine with no tanks or infantry vehicles”

No, that would be us. I think there's something in the water

i fail to see how it would be easy since they throw homos from rooftops and put you in prisons\ if you try to spread homosexual propaganda.

Pizzaro did it too - with about 200 men he captured the entire Inca Empire simply by capturing the emperor's palace.
A lightening strike that takes out the mullahs will leave the Iranians with no other leaders to mount a resistance.

We're being destroyed by Mexico.
Is this Cortez guy available for contract work?

Fucking retards think Iran is all plains, Baluchistan is the only way we are getting in, and they would have to march through deserts of nothing for miles to reach anything.

Join the Marines Shlomo, so you can show your fellow Yids how tough your are getting shot at.

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for what purpose? why would we even want that pile of dirt? are we going to invest resources into it?

they thought the Spanish were with dat nigga Quetzalcoatl and basically gave their shit away

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>and they would have to march through deserts of nothing for miles to reach anything.
go to bed Crassus. its 2019 we have cars

Cortez made an alliance with the Aztec's enemies.

in other words, he had help from thousands of native warriors.


>Cortez with only 1500 men capture empire of 25 million
lmao Cortez and his men were also basically plague knights that killed 90% of the population without even touching them

Goy we need to protect the promise land, all goys must serve this glorious cause to protect yisrael

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Throwing aids infected homos from roofs is dangerous since the resulting splatter is a biohazard.


>it’s the current year
>breakdowns don’t exist and logistics is irrelevant

Your military is so incompetent that we had to take control of your bases in Iraq.

you have to add imposing its religion and without knowing the language, also they were less than 1500 spanish men

Cortez had hundreds of thousands of native allies who went to his side because the Aztec's were dicks. Not to mention by the the time he conquered the capital oft he Aztecs various diseases had spread and killed a big chunk of the country, including some of his allies. Also I don't give a shit if it's easy or hard to beat Iran, I don't want to waste a single drop of blood on another stupid war.

>Cortez with only 1500 men capture empire of 25 million
What an epic adventure. God was with him

You left out the the fact that ALL of the american empires were decimated by pandemic. Also cortez had unlimited funding. Still embarrassing though.

Teharan is only 60 miles south of Caspian Sea - quickly crossable by US forces from Azerbaijan.

Based Bowling Shane user

>take control of your bases in Iraq

Friendly fire retards


I recommend Victor Davis Hanson's Carnage and Culture if you want to know more about how 25 million mexiniggers could be conquered by so few Castilians and their Toledo steel.

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>tfw you were born too late to go on the greatest adventure in human history
>tfw you were born at a time when the big issue for society isnt exploring to world but if dudes in drag get to go potty with little girls or not

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1500 armed men with hundreds of thousands of native allies

Russians would help the Iranians, and you are forgetting how mountainous the terrain is and how are we going to supply them when passage through the Black Sea would be hard, also would the Georgians be cooperating, you are asking for a lot even when Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan declined to help if a conflict arose. So, get the fuck off this Image board officer John with the FBI, wanting a war on behalf of Israel.

>tfw you will never have a toledo steel sword

They only defected to the Spanish in earnest because of how godlike they appeared in battle.
When Portuguese armor and guns washed up on the shores of Japan it set in motion the end of the Waring states period and the consolidation of the entire nation under a single Shogun. They were only a few hundred years behind the west technologically.
The Spaniards vs the Aztecs? They may as have actually been gods. Stone arrowheads against European plate? They may as well be immortal. What tries to get across to people is the psychological devastation such an imbalance of power would have had on the natives.

The thing that freaked them out the most were horses. They thought Spaniards were some kind of mythical centaur creatures

All we'd need to do is cut them off from the gulf

If US ignores rules of war, they probably wouldn't have had much trouble with any of their wars.

Don't you have sexual reassignation operations to perform on your soldiers? Let Iran alone ffs

Hernán Cortes' story and the Conquest of Mexico are honestly remarkable, he shouldn't have been able to do what he did, but circumstances and people aligned at the right time and right place for him. Not to imply it was just luck, his leadership played a big part too. I hope at least one of the movie/TV productions that I've read about that are to coincide with the 500th anniversary is good.

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So incompitant that two of your presidents literally begged us to help in the nam war.
>"‘Lyndon Johnson is begging me even to send a bagpipe band to Vietnam’, Harold Wilson told his Cabinet in December 1964."

As also our Marines train your marines

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Bullshit. If the US actually wanted to destroy a country we could trash whatever we wanted. However, when we want topple genocidal dictators while avoiding killing civilians or committing other warcrimes and can't change the economy to support this anymore because muh free market, it gets a little bit more difficult.

you are not cortez, israel is, deal with it

Nah, The only thing the US cares about is keeping the Industrial Military Complex running and profitable.

Lmao. That's it? Beats a swap or jungle.

I thought this was going to roll into our inability to secure our own border, but you rant about kike shit, not sure if a traitor or not

Fuck off neocon. Status your tricks: exposed.

Found the paki. lmao. We will obliterate the Islamic world brick by brick, you nigger. We will rid ourselves of the semites eventually as well.

good idea jacob, but lets send jewish boys to take it.

enough anglos have died for your people

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So basically they singlehandedly BTFO'd the tlaxcalan's and then forced them to join and that diminishes their success how?

Let's just keep destroying every government in the whole region and reroll until we get Natty 18s.


I think you should learn something about Iran.

They don't call the mountain ranges the "walls of Iran" for nothing you know.

It will make Iraq look like a walkover.

The only vulnerable bit is the south west, which is literally a swamp.

They're actually by and large a very humorous people, as far as my experience. If he's humorless, he may actually be a German.

>t. Muslim

>Cortez with only 1500 men capture empire of 25 million

They had local help you fucking retard

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Cortez also had the help of thousands and thousands of other natives from different tribes and the diseases helped kill many natives

>Cortez also had the help of thousands and thousands of other natives from different tribes and the diseases helped kill many natives
He btfo'd them, forcing them to join him.

And it was Spain that ruled Mexico, not the tlaxcalans.

Still kind of impressive. Imagine landing with a handful of ayys in East Germany in 1950 and being like " lmfao fuck Russia bros, amiright?" and then leading all of eastern Europe to curb stomp Moscow. Maybe not as impressive as murdering every Russian with your bare hands by yourself, but still. People would talk.

Yah that’s because Cortez had rebellious vassals and fucking guns against a bunch of nudest with hatchets, even the dumbest general would realize that scorched earth and guerrilla tactics would fuck up our supply lines

not to mention the diseases the Europeans brought to the continent.
It could be called unintentional bio-warfare.

>This isn't 40K
why live?

Back then europeans weren't lead by their worse enemies

No self-respecting person gives a shit about anything but themselves. It just so happnes that my best insterests dove-tail with countersignaling these war drums. I don't give a fuck about the people of the Levant. I want nothing to do with them. At all.

apparently that's some shit the spanish priests invented after the conquest to justify it

If you oppose violence, fine. But our "best interests" aren't unaligned with having to put our decadent society back on a war footing.

The U.S could absolutely buttfuck Iran ten times over like the initial invasion of Iraq.

We dont want it to happen because it literally only benefits (((them)))

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SHUT UP COWARD...wars are an evil necessity

the cowards in this thread know its not only the jooz but their cowardice


Yeah we kill all the niggas in the hood, good times those...
Now we need to kill murrican mutts again before they turn more to shit the world with his sunnies and his niggas and "latinos" infesting Europe.
Fuck America! I h8 you! My desire is that we never discover you, ever, Because you have to die again mother fuckers niggers.

Die Kike