Is gay conversion possible?

I'm a homosexual who hates the LGBT lifestyle and wants to have a family some day but theresa may banned all gay conversion therapy. I've tried praying to god. trust me I've got down on my fucking knees and begged. has anyone here actually successfully healed themselves of gay or should I just kill myself and go to hell already?

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Do you watch gay porn?

I did when I was a teenager and blue pilled on all that gay pride shit. sinc eIve been red pilled I stopped watching gay porn and have started masturbating in general as little as possible (I'm only human, so Ive got it down to once a week as quickly as possible without porn). Ive tried very hard to be attracted by women but I just can't. very depressing.

IF you believe in Hell, most religions will tell you that you are already half way to being saved.

Perhaps, you should consider the biological harm you do to your body when you take a dick in your ass, or open up some other guy's ass with violent thrusting motions. You are tearing your muscles of your asshole apart and will be shitting in a plastic bag soon. Consider that you are also swallowing sperm that was meant to be the seed of children, and not your source of sexual arousal, you sick fuck! Consider that you are also demonstrating to everyone in the world that you are unnatural, such that, the very nature you have accepted for yourself necessarily results in the death of your entire ancestral history. Consider the STD's, the drugs, the nightmare existence of being truly alone because a complimentary half will never be know because you prefer men. How fucked up are you? Dont commit suicide and go to Hell. Let someone bash your fucking brains in with a baseball bat.

Duterte said it is, therefore it is.

You're so full of shit it's coming out of your ears

trust me my firend I never, ever intend to engage in gay sex. thankfully I was redpilled before I ever lost my virginity and I dont ever intend to act on any gay urges I have. however I fear if I may never be able to raise a family with a nice trad girl because I simply can't get sexually aroused by women. its so frustrating. I try to stay positive but its hard not to go full doomer when I know theres a very strong chance I'll be broken for life. at the very least I am no longer doing any more damage to myself. I have stopped watching gay pornography, which is pure evil btw knowing what I know now and remembering the acts I have witnessed. at the very least I will live a life of celibacy and fight wherever I can for the survival of my people as a bachalor. but it breaks my heart that I'll never know the joy of fatherhood and that my male peers will never fully respect me (most can tell a homosexual from a straight guy given enough time and will, rightfully, judge you for it). I've put my faith in god now. I'm just really sad and desperate to become normal.

why would I lie about this? what do I have to gain?

yes, it's called a .45 acp

fair enough. but I'll ask you this: who amoung us hasnt been jewed in some way or another?

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You say you quit watching porn, this is the right path. Pray sincerely. and if you can get your hands on Testosterone, use it.

also I dont have a loisence. at best I can scrape myself to death with my butterknife.


Why dont you just stay in the closet when you find a reasonable woman to settle down with who doesn't wanna fuck all the time and just close your eyes and think of boipussy when your having sex so you can cum?

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I'll pray for you user.

Try an extreme parasite cleanse OP.

I thank you for your genuine response. I'll keep praying. I already feel like I'm much better than I was before. I have made a very religious friend who tells me that most of us are possessed by demons who act through us. and only with dedication to god can we be exorcised of these demons. having been raised in an atheist household this all seemed a little crazy at first but what did my atheism get me? gayness and depression. definitely putting my faith in god. I was just really hoping there was a chance someone might give some inspirational story about making it through the tunnel and emurging a happy straight father of 9 or some shit. but, eh, that was always a long shot. I just have to remain a willing vessel for god to work through me and eventually I'll be saved. atleast I hope so.

Of course it is possible, it dosn't violate any physical laws.

Hook up with a ugly hairy bitch.

I don’t think green is a good colour on you. user, wants to turn his life around and have a family. Why are you being such a dick? Or is it because for every dude off the market you have to fuck less variety?

>I've tried praying to god

Alright, next step is to fight your temptations. God doesn't take the temptations away, but he never temps us beyond what we can overcome. You may never lose the feelings, but you can choose to not act on them.

This OP
Make her swallow.
Women are an aquired taste if it wasn't for reproduction everybody would be gay

>take unnecessary hormones if your gay

Definitely a bad idea. Testosterone is FAR from being a gayness cure. Just makes a gay person hornier, more muscular. This should be common knowledge in the 21st century. Hormonal therapy for gays has been tried long long time ago before any of us were born. It didn’t work, so then they would just chemically castrate faggots with estrogen.
To help with your “gay conversion” which likely never will be complete... just always remember. Masculinity is not toxic. And the bottom line is, if you have sex with men it is a disease ridden and unwholesome lifestyle. If you want me to put it in good perspective for you think of me a straight man who is loyal to his wife. Never cheated, I’m a father who is present in my children’s lives. I always have the urge to sleep with and fuck other women’s brains out like crazy. I have the urge to grab breasts and woman’s asses everywhere. This would also be a very unwholesome lifestyle. It is not something a responsible father does. As for you... your just resisting the urge to be gay... and I guess trying to be attracted to women. You will get there or at least be able to father children or die trying. Viagra if need be. Don’t let stereotypes get to you either if your effeminate and small statured you can still be an outstanding father. We aren’t animals we are human we are beyond being slaves to our instincts.

user, you have two ways to deal with this. The first is to accept you are gay but that the gay culture and lifestyle are incompatible to you. You are alone in a straight man's world, and it is a life you feel you cannot live. But the alternative is to descend into a life you hate, one which will do nothing but chew you up. And do you must resolve to live the straight life, because the gay life is unthinkable.
The second way to look at this is to realize that though you are gay and desire men, you also want a lifestyle that can only be provided by liking women. You have two desires, and if you want to be happy, you must give yourself wholeheartedly to what you have chosen, and reject what burdens you.

No offense user but this is kind of lame desu. I'm also a homosexual who hates the LGBT lifestyle and pride shit but as a result I just avoid the extreme degeneracy. If you're a top, take a traditional boy who wants to live like a 1950s housewife as yours. If you're a bottom, become a housewife and find yourself a based patriarch to be the lord of your household.

No fucking tranny shit though that's degenerate.

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Just adopt a child.

This doesn’t solve the problem. Still is an unwholesome male on male pretend lifestyle. Does not produce children or a loving family.
Still degenerate. Even if you have eliminated the pride and tranny stuff

>Conversion therapy
You mean salvation.

Anyone can do it, even you.
If you honestly want to be saved from your degeneracy...
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. Repent. Turn away from your sin and toward Jesus.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for your sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

There is no hope apart from Jesus.

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Sodomy is punishment for denying God as creator.
Read Romans chapter one.

We all sin. In you, it boiled out as gayness.
In some of us, it is wrath and other lusts.

Many suffer from pride.
Gossip and talebearing are two of the most denounced sins in the bible, and the most popular in the world.

We have all earned hell.
Living waters YouTube channel walks people through the beginning step of salvation very well.

After that, you pick up your bible and LEARN!
Chuck Missler's Learn the Bible in 24 Hours is a great introduction on YouTube. has a good daily, verse by verse bible study.

Here's some TLDR

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Idk maybe I'm bluepilled but I don't really see a proper and upright gay couple as degenerate in itself. I courted a maid boy bf from bongland and I intend to live as the man of my house. Still not entirely sure how I feel about two man raising a child but if it ever happens raising him as a degenerate would be the greatest shame of my life.

Fren-to-fren, I would say that some things might not be entirely changeable. Regardless, I hope you either succeed in kicking the gay since it seems to be a genuine aim.

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A maid boy?
Like a pretty boy who dresses like a girl has a tiny dick and takes it up the ass?
And you want to raise a kid with a make believe female??

Marry a lesbian, srsly. Then go and have side pieces but be seen in public as a heterosexual marriage. That's the solution. I don't know if sexuality can be changed or not, but nobody knows for sure, if it can so just get yourself a beard and do the best you can.

Practice celibacy and no fap for a year. And after that only allow yourself to cum to women.

you know you're prbably right. theres a girl in my study group who most guys dont touch because she has acne and wears glasses but she has the hots for me, my friends tell me she does anyway. I should probably just close my eyes and think of england when the time comes. but I guess sex outside of marriage is degenerate anyway so I should find a nice girl willing to wait and have lights out sex for the purposes of baby making only.

well, wanted to believe that for a while too. but the fact is that firstly, all gay men tend to be especially promiscuous so there are very few that would even aspire to this kind of relationship. secondly even if I did find a trad guy who shares my politics, a child should not be raised in a household without a mother or they will be more likely to develop emotional problems. a child needs a mother and a father to grow up right. the nuclear family unit is something I believe in strongly and I ultimately aspire to be a part of a propper family of my own. and if I cant I wont risk the welfare of a child in an unnatural family. it wouldnt be right on the child to o that to it just for my own selfish needs. also I want a child of my own genes. not just someone else's. thats not possible between two men.

yeah, jesus died for our sins after all. as long as I accept him as my saviour with an honest heart I should be saved. its just hard sometimes, but like others have said its hard for everyone at times to live up to the standards set for us. all we can do is try our best and open ourseles up to god and let him do the rest. I truly do believe that.

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I hate women too user, but hairy ass men dont attract me.

Have you tried not being gay?

>ITT braindead Christcucks pretending like praying will, or has ever done fucking anything
OP can pray to sky fag all he’d like, God can suck my cock and I’m still straight, LOOOOOOOOOOL.

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believe me I've tried. I dont even hate women. I love the idea of having a trad girl housewife, making myself enough money to buy us a little cottage in thr countryside and raising a large family with her there. I want to be attracted to them. its just doesnt happen for me. I'm not an expert and I dont know whether its a gay gene or something my parents did wrong but my biological urges point towards guys and women dont even get me a twitch down there. its a very bad situation to find yourself in.

Then he would be living a lie

OP, it's really easy. Just don't commit sodomy. It doesn't matter what kind deranged fetishist you are, just don't do it. Boohoo, you like dicks. Nobody cares you fucking faggot. People don't murder others just because they feel like it, and so man doesn't suck dick for the same reason. Do you not have self control? Are you an animal? Grow up.

well what else do you suggest? I'm all ears. do I just accept my fate? aspiring to christian principles has got me to quit gay porn (something which seemed impossible at first), cease all ideas of persuing a gay relationship and has given me someone to talk to when I feel most alone. why should I just abndon all this because muh jew on a pike. you're just spreading pain and sadness because you feel pain and sadness yourself. the "christcucks" atleast try to help people and take people towards a more productive and happy lifestyle.

For example, there are tons of weebs who want to dick anime girls. There are furries who want to dick animal people. And there are IRL deranged retard who want to fuck animals, corpses, tables, etc. Decent human beings get by through setting aside their fetishes and doing their duty. What's wrong with you that your fetish becomes your entire life? Why do faggots/leftists become like this? If you have trouble living life just because you can't indulge your fetish, then go fuck yourself.

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The christcucks only attempt to help others as a means of perpetuated their kike religion. Nobody can help you other than yourself. This is a journey you must embark on by yourself, as a man. Life is one giant fucking shit sandwich, and we all have to take a bite, so it’s about time you take yours and figure this shit out.

If you're really serious about it, find a fetish your brain is inclined towards, look for exclusively heterosexual instances of it. You want to develop neural pathways where your brain actually can find women sexually attractive and the fetish is the leverage to adapt yourself. You're not trying to become straight, but bi.

Lots of risks to becoming a degenerate, but it's the plausible way to do it.


just watch the directors cut of Pink Flamingos and shut up

it's a mental disorder user, keep strong and find yourself a white woman, the feeling of being inside a woman will turn you straight.

Read the Bible
Pray everyday (not just once ffs)
Obviously don't kill yourself
Stay away from homofaggotry

Cringe and cuckpilled

this is actually a really good post. I'd never though of it like this before. we all have to make compromises. I mean when you put it like that, there is a large section of men who would, for their first choice, fuck a drawing of a girl or a drawing of a fox before they'd touch a real women. but they set that aside to get the job done. what I have to do is set aside my preference for a real man and fuck a real woman. that's gotta be equal to if not easier a transition than a drawing of a fox to a real women. when I first read this I thought it was a shitpost, but its actually a really decent post with a really decent point. I need to man up and set aside my fetishes to do what needs to be done. we all have to do it.

well, maybe. but I thik theres parts of chritianity we can all take to heart and learn from even if we dont want to believe anything significant happened with some jew in jerusalem 2000 years ago. christianity teaches us to fight our temptations for a greater purpose. christianity teaches us that we will all make it if we genuinelyfight degeneracy the best we can. christianity teaches us that the (((satanists))) have to be watched out for for their pushing of degeneracy anti-christian values. the fact is, if you dont want to believe all the supernatural elements, I really dont blame you. I was in there with the atheism shit, believe me. but I think that dismissing all help on the basis of christian values as "christcuckery" is just counterproductive and needless creation of conflict. the "christcucks" have only tried thwir best to help someone who was in need (me) and assuming they only did so out of some kikey attempt to spread their religion is just annoying and wrong.

user, did you have a cunty/overbearing mother and a beta/non-existent father?

All mental illnesses can be cured to some degree, if the subject really wants to be cured.
Ultimately, it's all up to you.

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it's all in your head. it's similar to addiction or other conditions caused by traumas.
you need to become a shaman to heal yourself.
try shoving shome shrooms up your ass or eat them like normal people do if you still can.

I actually do have a hetero fetish. I like "strong" women with strong jaws who dont get involved with all that girly shopping at the mall, shaking their arse in clubs and shit. I dont mean feminists when I say this. robin from HIMYM is the girl I've been most attracted to.I have a sort of schoolboy crush on this type of women, probably because they most resemble men. but you know, a womb's a womb. it would most likely be a women like this who I'd finally be able to impregnate, given the chance. but then theres the issue that this level of women is out of my league lmao.

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Honestly myself I think it's fine to be gay. Just don't be like the retarded leftists who participate in gay pride parades.

Don't listen to the idiots who say reading the bible will change you. Never in the history of humanity has adopting a religion fundamentally changed the nature of a man. Will reading the bible turn /a/ lolifags into straight MILF-loving paragons of virtue? No. The bible is just a manual as to how to best live life and save your soul. In the end peoples' nature doesn't change. What changes is your behavior. The whole idea you can "cure" gayness is just as stupid "curing" any other fetish you see on this website. Do you cure footfags? No. The only way I've seen for fetishes to be removed is gradual replacement by other ones through repetitive consumption. That's how people here become attracted to traps and other gay shit. Turning gays into straights is just as dumb as turning THIC-fags into DFC-fags or vice-versa.

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Heterosexuality can be indoctrinated just as easily as homosexuality.

Fuck a female.

>this level of women is out of my league lmao
Hit the gym and/or get a good job, if you are rich enough not even your height will matter. My manlet uncle (5”6) got himself a 6”2 woman after his divorce because he was rich. She had 6 kids from her previous marriage, but that didn’t stop my uncle by siring two sons with her.

Take it from a hetero...
Nothing wrong with her.

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think of ((who)) made you gay in the first place and how disgusting it is, then watch lesbian porn

Start looking at classic vintage pinups and playboys. Less is more. Your brain was infected by the vile cuck porn. Look at the classic pinups from playboy where you are only looking at a woman. No other performer having sex with her. Look up big boobs as well. Get into a woman to have a very well maintained bush. Not a flat chested little girl that goes full Brazilian. That’s not a woman. You wanna stop being gay? Get into women, real women. Anything done enough will condition the mind. You will get into it eventually. Just have a couple naked women on your phone and look at them every once when you’re bored.

You can pull out of this and god will forgive you.

Nice bait OP. I’ll bite. Nobody needs to be “healed” from a sexual preference. You can hate the LGBT lifestyle and still be gay. You can adopt a child and raise them and still be gay. Straight people hate apsects of the straight lifestyle too but a gay person, just like a straight person, must navigate through degeneracy before finding someone worth settling down with. Also just like straight people, gay people may never find that person. Such is life.