and daily reminder whos the true enemy of white, catholic, progressive and peaceful europe (black ones)
the only map i need
You are trying to emulate the behavior of the "black" countries as much as humanly possible
Don't be delusional
u mad vlad? every time when I want to like russia I remind myself that its a lawless country of poverty and no respect for human being. Inventors of most lethal ideology ever existed. And still you people are proud of this..
Do you have an argument aside from ad hominems?
what the fuck
sounds like Im not wrong about what I wrote about you russians - sad. There was a time I thought the people are ok, but the state is cancer, but ever since communist revolution nothing changed, so it must mean that your people are either stupid as fuck or like being treated like shit by your nationals.
Fuck Germany
Long live poo-land, the country that crys for white opression today but didnt submit to god emperor hitler back in the 40's
nazis and commies are same shit - cringe and bluepilled
We love you poland! Dont hate us
But I never said anything about Russia in my post, it was about your country and your hypocrisy. Yet you are still dodging replying to my post on the subject and switch to the beloved "But what about..." rhetoric.
Communism sucks, we have conservative and nationalistic leader too!
Shut it. Germans=/=Merkel globohomo government and Frankfurt kikes.
Lol no comment needed.
Russia is kinda ok, but they fucked us over a lot in history so it had to be mixed. I do appreciate your geopolitical comeback though, pretty impressive. Your Eurasian strategy might actually work, I guess Dugin was right, Eurasia does not have to be completely politically unified in order for Russia to lead it.
>another IPN shitty thread
why hate my magyar-bros?
thank you for including us bröther
not enough space to type in a Jow Forums comment.
Basically, the Conflicts over Transilvania and the treatment of the Romanians present there.
And aside from that the general disrespect and outright sabotage the Hungarians show in the country of Romania even if they are left to form their own party and have been given incredible autonomy.