Fun fact: Thanks to the AG and FBI deciding that the president is above the law...

Fun fact: Thanks to the AG and FBI deciding that the president is above the law, it is technically legal for Trump to seek and accept assistance from foreign governments in the 2020 election, but illegal for his opponents to do so. His supporters think this is right and good.

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The left doesn’t play by any rules, why should we?

Based and redpilled

Get fucked nigger lover
I will never not stick it to you

I'm sure this twitter post is unbiased and fully sourced.

The left cheated and used foreign assistance in 2008, 2012, and 2016, why shouldn't trump get a chance in 2020?

>Special Council investigated for 2 years and found no collusion whatsoever

There is no law preventing a Presidential candidate from seeking foreign aid. Hillary did it.

Well, that' s how political cartels work, Chaim. Maybe we shouldn't have let Wanta and Soros loose on Moldolva.

>Rigging primaries and cheating debates intensifies

>inb4 bernie just gives his money directly to Russia and China this time instead of the DNC

The fuck? HRC and Dems hired foreigners to provide oppo. Total delusion

>DEM PARTY: Imports millions of third world gib goblins.
>GOP: "Hey! They have to come here legally!"

You do realize that he was just baiting the media into condemning foreign intelligence gathering just before the IG report details how a british national with russian FSB sources is at the heart of the whole collusion narrative?

If this is not obvious, you’re not paying attention.


so obama is on tape cutting a deal with medvedev to manipulate 2012 election, hillary paid foreign spies for blackmail on trump allegedly sourced from russia, and obama coordinated with foreign intelligence services to gin up false pretext for warrants to spy on trump ....

and $40 million investiagtion by mueller found no evidence of collusion by trump ....

but republicans are the guilty ones? anyone pretending there is a sane liberal left is lying

Poor Democrat faggots already see they can't win. It's gonna be a long 18 months of advance excuse-making from them.

Why don't the Democrats come up with a candidate that isn't shit tier or below, really fast? Then everyone won't go, wow, Hillary, really, you really think I'll vote for that, and vote Trump. Same thing will happen this time if they don't come up with someone that isn't a total loon or already lost as a candidate before. Don't just recycle your shit, Democrat Chimps, toss it.

Attached: Democratic Primary Candidate Creation.jpg (1024x768, 203K)

Its not legal, but he can't be charged until after a second term (if he gets one)

Already with the excuses? They haven't even lost yet.

Attached: thisistoofunny.jpg (394x395, 31K)

>the president is above the law

is that you losers' way of saying he did nothing wrong?


it is, isn't it?

right, so it is.

and you're a loser.

i don't get it Jow Forums, it's actually illegal to use dirt you get in your email to win presidency?
i mean Trump could just say to the Media that he didn't ask for the DEM dirt but some groups delivered because it helped their cause, so he used, there was no payment or favors.

hi there fbi. can you stop using screencaps or posts involving muh russia? you boomer fag glowniggers really are pretty fucking obvious.

No, it's democrats having a hissy for over nothing. They're at the point that if Trump does it the he should be executed, and a democrat does it they should be praised.

It's hilarious to me that these idiots seem to have a sense of denial and/or justification for everything the left has actually done, that if written in a novel, would be deemed unrealistic by readers.

These blatant "it wasn't us, it was them" lies from you kikes isn't going to turn out how you want.

>The left doesn’t play by any rules, why should we?
>Illegal immigrants counting in the Census is a defacto gerrymandering that results in at least 9 congressional seats being issued to democrat.
>Mainstream media backing the Democrat is essentially a campaign contribution
>"Fact checking websites" are almost exclusively run by liberals
>Democrats complain about gerrymandering, but Maryland has 7 democrat districts, 1 Republican district but the state is generally split, even voted for a Republican governor by a 55.4% support base.
>Democrats literally trying to circumvent the electoral college with an interstate collusion agreement
>Insist that Trump shouldn't take info from overseas while Democrats like Clinton took Saudi money and hired international foreign investigators to dig up dirt on Trump (fusion GPS funding the Steele dossier)
>There was a foreign donation conspiracy during the Obama election that saw tens of millions of illegal foreign donations entering the US... and the mainstream media ignored it for the most part. (

Please tell me again how the Republicans cheat. Tell me how asking for ID is somehow cheating.

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DEM PARTY: Where are the hotdogs and pizza?

Didn't Hillary get money from foreign countries?

ME: Niggers tongue my anus

NIGGERS: *schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop*

Attached: common_sage.jpg (1024x681, 111K)

> Imagine being this fucking dense

Obviously OP and the rest of these mouth breathers are too fucking dumb to realize trump is entrapping them. The democratic opposition quite literally did the things they are crying foul on now. They paid for disinformation sourced from a foreign government that just so happened to be a ex Russian intel officer and a guy that was very close to Putin. So now after this grand standing pissing contest over his comments about taking info, the dems and the media wont be able to walk it back when the full report hits the public eye.

(YOU) fucking morons fall for it every single time

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