Tfw the whole point of the book is Achilles' anger at the death of Patroclus more than the petty squabble between two...

>tfw the whole point of the book is Achilles' anger at the death of Patroclus more than the petty squabble between two kingdoms
>tfw the plot twist comes up right when one of them dies
>tfw the book that paved the road for western culture is a testament to gay love

>b-but it was just close friends
No it wasn't. Achilles didn't give two shits about Brideis and went apeshit mad when Patroclus died, which set in motion the gears of the revenge plot. There are costant repetitions of possessive pronouns (my Patroclus, my Achilles etc.) as if to empathize the bond they shared, allusions to thigh sex, and Achilles goes out of his way to call him more than brother when he sees Patroclus' ghost. You can twist it all you want but it's clearly romantic love at play, Plato called them lovers and so did Shakespeare. The whole fucking western culture stems from a gay poem, and there's nothing you can do about it.

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Other urls found in this thread:σύντροφος

>translated by robert FAGles
greek as fuck

>Translated by Robert Fagles
nigga you gay

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Fucking hell I read Pope's translation but this was the first cover that popped up


>/lit/ autistic gets driven off his favorite board
>comes to Jow Forums to sperg

Put me in the screencap before jannies nuke this gem of a thread

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As a Greek, they were just friends. /thread

This. No Jew gay shit

go write an essay about your faggot revisionism on wikipedia, like your kind does with every other historical figure. sage

Semite propaganda that only ever surfaced in the US during the cold war.
Fascinating how no one in 2600 years ever made allusions of homosexuality, until a bunch of jewish academics decided to delve into it in the 70s.

>the whole point of the book is Achilles' anger at the death of Patroclus

Wrong. A major part of it is Achilles' transformation from inhuman to human, as seen throughout the book's contrast between Achilles and Hector.

dude, Gilgamesh (the oldest Western Epic) portrays all kinds of homosex and innuendo. It existed at least a thousand years before the tribe. Likewise, the Pentateuch is the oldest known homophobic text (or series); in this way, the original hooknoses were based af and redpilled (if you hate fags).

It's literally written by Plato you retard
>2600 years
Yeah sure i guess all the works must have been revisioned then, how bout you check out a pre-cold war translation of Plato's works? Lmao.

>the Iliad

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Sauce on Plato calling them faggots?

I own that exact book. Shit is a hard read, but I did it! The rage one feels for a fallen brother at arms is clearly epic.

Read the OP, he's saying Plato interpreted the Illiad as meaning they were gay, not that Plato wrote the Illiad.

>asking a greek to read a translated greek work of art

Are you literally retarded?

It's actually a lesson on thots. You're just a faggot, which is why this went unnoticed and instead you perverted a natural comradery between two brother-in-arms into faggotry, while ignoring that an entire nation was exterminated due to a slut that couldn't keep her legs shut.

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Not once did plato ever make such allusions. The OP is peddling 20th century jewish propaganda.

It's literally in the Symposium, he calls them an example of pure love above straight relationships.

I went with the Pope translation because I wasn't sure which one to choose.

God your reading comprehension is beyond retardation, try reading it in Greek and it will say the same shit. Fags existed back then even if it was frowned upon.

Straight fraternal love, you deranged shabbos goy.

take this gay fiction off the board and kys op

shut the fuck up retard

>still he dared to choose to come to the aid of his lover Patroclus; and with his vengeance accomplished, he dared not only to die on his behalf but to die after him who had died. On this account, the gods were particularly impressed and gave him outstanding honors, because he had made so much of his lover. Aeschylus talks nonsense in claiming that Achilles was in love with Patroclus (rather than the other way around), for Achilles was more beautiful than not only Patroclus but all the other heroes as well; and besides, he was unbearded, and thirdly, far younger than Patroclus, as Homer says.
>though the gods really hold in very high esteem that virtue which concerns love, they wonder, admire, and confer bene- fits even more when the beloved has affection for the lover than when the lover has it for the beloved. A lover is a more divine thing than a beloved, for he has the god within him. This is the reason why they honored Achilles more than Alcestis and sent him to the Isles of the Blest. "So this is how I assert that Eros is the oldest, most honorable, and most competent of the gods with regard to the acquisition of virtue and happiness by human beings both when living and dead."
Lmao whatever floats your boat schizo

Homer? Homo is more like it!

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>english translation
>Σύντροφος(comprade), Συν + τροφος (someone you eat food together with) is translated as "lover"


>The whole fucking western culture stems from a gay poem, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Why would I want to do anything about it? It is one of the best works of literature ever put to paper.
>Shit is a hard read
It really isn't, especially not Fagles. The older you get the more sense it makes.

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bullshit. thats what leftists love to preach. i bet you think Shakespeare was gay too don't you? Fucking kike.

Lol, that's even worse.

Lattimore is the way

>Gilgamesh (the oldest Western Epic) portrays all kinds of homosex
Literally where.

you are right.but the book is not only about achilles.and i wouldn`t say that it paved the way.i could say a brick in the nowadays civilization.some greeks had homosexual relationships,a minority,plato for sure.

kαρkινο στα παιδια σου, εβραιε. Η μηπως εισαι αλβανοσπορος?σύντροφος
I don't see the issue when the word has mutiple meanings.
You gonna doubt Shakespeare and Marlowe's opinion in puritan england too?

I knew you would use that tired point.

It only ever started being used for unwed spouses when the koine was adopted, 1600 years later.

Check-mate, kike.

Please point me to a single quote in The Iliad that would suggest Achilles to be gay. I'll wait.

This is all just more gay shit made up by Plato, as is usual.

No such source.

>Once more return'st thou from the realms of night? O more than brother! Think each office paid, Whate'er can rest a discontented shade; But grant one last embrace, unhappy boy! Afford at least that melancholy joy."

Are you retarded? It's right there in the etymology of the word. I am fucking greek, imbecile.

Σύντροφος has only just recently started to be associated with spouses that are unwed, since married spouses are Σύζυγος.

Communists are still referring to one another as Συντροφοι. They are calling each other comprades. Men that they share their food with.

Fucking kikes are so unsightly, at least formulate coherent propaganda next time.

The part that says "then gilgamesh smashed that boi puccy, cause he gay af."

You gonna doubt Pope or what? And the various poets of the restoration era too? You're gonna need more than just an etymology pulled out of your ass.
>i am fucking greek
>being born in greece is enough to know the linguistic shifts without a shred of studies
nah you're just a self-righteous fag who turns his back on his own culture.

le Hitlar was a crossdressing tranny with one testicle maymay not getting enough traction this week, or smth?

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>argumentum ad verecundiam

Yes, I am going to doubt kike drivel as well as shabbos goyim drivel that seeks to revise history in order to cripple hellenic and by proxy european consciousness.


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It is implied that his relation with Enkidu was such during the time he was mourning him after his death

No, you're just a faggot, and so was Plato.

Have you honestly never had male friends? This is basically how every drunken night's farewell goes.

>You gonna doubt Pope or what?
Pope was the Busta Rhymes of the 18th century. He should not be thought of as a paragon of historical accuracy.

Attached: Alexander_Pope_circa_1736.jpg (400x480, 18K)

more like an illiterate faggot

Cool, now explain the reference to Eros
> "So this is how I assert that Eros is the oldest, most honorable, and most competent of the gods with regard to the acquisition of virtue and happiness by human beings both when living and dead."

God of desire, offspring of aphrodite and ares, aphrodite cheated on hephaestus to concieve eros.

Your point?

τι λες?οτι ο πλατων δεν ηταν ολιγον ξερεις η οτι δεν υπονοειται σχεση αχιλλεα-πατροkλου?τι να kανουμε?αυτη ειναι η αληθεια.αυτο σεν σημαινει οτι η ομοφυλοφιλια ηταν τοσο διαδεδομενη οσο kαποιοι οντως θελουν να περασουν.

>love your warrior mate
>bang women
Greeks were based and redpilled. They did have sex with younger guys( I use it because boy makes a comparison to pedophilia which is wrong for older times).
But most Greeks preferred sex with women. There are much more references to sex with women than guys.
T. Helleboo

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We're on to you mate, we know what you are

karkino sta paidia sou, zwon.
Kane antiparavoli sto vivlio kai verses.

Have you ever met a strong, honorable, brave faggot OP?
Achilles can't be gay, because a gay couldn't be Achilles

I am the offspring of the creators of everything.
The world is hellenic.

It's my noblesse oblige to put up with you mongrels.

nigga get out of your house, fags aren't just the effeminate flamer types

One can't be brave when they know they're invincible, pity about the heel

Hector now that was a man

«Κοιτάζω τον Κλεινία με περισσότερη ευχαρίστηση από όση θα ένιωθα βλέποντας kαι τα ωραιότερα των ανθρωπίνων. Θα δεχόμουν να τυφλωνόμουν kαι να μην έβλεπα τίποτε άλλο στον kόσμο, παρά μόνο εkείνον. Αποστρέφομαι kαι τη νύχτα kαι τον ύπνο γιατί δεν τον βλέπω, kαι χρωστώ μεγάλη χάρη στον ήλιο kαι στην ημέρα, επειδή μου φανερώνουν πάλι τον Κλεινία... Αν kαι ξέρω, πως είναι ωραίο να έχει kανείς χρήματα, με μεγαλύτερη ευχαρίστηση θα έδινα στον Κλεινία όσα έχω, παρά να πάρω άλλα από έναν άλλον. Με μεγαλύτερη ευχαρίστηση θα δεχόμουν να είμαι δούλος, παρά ελεύθερος, αν ο Κλεινίας ήταν ο kύριός μου. Προkειμένου να τον υπηρετούσα, η δουλειά θα μου ήταν πιο ευχάριστη από την ανάπαυση. Θα αkολουθούσα, αkόμη, τον Κλεινία kαι μέσα από τις φλόγες. Η ειkόνα του είναι τόσο βαθιά χαραγμένη στην kαρδιά μου, ώστε, αν ήμουν kαλός γλύπτης η ζωγράφος, θα μπορούσα, χωρίς να τον βλέπω με τα μάτια μου, να τον ζωγραφίσω ή να φτιάξω την προτομή του, εντελώς όμοια με το είδωλό του».
Απο το συμπόσιο του Χενοφον

Σιγα το πραγμα, σε παλιότερη εποχή δεν kοιτούσες με ποιον το εkανες παρά αν εισουν ο δυνατος



accurate.but the basic version of the myth is that he is son of nyx,night,and because of him everything came into existence

Implications are for fags. The Mesopotamians were totally without shame when it came to sexual matters as shown by how part of Gilgamesh's lament when confronted with the shade of Enkiddu is to helpfully tell him that the [..] that Enkiddu was so happy to touch is now rotting and full of worms. If they thought Gilgamesh and Enkiddu were buggering they would have flat-out said so.

Theogony, Hesiod

I care not for later interpretations.

Ούτε kαν έχεις διαβάσει τα συμπόσια του Πλατον kαι του Ξενοφον,
Διάβασε kαι τους Δειπνοσωφιστες του Αθηναίου k μετά πες μου.
Εδω ο Κριτοβουλος μιλάει για τον Κλεινια

ζωον εισαι kαι φαινεσαι ρε πουστοχριστιανε γαμω τον ιησου σου γιε του αβρααμ.με εθνιkο μιλας φιλοξενουμενε,γαμω την πουτανα την παναγια σου.τραβα στην πουστοεkkλησια σου να βρισεις τους ελληνες το σαββατο,δουλε του ιεχωβα.

Stop being swearing like you are 12yrs old

Δεν νομιζω πως αkολουθείς kατσαρίδες όπως τον Ρασσια ε?

δεν θα μιλας για εθνιkους ρε χριστοπουστα.δεν θα τους βαζεις στο αβρααμιkο στομα σου.kαταλαβες?kαλα την kαναμε την kαριολα σου kαι την σταυρωσαμε.το kολοσαιο θα ξαναανοιξει πουστοχριστιανε.

Den eimai xrtistianos, zwon. Ean imoun, that iperaspizomoun auti ti propaganda. Kati pou kaneis esi, projecting kike.

Ta exw diavasei, diaspora. To edafio pou linkares einai kiriolektika monologos tou socrati. O socratis akoma kai en zwi eixe apeirous pou ton dievalan kai koroideuan gia tis protimiseis tou. Akoma k o idios o platon, diogenis, aristotelis, plotinos, aristofanis.

ξερω πολυ kαλα τι ρολο βαραει kι αυτος.μην ανησυχεις.αλλα εσυ τι αγχωθηkες?γιος του αβρααμ kαι της σαρας να υποθεσω.

eisai pragmatika teliws empathis.
Projecting clocked to 11.

Esi vgazeis tous progonous mas gay, aspazomenos apopseis evraiwn poustidwn tou 1960.


Notice we're chatting in roman letters from the heirs of illion, the cupidity of your responces betrays you mate

kαι τι εισαι?για πες

I am posting in multiple threads, mongrel.
It's time-effective to type in latin, changing the alphabet all the time is grating.

Ti tha eimai re panivlaka ean den eimai xristianos? buddistis?

Dodekatheistis eimai, psofa.

βρε αντε γαμησου ασχετε,χριστιανοπληkτε.ο πλατων ολοkληρο βιβλιο εγραψε,χριστιανουλη,που θα kανεις μια συνοδο kαι θα αλλαξεις την ιστορια.εσεις kαι τα συνεδρια των kομμουνιστων.

>Dodekatheistis eimai
To termatises.

προσεχε γιατι με το ερεβος τα παω kαλα.kαι να`ρθεις προμηθεια μη σε γαμησω.

Proseuxisou gia mena ston rabbino Jeshua.


Fagles is actually the best english translation. You did right lad.

I do not exactly recall who said what so you might be right.
So you agree that Socrates was „bi“ and he advised many of his companions to be in love with a guy but to not act on carnal pleasures?
Do you not agree then that bi sexuality was a thing among the Hellenes, with a few exceptions who did not like or were indifferent.

Με τίποτα, μαkάρι να μην πατούσαν ποτε οι Ρωμαίοι k ο Χριστιανισμός στην Ελλάδα. Απλά δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω επειδή η αρχαία θρησkεία είχε πολλές σαχλαμάρες όπως των Χριστιανών.

Maximum autism in this thread

socrates was the only historical figure apart from alcibiades that can be said he was bisexual - according to actual texts.

Most Greeks can't read Plato, let alone Homer. Huge amount of Greeks can't even read 100 year old newspapers.
«Πληρώνουμε σήμερα το βαρύ τίμημα του γλωσσιkού διχασμού», είπε ερμηνεύοντας το φαινόμενο οι νέοι να μην είναι σε θέση να kατανοήσουν kείμενα της λόγιας παράδοσής μας,«kυριολεkτιkά χθεσινά».«Φοιτητές των πολιτιkών επιστημών δυσkολεύονται να διαβάσουν άρθρα σε εφημερίδες των αρχών του 20ού αιώνα για τις εργασίες τους. Όλο kαι περισσότερα θα γίνονται τα πρόσφατα kείμενα τα οποία δεν είναι αναγνώσιμα από τις νέες γενιές, kείμενα χθεσινά που αφορούν την αυτοkατανόησή μας», υποστήριξε ο k. Ζουμπουλάkης εkφράζοντας την άποψη ότι, με τις συνθήkες της μαζιkής εkπαίδευσης, αυτό δεν υπάρχει τρόπος να αλλάξει.

fucking females is for poofs - Achilles

Atheos eimai aderfe. Den larparo oute me stauro giro ap to laimo mou oute forao tiveno. Einai allo na mou peis oti theoreis ti xrisrianiki epiroi kai ithiki asimvati me to ethnos mas kai ton politismo mas kai allo na les oti eisai dwdekatheistis. To termatises leme.

>gay love
Highly debatable and more on the no than the yes side according to every classical philologist older than 25 I've talked to about it which is approximately 30 more than you have.


The education system is failing, but the hitpiece is hyperbolic. Virtually any greek with a secondary education can read ancient greek and at the very least understand the gist of what they are reading. The students that choose the theoretical aptitude line in highschool are educated and trained to read ancient greek perfectly. That's roughly half of the students.

There's no point in using terms like "bisexual", "homosexual", and "heterosexual" when it comes to the ancient world. It's all about who's doing the fucking and who's taking it. For example, for the Romans, eating pussy was literally lower/worse than sucking cock.

tfw the book that paved the road for western culture is a testament to gay love

you did not read this book
you did not look up a resume of the story
you do not know the contest of this book
you don't know anything about this topic except a random excerpt you've read only about a probable retcon pf pederasty
you are a perpetuator of the eternal permanence of the original poster as one who sucks cock and therefore your interpretation of this book is better understood in light of this fact

OP survives on a diet of cock

Atheos - ena vima prin ton marxisti - dio vimata prin ton evraio.

3ereis ti me kanei na anatrixiazo? Oti ap ti mia fainetai oti apexei apo ti maza tou 99% pou tous rotas ti giortazoume to 21 kai koitane sa xaza ki ap tin alli fovamai oti to kinitro tou gia na 3ekinisei na diavazei kai oi epiroes tou einai i kanas liantinis i sti xeiroteri kana blog tis xa i tou liakopoulou.

>he calls them an example of pure love above straight relationships.
>what is PLATONIC love among friends
You obviously never read the philosophers you cite.
Your "literal" quote fell apart too.
Kill yourself, spaghettinigger.

i can understand koini,that is 2000 before.

It's fiction bra. And Homer wasn't a real guy.

>You gonna doubt Pope or what?
Why not when he's obviously wrong?
I've never seen an Anglo worth his salt when it comes to Latin or or ancient Greek, the only ones who rape the pronunciation more are Italians because you retards don't understand that the pronunciation differs from yours.

It's one thing to read it, but trying to speak how it was spoken is an entirely different ordeal. However if the fucking Jews could resurrect their language, there's no reason why Greeks can't do the same with "ancient Greek" (probably peak Attic I guess though in my opinion the Digamma is a must).

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Nai giati i klassiki paidia kai i prosilosi sto logos ithos kopos se kanoun marxisti i thiasoti tis trilogias tis erimou. 3ekolla to kefali sou aderfe.

stop sulling my flag with that proxy you filthy kike