Brit/pol/ - MPs love anime edition

>Sadiq Khan: Donald Trump a 'poster boy' for racists

>EU leaders face pressure to deliver on climate change

>Tom Watson on Brexit: ‘Me leave Labour? It’s leaving me’

>Autistic Scottish boy, 13, goes blind after drinking blue water at school where teachers got cancer

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I have never been BTFO
Prove me wrong
Protip: you can’t

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I want to sample OPs waste products

What can we learn from Japan in retaining a sense of national and ethnic identity after the collapse of Empire?

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YOU, stop being a faggot

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Develop weird fetishes and turn over your society to robots

roryfags btfo

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w o o d e n
p r e s s u r e
c a p s

you fucking Cheeselets

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Who the fuck are you? Bet youre a fat cunt.

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that's not a proper cheese you perfumed ponce

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It's the longest day on the 21st lads

It starts getting darker earlier then, just though i'd remind you

Why post the BBC? They are a clearly posed left wing bullshit news media conglomerate and they don’t even have a comment section. Never trust a news article without a comments section, it indicates the authors are afraid of ANY alternative or dissenting opinion than that presented in their propaganda piece.


lol, american tier post. If you had any IQ you would have commented on my Guardian link.

>t. just realised what Midsummer means
you mong

posting again for new bread

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Holy shit Raab is close.

Who honestly believes BloJo would make a good leader? He's a walking disaster area.
>Stewart 31%


Don't listen to the jaded ex virtue signalling nonces who quit after suffering ultimate retardation in inner city shithole schools. Training is tough and you have to survive for a year on no money and pay 9k in fees. But it's fun and once you get a bit of experience, you can work anywhere.

English involves lots of marking outside of school hours, and it's relatively competitive. Depends what degree you did.

Only 6 months to Christmas!

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If not Boris then who? Raab? Too Jewish. Gove? Too slimey and we'd never get Brexit. Hunt? Cunt. Sajid? Muslim. Rory? Back to red.dit.

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>Too Jewish

Really? He's the only fucking guy with a spine. If he disposes of feminism, I don't care if he goes and literally sucks Netanyahu's cock.

Hes an idiot for doing this during an election campaign.

Theres barely any houses for our own citizens so how can we afford to house thousands of refugees? I dont see why it isnt just better to fund refugee centres in Jordan and Turkey.

God, the conservatives of 1800-1945 would be seriously cringing if they saw the state of the conservatives today.

eat more cheese you poofs

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The situation is hopeless...

Mate, wake up. There is about to be a massive dust up with Iran. Because of Israeli false flags. If Raab is top dog, you can get British soldiers are going to die for the kike cause.

you can bet*

>implying they won't anyway because of the US

The establishment shilling for Rory is reaching fever itch which suggests it would be bad news

ffs I still haven't properly stopped drinking from last christmas

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Implying boomers who actually get to choose the next PM would ever read anything other than the Telegraph which has been non-stop shilling for BoJo

Me neither lad. Remember to drink Milk Thistle daily to soothe your liver.

>he still cares about politics
Lol brainlet

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Checked and also true

That's a good-looking cheese.

>I dont see why it isnt just better to fund refugee centres in Jordan and Turkey.
you know why user.

It will be literally nothing as per usual

If there is a war with Iran the world economy will collapse due to a run on oil prices. The Jews and other people who control the money have fear they will pull the puppet strings and NATO will back down

Raab is the most based. He's not really a Jew anyway. Boris is a Muslim by that standard. The media certainly don't want Raab to win, so I'd say he's worth taking seriously. He's gonna struggle to get through to the next round though tbf.

Didn’t you admit in the last thread that you’re literally 12 and your mum regularly convinces you that apple juice is wine?

>midsummer, 21st of June
fucking moron

How does it feel to be hoist by your own petard

will there be any repurcussions?

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Retain a serious competitor to American interests close to your border so the US funds your recovery and have a semi-competent government in charge.
People are more likely to be nationalistic if their nation is doing well economically.

Battle rifles, national carriers, sub props, consitution, royal assent, NK, soicop, abortion. To name a subset. Oh yeah, and brexir leave votes.


is the pill form just as good

For what? Jess Phillips' cuckold is doing his master's bidding.

>pic is a canonical trap with the caption TERF
Is it implying that a canonically trans character is trans-exclusionary? I don't get it. Someone please explain this to a poor weeb. Also revealing that he was a boy in a show about cute girls fucking ruined that show. Fuck trans fags.

Sainsbury's though. Bit poofy. No farmer's market?

I wish I was 12, the innocence of youth again... Sadly I'm t.boomer (30s). Recently made single because women can't be trusted, so wasting my life on Jow Forums again like I did in my early 20s. Don't waste your youth lads. The women who reply to you when you're the wrong side of 30 ain't comfy.

>still not realising it's a bot
It's not on a computer, it is a computer.


i just eat the leaves and flowers raw

buy tudca/nac instead

Then I guess we're fucked and have nothing before us but the continued erasure of our culture, re-writing of our history, and replacement of our race.

you can get pill form from holland barret but it's cheaper to make tea from it.

Calling it now. Raab will do to Boris what Cameron did to David Davis and beat him out of nowhere last minute.

Stick to cheeses you Solcel

Yeah man.

This applies to all of the contenders wtf are you on about m8


Always assumed it was a rope from the expression. Turns out its a bomb or firework. That makes no fucking sense.

I can't see Hunt, Sajid or Rory taking us to war.

Why? Our greatest allies need help.

>Getting blown up by your own grenade
not sure if you meant to reply to me there though

That wasn't what I found when I was 'internet dating'. There were lots of apparently normal and reasonable but lonely girls. But that was 10 years ago.


The ex infantry, member of the special forces association who glowed for the FO in kabul? That rory?

Listing my victories there bucko

Yeh that one. Can't see it.

Fuck off and die you boring cunt, your mum prays daily for it

Boris and Gove are the only ones who've publicly stated that they'll bring in tougher immigration controls. The rest have offered nothing.

Nah she loves me, she tells me every week when I call.

>refugees welcome
faggots all have houses, and he's pandering to them, and he'll secure their votes because they aren't the ones having to worry about becoming homeless
George Soros makes damn sure of that
but I'm glad a traitor is making his treachery known; the more honest conservatives the less electable they become
it's a win-win for me, because I fucking hate the Tories enough to want Labour to win just so they can fuck shit up too and then they'll both be resented by the electorate come 2030 or whenever
I hope that it doesn’t have to come to watching the country burn to the ground; maybe if Brexit Party can replace the bastard Tories and win the next GE, we can start to mitigate some of this already unfolding catastrophe
if not, then chaos is the only way forward

Posturing. It all depends who they get in their cabinet.

>That makes no fucking sense.
it's makes perfect sence

A petard was a breaching charge
"Shakespeare's phrase, "hoist with his own petard", is an idiom that means "to be harmed by one's own plan to harm someone else" or "to fall into one's own trap", implying that one could be lifted (blown) upward by one's own bomb, or in other words, be foiled by one's own plan."


Are you fucking bent? You can add fascist economics to the list of horrific Ls youve taken. Thought a sub prop was a helicopter rotor, kek
>inb4 i was just pretending to be a fat retard.

I imagine they all would.

Whats your favourite film lads?

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Brief Encounter, or Robocop. Can't decide.


Too easy

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That one 2bh, I don't know what it is, but it's my favorite because it looks like it's about gay sailors

Raab wants muh Australian-style points system

Barry Lyndon is pretty good.

But hoist is in no way a sysnonym for blown up. Hoist implies pulled up. Shakespeare should have said fragged by your own petard, the wordlet.


Better than nothing.

>Boris and Gove
not good enough
gove wields a knife openly
boris has his at home which is why he can't attend the debates
both are traitors
both will betray us
take a fucking screenshot

>But hoist is in no way a sysnonym for blown up. Hoist implies pulled up.

Hoist means lifted into the air, hoist by your own petar/explosives, you pisskettle

maybe 'hoist' as in send into the air by the petard

I mean if Brexit happens and the EU quickens its consolidation and tries to throw its weight around, it could become a competitor against American interests though there's no chance of us having a solid government and the EU would have to become a police state overnight or a threat to Israel for us to receive funding from the US as it is now. .

Yeah, it is. He said he wants to "substantially reduce" immigration as well, but who knows what that means these days. He's the only one who wants to end equality and diversity quotas and all that nonsense though so he's my guy regardless.

why are there so many scots everywhere?

Even that wont help the self-hatred and demographic replacement.

open borders

>hoist, verb: raise (something) by means of ropes and pulleys.

Was the grenade on the end of a rope then?

Explain your reasoning please desu

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