Funding NASA

Why the hell are we funding these guys? They haven’t done anything legit for almost 3 decades. Every other industry or government program has been expanded to hell and back but BASA just takes money and gives us nothing.

>trust nasa and give them bullionsa year in taxes goyim
>they went to the moon
>you’re not a moon landing denying conspiracy theorist are you
>only loners and incels doubt the government tells the truth

Attached: EEE5DCA5-B835-4D48-8053-2AD5E4DACAB9.jpg (640x336, 87K)

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Those are the inner boots on the left. The outer boots left the print.

outer boots:

Attached: aerhaerhaerh.png (682x516, 615K)

>when people believe humans went to the moon over 50 years ago, multiple times, yet can’t even attempt a manned mission today.

Attached: 3C6C42FE-1F68-4788-9EC3-9F7EE6244F40.gif (360x240, 1.83M)

Isn't it a fucken-nothing slice of your budget
Aren't they revving their engines up for lunar bases

>billions a year
>trillions in debt
>nothing slice

We’d be better of pocketing it

>let's make a strawman argument
>we prove that it was wrong
take that rational people, (((nasa))) always wins


It's a cover for your real space program, which is all about spy satellites.

A good example is the Hubble telescope.
Which is a smaller version of a class of spy satellites build for the secret service.

op is a fag

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