Shit's being slid at an accelerating rate; I used to be an atheist; delved into gnostism; now I am feeling closer to...

Shit's being slid at an accelerating rate; I used to be an atheist; delved into gnostism; now I am feeling closer to god and that we are going to be fighting literal demons soon (chink organ harvesters and pedo elites.)

The internet is being purged; we need to archive and save all info we find relevant.

A couple of months ago I saw some posts and some videos on how space x was literally using a rocket fuel recipe from the dead sea scrolls; it was legit part of their powerpoint presentation.

I google it and find this shit.

Anyone know what I am talking about? We all need to archive it now.

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Other urls found in this thread:


based and finalredpilled
sadly the 10 days of darkness there will be no internet user
it's useless

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Icon of sin go back to sleep its not the fall ages yet.

The icon of sin shit posts on Jow Forums? My nigga you better be in doom eternal. Like no joke.

If you didnt find to Jesus then you didnt get close to God at all. Just saying.

>c'mon goys, look at the topics I mentioned. Be a gnostic also.
Shut up retard

>he fell for the kike zombie meme

If you believe that you will be fighting literal demons soon then perhaps you are on the wrong side

All hermetic arts are sciences masked through metaphors. It's translating the metaphors that's challenging because only the black magician elites have the proper Keys.

Alchemy is real and it's more than just chemistry

It's exactly this kind of racist, uncalled for bullshit that gives /Pol and white people a bad name. You know people from the media come here and report on stuff like this, right?

every time you post a thread you're an ambassador of the right-wing, please try to be more responsible from now on.

Big deal. The world is full of satanic stuff that people shouldn't have any part of. Go back to your DnD larping.

>sadly the 10 days of darkness there will be no internet user
shit i better download some games and programming language and library manuals.

BItcoin was an ancient algorithm.

Alchemy is literally just transmuting thoughts into actions. Literally 'the secret' tier shit.

shut up nigger and go kill yourself, whether you are serious or just fishing for (you)s

Where do you begin reading about alchemy? Is that in the hermetica?

other way around, modern science is masked hermetic principles. Modern technology is basically magic. The electrictiy powering it is the same that animates your mind and body through neural impulses. The circuits become sigils, the spells becomes the coding or input. Processors even use Quartz crystals, and we stare at (liquid) crystal (displays) the entire day.

There is a practice of scrying, where you watch a reflective surface, usually a dark one, a black mirror, in dim flickering light until you gain visions. Smartphones and TVs are exactly such black mirrors.

This world is made up of patterns>pater>father who is in heaven who/which created everything. Hermeticism/Alchemy watches these patterns, which manifest all throughout creation in different ways. Opposites attract another is a think in electro magnetics, particle physics (matter and anti matter making boom), sociology etc. Finding these patterns enables you to make predictions on how stuff will interact, and science is simply using this patterns.

However dont think God is merely that, the patterns, the creation, the governing laws of physics and such. He is all that, but also more and concious and caring.

Fail pasta. Nothing I said was ravist. Get killed faggot. I have every tight to tell the icon of sin to go back to sleep because he isn't supposed to be shit posting of necropolis wifi in the fucking titan realm at this hour.

This thread here is pretty much all i have on satanism, gnosticism, masonry, alchemy, symbolism and so on. I tried to give references to the stories and symbolism as much as possible so that which isnt sourced is easily searched for, and tried to write in a way where you dont need prior knowledge and can read the posts independent of another, meaning you can read a post further down without having to read all the previous ones. is the follow up thread. the OP links pretty much all my relevant posts from the earlier one so you dont have to search through

* off

Have some rainbows, user!

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* Schizo Warning *


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you really need to get the fuck out. christkike boomer faggot.

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we're unironically raided by the CIA right now
something's up
they try to avert attention

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There's a reason why that shit is kept secret. Keep's people from panicking and keeps people from going insane.

did you even read this? their using NASA's technology to read the scrolls, not that the scrolls were read and gave NASA new technology.
holy shit you are retarded

Kind of a chicken or the egg scenario that renders the debate useless. But you're right! It doesn't really matter which came first, but modern science lacks the spiritual grounding of the ancient hermetic sciences. God is the Monad and the All. The union of entropy and the Order that manipulates it, the synthesis of Apollo and Dionysus, something that is naturally trinitarian and yet One. The universe reflects itself fractally because a fractal is the most efficient pattern to store information. The question we will soon be facing won't be "Can we get AI to think?" But instead "Can we create an artificial soul?"

The Kyballion is a good start for a basic gestalt, it'll set you on the right path to do the research for yourself.

Hermetic principles are no more evil than electrons or protons. There are just simple truths about the way the universe organizes itself, but I do concede that the knowledge is kept secret and manipulated by bad actors who want to use the power of that knowledge for literal evil. That's why the mystery cults were secret by the way, not because they were evil but because they were good. The original hermeticists were attempting to safeguard the ancient knowledge from the kinds of entities that currently have it thanks to the intervention of the Vatican and US government. Yes, most people you meet with these occult interests are inclined to be evil, but the information came from very good people who wanted to protect it.

Vengeance Is Mine, I Will Repay; pussy stormweenie faggot.

Why not the fbi? why not the nsa? why not the cia? Why not use these agencies built around code breaking, recovering documentation, etc....Why nasa? Again, this wasn't the article I am looking for. I am looking for the black sludge tesla/spacex powerpoint.

All you'll need is guns and a compiler.

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Obviously its not evil itself, but it easily leads to an ego and pride and this leads to evil. Even more so when we see that all the way we use it is the corrupted version of it. One good symbol for this is Baphomet.

baphomet is the perverted embodiment of the unification of opposites what God seperated in the beginning is united back, destroying the duality, like it was done with 9/11 symbolically

body of man, and head of the beast, female tits and a male dick, the dark and the bright moon, pointing above and below, the head forming a hexagram (afaik usually associated with the material and the world) and a pentagram (afaik the spirit). weirdly a goat isnt among the animals associated with saturn.
The Goat symbolism likely comes from Capricorn, the zodiac that Saturn (associated with Moloch, just like Baal, Cronus (eating his own children like Molochs childsacrifices) and of course satan) rules.
So they push trannies to bring this bullshit to the next level, and yes, most of the higher ups are trannies to exactly for that reason

Also it basically underlies the believe that there is no good or evil, that all comes from God, and that (((they))) merely embrace the side of creation others deem ugly and which Christ told us to reject and overcome and follow the spirit instead, pursuing the flesh, embracing the beast In example while normal unification of male and female results in new life being born, thus being a unification of life and creation trannies are the same principle, unification of male and female. but their endresult is infertility and usually suicide. they are a unification of death and destruction. a mocking of Gods creation and order

Supposedly the priesthood of moloch all got their dick cut off and dressed in drag, but i didnt really confirm that yet.

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Similary there is a german scientist from the Nazi era, Victor Schauberger who thought the best way to create something is by copying nature. His motto was "Natur kapieren und kopieren" "Understand nature and copy it".
Furthermore he stated that there are 2 fundamental principles which all technology underlies. The first one is the one we use for our technology. Explosion and pushing stuff around. think of the explosion in engines, how it produces pressure to push the car onward. bombs which are quite literally explosion. The electrons in our technology getting pushed through the wires by the pressure of the remaining electrons behind them. Fission reactors "exploding" atoms to create energy, similar to how coalburning works, destroying the raw material.
The other principle is the natural one which we should try to copy instead of what we use now. Implosion, which pulls everything. think of the gravity pulling everything together. The sun using fusion to create energy. Or even simpler, take a heavy block and push it. it woll most likely edge on the ground and block itself from moving needing more energy to move. If you pull it however it will glide smothly over the ground. He believed these to principles to be at work all around us.
Imagine the leader of a country staying at home and "pushing" his soldiers into battle. He will need propaganda to justify it, have to use force in some cases to get them there and threaten severe punishment for people to participate. However if the leader decides to fight on the front himself most people will follow him out of free will, because its apparently important enough that he himself is willing to risk his life, and is thus pulling the others into battle with a lot less effort.

Here a thread from another user on Schauberger and his believes

Thank you German user. If you're who I think you are then you've been doing this for at least a year now and your research has been a prime influence in helping me improve my life.

Keep up the good work, their symbolism will be their undoing. You can't abuse the system forever! What they've taken they will inevitably pay back, serves them right for not understanding the principles and thinking they could magically improve their life without self sacrifice

Im happy if anyone could draw use from it, and while i do like the compliments i feel its somewhat undeserved. I get my info from other anons mostly and merely put it together. Without them, and of course God bringing them into the right threads, i probably would barely have anything if anything at all if i would have gotten interested through them in the first place.

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I'm glad you're here, actually, I think I've found something that will really help accelerate our collective egregore we've been building.

There's this (admittedly insane schizo type) guy named Lucien Khan whose old blog I recently discovered. Through his insane obsession with numbers, it appears that he's cracked the code of the numerical identity of God, the hidden 216 digit name of Metatron that is the very Seed of Life. It looks like he's been stagnating since 2015 and maybe isn't around any more or has gone completely insane, but his work spoke for itself even though I was highly suspicious of it. I think you would have a lot to learn from it. While I think this guy might be crazy, I think his work needs to see the light of day. He doesn't seem to be familiar with the occult implications of his work so he has nowhere to go with this information, but I think if it enters the mainstream discussion here and on the kind of threads you create, it could definitely spark a further revelation in more people.

I'd be very interested in hearing what you have to say about this

checked. Can you give me a rundown on his stuff? its kind of late and i go to bed in a while so i wont be reading through any heavy lecture today i guess, but if you tell me what its about in more detail or give an example i may can give some input.

Unironic grug brain. Day of the rope is coming and you will not be spared

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Basically, it seems as if this guy cracked the very pattern of life. Using numbers derived from the fibonacci sequence, he was able to perfectly complete Metatron's cube using 216 numbers that are often referred to as the "secret name of God". Its kind of hard to explain, but you see the numbers start to repeat themselves in a very specific pattern, and when you take it to its conclusion you have the Seed of Life / Metatrons Cube. Basically he synthesized Sacred Geometry with the secrets revealed through Jewish Gematrian Numerology, and everything fits together shockingly well. It's basically a Magic Square taken to an absurd degree, the Magic Square of all Magic Squares.

Combined with what this guy, Geordie Rose (a quantum computing mogul) has to say about the soul and AI, it seems that information repeats itself fractally along a very specific, hidden pattern. I am starting to suspect that Lucien Khan cracked that pattern, and that if this information gets to where it needs to be then we will start witnessing some truly incredible things.

kk weeb

the fractal nature of reality is something i believe myself. And as I said the various patterns do repeat another in various ways throughout creation. Metatrons cube is such a pattern and as such should happen to appear in various ways elsewhere
Shows for example how the seemingly random primenumbers can be predicted by shining a laser onto a crystal, having these numbers "magically" appear in the pattern created by the laser.
As such I dont doubt that the cube itself can be found in numerological patterns as well. I only see it sceptical to apply any "secret names" to God. As far as I can tell God doesnt have a name, merely titles and things to be described with.
>13Then Moses asked God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is His name?’ What should I tell them?” 14God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” 15God also told Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The LORD, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’ This is My name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered in every generation

Also it seems to imply that this is all God is, just that numerological pattern, unconcious and uncaring when it would be but one manifestation of his. And that is something i feel happens a lot. Someone finds a pattern in the creation, then sees this as God in his wholeness when it is but a part leading to the view that God is simply the world and nothing more ultimately leading to satanism when brought to its conclusion

Serious question: how do we prevent being disappeared when they begin looking into their already obtained catelogues of info to find the people that have researched various buzzwords? They already have all the info they need. Now they are getting close to having the technology that can search and sort it all. Soon they will be making lists of those that research various things. If you have spent time search pizzagate, bengazi, 911 are going to vanish

why would you not want to get dissappeared?

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This. Gnosticism is just another babylon mystery demon cult thingymajiggy. Not far from satanism. Instead of searching for knowledge, OP should search for Jesus.

OP here I am implying i moved beyond gnostism like I moved beyond atheism. God is christ is the holy spirit

the only way gnosticism can save you is by making you realize that God exist and that Jesus is him. All roads lead to rome like all logic leads to God. But often the path of gnosticism make people prideful and full of their ego preventing them from that last realization.

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lmao try to find some vegas shooting footage
aside from like 1 or 2 videos that dont show shit, you cant find it.

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The paths may cross at different points, but aren't going the same way. It is imperative to walk the right one when given the chance. I'm glad on your and OPs behalf, and pray that you don't choose wrong if paths should cross again.