Pol, why have you not armed up for the boogaloo?
Pol, why have you not armed up for the boogaloo?
Assyrian huh?
Well as long as you guys got the backs of white Christians im cool with it
Hey Mossad. Israel is going to war without US support. You're all gonna die.
The US is a white Christian nation. It's my job as a guest to defend it from the kikes and niggers.
you are semites like us. why do you think youre better than us? just because youre christian?
Assyrians, like Armenians, are genetically unique. Fuck off you dirty ass arab, the whole world hates you.
Back off Boogaloo!
>we are genetically unique
yeaaah sureee
we and the jews are the same people, you can deny it all you want and pretend like you are a white christian but when the day of the bullet comes, you will get one in the back of the head too
> be me
> arab
> fucks cousin
> unable to read so I go with what my jidu tells me
> films sister showering
> go on Jow Forums thinking i'm welcome there
> masturbate to pictures of swine
> feel accomplished by trying to arabize the middle east via the internet
Honestly I feel bad for you.
I have. Reminder that if you're complying with US law you aren't doing it right.
>totally not a glownigger
oh, let me tell you my serial numbers on my arms user!
you think you are welcome here? loool
Ya got any wire hangers I can borrow?
gunfags are the worst kind of white trash
remember if you swore oath to the constitution but you actually believe that "arms, shall not be infringed" means arms shall not be infringed, you're probably unemployed now.
Op is 100% FBI honey pot
Do not respond to threads talking about violence or weapons.
Come back to this thread when a pack of wild niggers bust your front door in.
Wow! Based gun user. I can tell you're a redpilled like minded patriot! Is that the assault-rifle 15?
With PSA kit-build ARs going for like $300 there's no reason not to own one. In fact, I'd dare say it's your duty as an American to own and be proficient with a weapon.
I am the leader of white nationalists. My name is Jow Forums. You may contact me at whitenationalistswithguns.com to join our movement. -W.N.
Imagine, having all that powder at hand, and a variable launch system, and not making an improvised rifle launched grenade?
that sounds alot like
you guys related at all to