How can global warming cultists ever recover?

How can global warming cultists ever recover?

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A very American post

have sex

Icebergs are a lot taller than those cubes are, theres a lot more ice above that water to melt into it than what is shown in your image
And theres also the ice sheets that are above the water, they are also melting

Science is for fucking pussies.

No this is not the answer
The actual scientific answer is simply that water like everything else dilate when hotter and a huge volume of water can easily gain a few meters when one degree hotter

Isn't the water displacement all the same since they are in the water

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Stupid mong mountain nigger

The cold and hot water in my bathtub fill the same about of space with the same volume. It's observable and measurable.

Lmao what does the height matter? And if theyre floating on water then they are displacing it.
Whats really happening is sediment is collecting and pushing the water up. Look into the science.

Belive it or not OP the North and South pole isn't a floating Ice continent.
There's Land under that it therefore not in the water

The height matters because there is a shitload of ice above the water, but in the icecube example OP showed all the ice is already in the water

If you cant see what that means then everything iv heard about the american education system must be true

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you're also not taking into account the thousands of square miles of glacier that are on TOP of the land

And oceans are a lot bigger than that glass, retard.

land ice =/= sea ice

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>The cold and hot water in my bathtub fill the same about of space with the same volume. It's observable and measurable.

I think I never read such a scientificaly retarded comment, I knoiw this is bait but I cannot let it go.

Same volume and same space is the SAME thing. The concept is take the identical volume of cold water, then boil it, then observe it a gain some volume.

Glaciers are located on land not water .. Artic Antartic ice is on land ... not water

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>there is land under the north pole

- Hungarian education

>There's more ice above the water goy
But for decades we were told that the bulk of an iceberg is below the wat-
>Go back to sleep goy

Like 90% of icebergs are underwater. Also water expands when it freezes. I doubt the water displacement is drastic.


Ice has greater volume than water for the same mass.

Most ice is underwater. Thus is ice melted sea levels might even get lower.

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>what are lakes

Read this, its from the head of the Congressional Science committee:
> " Every single year of the 7500 years that we’re on Earth, you have huge tons of silt deposited by the Mississippi River, by the Amazon River, by the Nile, by every major river system — and for that matter, creek, all the way down to the smallest systems," Brooks said.

>"And every time you have that soil or rock whatever it is that is deposited into the seas, that forces the sea levels to rise. Because now you’ve got less space in those oceans because the bottom is moving up."

Why don't people just airlift all glaciers and ice sheets or whatever and ship them to Africa and Flint so they have fresh water to drink for a while.

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>more dense
>take up less space.

- 'Murcan education

that part 100m higher pushes just as much into the water as the part at 50m. The weight is what it is about

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The Earths default state is without polar caps.
It was going to melt anyways.
We are speeding that process up, though.

brainlet answer
Burgers are right for once

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The water is being displaced, it doesn't matter how much ice is above the water if it's floating in the water.

The real issue with sea levels rising is all the ice that's on land melting.

imagine my surprise

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>pakistani education

Some ice is on land, not water. Antarctica is a continent.

100% correct. If I throw a pound ofnice at you it hurts but if I toss a pound of water you just get wet.

actually, it's smaller.
Ice has smaller volume than liquid water, which is sorta unique to water

>The real issue with sea levels rising is all the ice that's on land melting.

The real issue is with dikelets who can't even live 6 meter below sea level.

I'm a retard
>ice has larger volume than liquid water*

We may meme but some retard out there really believes this.

ur flawed in that antartica and the glaciers hold a shit ton of ice...but u will confuse the dumb normies and boomers

>comparing a cup to a planet


when the ice wall around antarctica melts, the excess water will pour off the edge of the earth, lowering sea levels

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Now do it with saltwater idiot

this is the stupidest thing I've read all month, bravo

Why would they be different?

I believe it. Yet to see one lib disprove it

>what is a phase change


Not an argument

This buffer of under water ice gives us some time before the ice on land and above the water melts. The only ice that will add to the ocean is the stuff on land. Also stuff expands when it gets hotter. Like how you can buy more gasoline for the same price when its colder and denser in the mornings.

Fuck off incel

underrated and rare flag

Swiss cheese fag thinks he knows something about science.

Maybe you can use your advance displacement theory to measure the rapid change in your countries IQ to Somalian levels.

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The absolute state of British education

the real redpill is that water is actually much denser than ice.
if the ice caps and every iceberg melted, the sea level would remain the exact same, because the density would increase greatly as the ice melted to water, but it would be offset by the glaciers melting back down into the ocean.

sea level would remain the same height, or possibly even recede a little, allowing the world to reclaim millions of kilometers of square land.

try filling a cup with water about 4/5ths of the way to the top.
now put it in the freezer and come back in 2 hours.... you will find it has risen to the rim of the cup.

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How does the north and south pole stay cold enough for ice?

What country is that?
>Phonefag here

Actually if you boil it, it will evaporate and there will be LESS water

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This global warming actually prevents the ocean from rising

>(P)ozzes and pints
sorry, i can't count in retard

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solar wind chill

Didn't some bankers die in the Titanic that were going to oppose JP Morgan and the Federal Reserve?

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Not sure if you're just trolling or dumb, but Archimedes' principle implies that the water level stays the same when floating ice melts, but the problem is that there's quite a lot of ice that isn't floating.

What if solar wind chill was extremely strong on the edges? Then the main outer ice wall would stay, but the inner ice would melt due to global warming and cause sea levels to rise.

yeah, I remember how at first it was all about water level and muh polar bears
memory holed hard

John Jacob Astor IV was there. Jews being responsible for the Titanic is entirely possible.


Only if the boiled water escapes. Water vapor is still water.

When you got your dick chopped off and turned it into a mangled flappy hole and then called your self a woman?

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but the inner sea wall is on water, so refer to OP, sea level would not rise

> This is what my professor told us...

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thats like saying ice is still water, so there is the same amount of water no matter what.

>It's observable and measurable.
Have you measured it very precisely?

not exactly, summerfag

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Yeah, but the water takes a different volume. Same amount of water means the same amount of mass, not the same amount of space.

Ice actually has a greater volume than liquid water, retard.
Is correct.

archimedes can suck my ass

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No. Archimedes' principle says that the upward force from the water pressure is equal to the weight of the water displaced. Since the ice is floating, that means that the iceberg weighs the same as the volume of the part that is underwater multiplied by the density of water. When it melts its weight stays the same but its density becomes that of water, so its volume must have changed to the volume that was previously underwater - so the water level stays the same, not gets lower. But that argument only works when the ice is floating. If the ice is instead sitting on the ground then more of it is above water than if it were floating, so the water level rises.

>australian sheeila voice
>not setting it to the american one

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I religiously take alternating cold and hot baths with 17 gallons of horse piss, I have OCD so trust me, it's measured

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This actually isn't a terrible idea. Logistically incredibly difficult, but in theory you could develop a new sea in the Sahara that would dramatically change the eco-system. Great thinking out of the box, user!

Do you not understand that most of the world’s icepack is on land in Antarctica?

Nice try tranny, I'm not falling for your Trans-Scienceism

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>leaving that up for everyone to read.

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Do you know what tectonic plate subduction is retard? Basically anything made on earth, when it goes up, its at the expense of something else going down because for all intents and purposes earth is a closed system of matter. Its not just going to keep rising, material will be reintegrated into the lower crust and below.

The ice is on land. The real global warming is cow farts.

displacement comes not from volume but from mass, user

Unless it extended down all the way to the rock support shown in your pic. If you have solar wind chill on the edges, it would until some length away from the edge.

Put a full water bottle in the freezer. Report results

American education is truly shit, isn’t it? How can you guys even call yourself a first world country. Ice is less dense than water but has more volume. That fact coupled with the fact that water expands at a higher temperature makes that sea levels rise when temperature rises. Do you climate change naysayers even go to primary school?

Isnt that ultimately floating on water like every other continent?

>The real red pill
If the icebergs melt away, the flat earth and the Atlantean cities with mankind's true history and technology will be revealed, resulting in catastrophic chaos amongst the rest of humanity.

But ice is expanded when frozen


This isnt how displacement works.

So if we just get your mom out of the ocean we should be g2g?

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So since sediment is being pushed into the sea we can see the land sinking and more water being pushed up, correct?