Anyone else here off the Trump train?
Anyone else here off the Trump train?
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nope, kys faggot
yeah, he turned out to be a faggot
get back on faggot
No wall no vote
still no wall, yang really sounds better right now
I'm going to vote for him again and not judge his performance until he leaves the White House.
Just think about all the butthurt if he wins again. That alone is reason to vote for him.
I can't believe how betrayed I would feel if I: 1 lobbied for a president that promised to build a border wall and didn't. 2 Built a border wall because he didn't using fellow conservatives via crowdfunding. 3 Had my wall LOCKED OPEN by Trump's government
>glowing this hard
Nice slide thread
>buy my book while niggers seed my infertile womb
Doesn't matter what my options is because he has already won for 2020.
No, Discord tranny, because the alternatives are infinitely worse.
Yeah, he's a cuck faggot, but honestly he was a cuck faggot almost from day 1, so it seems weird that it would take 2.5 years for people to see it
As trump keeps cucking until 2020, you will see more and more people asking what was the fucking point of electing trump.
I hate trump even more than I hate Obama because Obama was never supposed to be a good guy. Trump ran as Mr. America
>Implying Mann Coulter has a womb and not a feminine penis.
>listening to anything media whore Coulter has to say
but why?
trump has done so many great things for israel and more will come
>Real MAGA has never been tried before!
Anyone claiming to be "off the Trump train" in a new thread every 15 min was never on it to begin with.
I'm not very happy with what he's done (or more accurately not done), but do I really have an alternative?
>so mad at the point she made about the wall and him not keeping his promises and sucking up to the elite that you can't even quote the correct post
>Anyone else here off the Trump train?
At this point, it's up to us. We have to get the word out that LGBT intails extermination or we're cooked. We have to point out also that China is probably playing a part in destroying the west or we're cooked.
West is consuming itself. That needs to stop. We need to manage some amazing memes and fix society.
We need true conspiracy theories primarily, because those are the only things that gie people an incentive to give a damn (which is why elites push so hard to distract from them)
Yes indeed shill. I'm riding with Biden. You've sold me.
Now go collect your commission and fuck off.
>Drumpf didnt fix 5 decades of problems in less than 2 years
>May as well vote democrat
No, Rabbi. Fuck off
Accelerate this shit!
You're going to get pillowed by a nigger boomer!
>5 decades
At the very minimum. It's a total shit show thanks to jews
yes fellow MAGApede, now I'm Riden with Biden
>Accelerate this shit!
>You're going to get pillowed by a nigger boomer!
Actually acceleration will just lead to extermination, probably by China.
it's not that he didn't fix the problems,he made them fucking worse, memelord
I supported trump from day 1, and before 2017 was even over I had seen enough. Back in 2017 I predicted the rest of his presidency would be just as shitty and cucky...2 years later I'm still 100% right
The chankuros don't have the force projection to get across the pacific and the American Empire going down will just be the first domino to fall before taking the rest of the world out for a reset too.
>strawman bullshit
The truth is that Trump has actually allowed things to get worse than it was under Obama
So really the situation is
>Trump took 5 decades of kike corruption and made it worse by adding 2.5 years of kikery in overdrive
Well hmmm, I wonder why people arent happy with Trump, you faggot.
Trump hasn't just failed to fix decades of problems, he made them worse. Yay
When someone promises to fix something and they just make it worse, it's usually in your interest to move on to someone else
>Anyone claiming to be "off the Trump train" in a new thread every 15 min was never on it to begin with.
If Trump is pro LGBT he's pro extermination. So there's then no point. Like he's just going to kill you off too.
Will you be off the train when he's dancing with Bruce Jenner at the next CPAC?
>The chankuros don't have the force projection to get across the pacific and the American Empire going down will just be the first domino to fall before taking the rest of the world out for a reset too.
They won't need force projection if our country is collapsed.
If you shit head cum dumpsters voted out commies that stop him from building wall you wouldn't complain, would you.
Yes, it’s called a Yellow Vest-tier uprising
Eisenhower managed to deport over a million spics in his first year.
>When someone promises to fix something and they just make it worse, it's usually in your interest to move on to someone else
Yes, the democrats will surely fix things with more illegal immigration, more faggotry, and more shaming white people.
So that's a good thing...looking at your meme flag and all.
>>When someone promises to fix something and they just make it worse, it's usually in your interest to move on to someone else
>Yes, the democrats will surely fix things with more illegal immigration, more faggotry, and more shaming white people.
Only fix is memes that convince people we're fucked (which is reality). We have to convince people rather than just get people elected.
Well, dude. He's LGBT. LGBT=Extermination. I'm not going to spend a second defending that.
You're probably some stupid kike shill, but yeah I'm off. Fucker had the chance to pass e-verify and end illegal immigration once and for all, but he vetoed it to protect his kike farm donors. The whole system is rigged against us nothing matters.
Keep crying
You cucks voting for ZOGnald are the problem nothing will happens unless you purge the kikes
Kushner is an example of a Jew marrying into affluent families, also Ivanka Trump is a jewess
the train has been heading for the cliff since 2017
Look at this way faggot do you want things the way they are to continue or do you want the left to completely destroy whats left of this country from the inside out? Its not a hard choice faggot not everyone agrees with him but its better than leftist Nazis censoring everything and shitting their nigger tier ideologies down everyones throats. Even if they win and destroy us the rest of the world knows just how stupid they are anyway and will get obliterated one day.
For reference
Trump cucked out on the wall and immigration while banning bumpstocks. The only reason I voted for Trump in 2016 was because I thought he would have been different but it turns out he wasn't and now American demographics have shifted so much that we will only elect blatant commies from here on out. Cant wait for this shitshow to end desu
>shitting their nigger tier ideologies down everyones throats
How fucking late are you
The only reason to vote for him is to delay the inevitable and prep for the worst to come.
>leftist Nazis
Hello newfag, please leave
>The only reason to vote for him is to delay the inevitable and prep for the worst to come.
True. He is doing things slightly slower.
The left taking control will just cause people to shift further right. It would actually benefit us in the long run. Trump destroyed any chances of an uprising happening and now he’s flooding us with shitskins. I’ve seen more pajeets since he got elected.
>one term
are jews and delusional boomers enough of a base to win an election?
2020 will tell.
wtf i hate trump now
Memeflag, no one cares if some faggots have sex in there closets. The LGBT movement or whatever its fuckin called nowadays needs to go
posts like these just emboldened the already entrenched MIGA.
What you compare them too then faggot? The way they think and their vision of the world to be is even worse than the actual nazis themselves
Fuck off shill.
>trump wasn't able to fulfill promises due to obstruction
>decides to vote democrat because they'll TOTALLY protect the border
stupid nigger
Listen up faggot. The only measure I’m interested in is who the media, politicians, and glowniggers hate the most. If they start hating someone more than Trump, I’m in. Until then, fuck off.
How the fuck is egalitarianism even close to national socialism? Are you fucking braindead? They are moralists and nothing else.
>due to obstruction
the obstruction came from the presidency.
Had a once in a lifetime chance to change the whole narrative.
Blew it.
Can there be a bigger loser than Zion Drump
>Wall has had steady progress despite more than half of our government fighting viciously to maintain human trafficking from Mexico.
He dropped bombs on Syria in 2017 and came out the next day with this take ass speech. That was the end for me.
How can any self-respecting conservative respect this man?
I’m super keen to see Biden at the helm in 2020. Hopefully the country can collapse before his first term is out.
>acceleration boyo
Based and redpilled
>How can any self-respecting conservative respect this man?
they don't.
How bad does this faggot look now. He practically bombed his own credibility
Implying boomer tards don't consider themselves conservative for protecting Israel and being okay with Black guys dating their daughters.
Can't wait to relive 2016 all over again.
Are you literally fucking retarded?
Re-read my post and tell me where I ever said a fucking thing about voting for Democrats.
Your lies and bullshit are exactly what Democrats do
>do you want things to continue the way they are?
>or do you want Democrats to destroy what's left
Literally the same thing.
Trump is president and has managed to actually make America worse than it was 3 years ago.
Democrats (and GOP) are destroying the country WHILE trump is president.
Holy shit, its like you either haven't been paying attention, or you paid too much attention to pro-trump propaganda
you were never on it
I’m voting Trump just to piss off liberals
For those of if who already prepped, we don't want to wait any longer. We don't want to slow things down, we were ready yesterday
Where did all the trump supporters go? Maybe they are packing their bags to fight in Iran
I’ve been off since mid 2017. Trump is a kike puppet
>Re-read my post and tell me where I ever said a fucking thing about voting for Democrats.
We live in a two party system, my dude. You can either vote democrat, republican, or throw your vote away on a third party meme candidate.
Who the fuck else do you expect to fix things? Cause for 2020, your choices are either Trump and the Republicans, or the democrats and whatever cuck they put up.
Maybe ur a trump supporting retard
>claims they are proof Iran
Lol CNN doesn’t believe the ‘intelligence community’ now
>wall has had steady progress
The first mile wasn't completed until just a few months ago in early 2019.
Nothing was even *started* on the wall until early 2019
>steady progress
Only if you're retarded
>Who the fuck else do you expect to fix things?
Do you even know how the founding fathers created America?