would you be willing to inflict physical harm onto other people in order to further your political goals?
Would you be willing to inflict physical harm onto other people in order to further your political goals?
No that’s called terrorism
You are glowing faggot, dont forget to avoid printing (you)s.
I'd murder 2/3d's od the worlds population, if I thought it would get rid of the jews
Reminds me of one of the those democrats with a D instead of a donkey surveys I troll.
>Would you do ANYTHING to stop Trump and conservatives?
[ ] YES! (only choice)
Something about it felt kind of ominous
Would you?
if it served the greater good
do we get raided by the CIA or something?
every fucking minute suspicious thread
I don't have political goals.
They are waiting for me.I shall answer.Remove Ulcinj
Yeah...pretty much
Absolutely yes and I am 100% ready and willing to die
You’re positively GLOWING, Mossad
nice memeflag faggot
Are you going to Xerox our responses to fulfill your own political goals?
shuta a-uppa dago
Also, you forgot your memeflag
Yes, in Minecraft.
Eat a dick, glownigger.
I'd absolutely join a right wing death squad to kill commies if that's what you're asking, CIA.
War is politics by other means.
- Clausewitz
FUcking glowniggers
Every fucking time
What will you use to defend yourself from the glowniggers?
Pic related
FBI plz go
That wasn't an accident. They want you to think that they are every where so that you self censor.
No, we have to make this world a better world. Violence will always! lead just to more violence.
Fuck off OP you are glowing brighter than a supernova