Paganism is degenerate

Pagan larpers be like "Hur dur! Muh based aincient pagan religion is better than a Jew on a stick!" While:

>Promoting pederasty (male homosexual pedophilia) and homosexuality
>Child sacrifice
>Retards worshipping of statues, images of man's manufacture

I'd much rather be eastern orthodox christian and worship a "kike on a stick" than be in a gay cult like paganism.

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Other urls found in this thread:

There are no pagans user. If the gods were real they would get off their asses and do something when their shit was getting smashed by Christians. They haven't done anything in thousands of years, they are myths.

>jew worshipper repeating a lie written by a jew

>Paganism is degenerate

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Well Traditional Catholicism would be the Obvious decision..considering Western Europe was at one point Catholic Christendom

Lol yeah bro its totally pagans, who murdered homosexuals, and pushed them into bogs
But don't drink wine and give sacrifices to your ancestors and gods goyim, that's degenerate.

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> (OP) (You)
>>Paganism is degenerate

Those are Protestants and Roman catholics. Orthodox christianity doesn't tolerate that gay shit.

Francis isn't necessarily the face of Traditional Catholicism ..

So you mean paganism did not promote sexual promiscuity and did not promote pederasty or homosexuality? That's your assertion?

Orthodox Christianity is for slavs, and arabs

check out these orthodox aesthetics

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>Francis isn't necessarily the face of Traditional Catholicism ..

Roman catholicism hasn't been "Catholic" since 1054 AD

now compared to traditional Catholicism

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>odin drinks semen meme

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Those are actually Oriental orthodox Christian of the syriac rite, they're just as based as eastern orthodox christians. Still better than post 1054 Catholics or Protestantism.

Ohh please tell me how the church changed in 1054

you do know Western and Eastern Christendom have differed since the 3rd century with the Diocletian split ..every single european country besides south slavs and greeks were under the jurisdiction of the pope

in no way orthodox aesthetics and liturgy are alien to a european no compare this to a late middle ages Catholic mass

keep in mind this is a 15th century mass

>actually being a follower of an imported euro-foreign kike sect
Keep worshipping your dead jew, my man, time will come when all desert religion will be non-existent in Europe. Meanwhile I hope you'll enjoy all those "based" Christian Mexican and the Chinese colonising your country.

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super european lol

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compare to the glory of catholicism

which one is truly european

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And you know post schism nothing changed in Catholic Liturgy and Theology ..the only thing that happened was greece split from the mother church of Rome.. Western Europe continued to practice the traditional faith it always has

> (You)
>Ohh please tell me how the church changed in 1054

Well for instance there's the practice of indulgences (still practiced to this day despite Martin luthers attempts to reform the Catholic Church which backfired), kneeling in church, filiqoue which wasn't even in the original nicean crede, and papal supremacy which violates numerous Canons established by ecclesiastical council's that the Roman bishop agreed to and then over time strayed from it and many other doctrines that the roman church blindly accepted and created their own Christology and left orthodoxy to continue

>you do know Western and Eastern Christendom have differed since the 3rd century with the Diocletian split ..every single european country besides south slavs and greeks were under the jurisdiction of the pope

Yeah, but the Roman Catholic church at that time was still orthodox and had not yet fully been enveloped by their corruption.

>worshipping your ancestors and kin is degenerate, goyim.
>worship a jewish rabbi, his jewish apostles and jewish saints instead!
>Lore, customs, mores from your ancestral history? Nah, here are some stories from the desert about the escapades of jews and various other shitskins.
>This is your history now, enjoy.

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Well orthodoxy came first so they take the cake.


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OP would rather be webm related than to worship the Gods of your ancestors, tend to your tomato plants and breed your qt aryan waifu on your 10 acres offgrid land.

What a fucking homosexual. But then again, it is to be expected of the Christian.

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>Worshipping a god that drank cum isn't degenerate

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The filloque was common knowledge by 600ad in England ..and Roman Doctrines of purgatory, the immaculate conception were cemented centuries before the schism
papal supremacy was already in place during the time of st gregory..

The latin west always theologically differed vastly from the greek fact greek theology would have been alien to any western european as early as the 7th century

I am not nordic, you literal retard.
Not to mention, the norse mythology was passed down by christian priests. Christians are the "authority" of norse mythos. I am hesitant to believe their assertions.

In no way they did they come first, you know very little about church history..when Constantine split the Eastern and Western empire the churches developed increasingly different know the church was one for the first 200 years ..
so you can say that Rome was never "orthodox" because the practices you see as heretical were always there

Don't worry it was made up by a Jewish homosexual in the 21th century. OP knows this but as a Christian, lying for the sake of your God is not only morally good but honorable. Also it being by a Jew only increases its credibility in the eyes of a Christian. There is no stanza anywhere in the Norse sources that says it though.

There were authentic early Christians that believed pic related though.
>inb4 muh heresy
Not an argument.

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now one again lets compare

True European Catholicism

> (You)
>And you know post schism nothing changed in Catholic Liturgy and Theology

You sure about that m8?

..the only thing that happened was greece split from the mother church of Rome.. Western Europe continued to practice the traditional faith it always has

Wrong, Rome was first among equals, but the church of Rome was just one of the 5 pentarchies (Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Antioch) established early in the churches infancy and all had their own diocese and authority to their own. The Catholic Church somehow became a magistrative beurocratic nightmare and began to accept heresies a d demanded the other patriarchates to suck the bishop of Rome's cock and left orthodoxy when they refused to.

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True european Catholicism

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All societies have pedophilia in their end stages. No pagan society in its golden years supported pedophilia. The same can not be said about (((Abrahamic))) societies.

>another "hey, user, worship a jew" thread
We have these everyday.

And yet the traditional Faith has been practiced since the day of the Vatican II liturgical changes
Thanks to the fssp and the sspx there has never been one sunday without the Mass being practiced in its extradonary form

Why do you ignore Fucking jewlover

vs arab shit

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reminder that text was written by a Christian

Was referring to the quote from a jew book in the image. Leave it to a christcuck to quote Jewish books.

and here you go a list go greek fathers who stressed the primacy of peter

Kikes and their obssession with semen.

How did we ever get so subverted by these fucking shitskins.

>literal semen slurping "gods"
>feminism/females and/or feminized men holding positions of authority in nearly every sect.
The sad part is they will still defend it. But remember these are the same type of people who follow ecelebs, just sheep.

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How come Golden Dawn are christcucks? You'd think they'd be more than happy to embrace their own religion but that's not happening.

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The traditional Catholic Faith is the faith of europe..
you seem to think there was a period that rome was ever "orthodox" in the Eastern sense..
It never was, our faith was crafted on the doctrine of Augustine..who many of you never accepted, and which Latin Theology was basically created from.. so in a sense as a greek or russian orthodox you have zero ties to western european christendom

This post is pure bullshit, talk about lying for political gain.

delete this

I just read this and I would highly recommend it. It's a quick read.

Really it was the inability of the Romans to realize that they were something other than just a pesky rebellious people, so they kept in slaving them and spreading the disease all over the empire, thinking that it would be the end of it(it would be for basically anyone but the Jews). And then the empire became a perfect prey for the ultimate Jewish subversion, Christianity.

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>The traditional Catholic Faith is the faith of europe..

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There should just be another board for this shit. Shoo memeflag

>How did we ever get so subverted by these fucking shitskins.

>But remember these are the same type of people who follow ecelebs, just sheep.
Unlike the Christcucks who certainly don't spam E Michael Jones, pastor Anderson, Owen Benjamin, Terry Davis, etc.
The most obvious example of Jewish influence on Christcucks is how they lie and project just the same as the sandniggers they worship.

>literal semen slurping "gods"

this story was fabricated by a gay jewish author iirc.

but there is a part in the bible where the jewish god tells people to cook their own literal shit and eat it.

Find me the stanza then.

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Of you are interested read platos the republic the republic and Julian the apostates story. Last pagan emperor was based.

kike propaganda. fuck off, no one is going to fall for this. All you did was expose you ip. you might want to check on your kids :)

the fucking text was written by a CHRISTIAN
holy shit, christcucks have no shame.

I have read all of plato's works already.

The last true pagan empreror was marcus aurelius antoninus. The last one to be accepted into the shrine of Dimiter.

>all those opportunities to level Jerusalem like they did with Carthage
I can't even imagine how great the universes where they did it are.

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All of the interesting and articulate thinkers on the right are pagans. AlainDe Benoist and Johnathan Bowden are good.


just ask the Holy Roman Empire

They are not. There is a very diverse environment there as far as religion goes.

Kill yourself, retarded sub 80 IQ mutt.

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It says Orthocuck Christianity on their wikipedia page and I don't think I've ever read anything about paganism in relation to them.

Jerusalem has changed hands many times. It has been besieged and razed as well. The rootless cosmopolitans would still be the same

Wikipedia is not very trustworthy. Especially about rather inconsequential matters such as this

Well they did basically what they did to Carthage, Jews weren't even allowed back into Jerusalem after like 200 years after the sack, by a Christian emperor ofc. But the Jews were already a cosmopolitan people by then, with most of the people just like today living outside of Judea/Israel. So conquering and trying to hellenize them only made them more spread out and was even better equipped at subverting the state. The contention in the book I posted is basically that they should have just been left alone, and no attempts at converting their culture to Greek should ever have been made.

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I did recall correctly.

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Funny that the very same author wrote this. But Christians still post his lies on Norse paganism.

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I need the demons to go away. They're hindering everything I do.

>The contention in the book I posted is basically that they should have just been left alone, and no attempts at converting their culture to Greek should ever have been made.
But they went around regardless though, they were merchants even back then, even long before Christianity they were running around in Greece doing their thing.

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GD are all deeply religious. Majority are christian orthodox with a considerable minority of dodecatheists.

Greek orthodoxy is peculiar in the sense that it is still deeply intertwined with hellenism and mores and customs of the greeks. That's precisely why it's a distinct church.

This was a woman, right? Maybe she has that fetish thing, I can't remember the term for it but it's a Japanese term, about boys fucking each other.

>Greek orthodoxy is peculiar in the sense that it is still deeply intertwined with hellenism and mores and customs of the greeks. That's precisely why it's a distinct church.
That's straight up false though. I could say the same about the Christianity that's up here, doesn't mean we haven't both still been cucked by Christianity.
From a source on Wikipedia:
>Father Eustathios Kollas, who presided over a community of Greek Orthodox priests, said:
>They are a handful of miserable resuscitators of a degenerate dead religion who wish to return to the monstrous dark delusions of the past," said Father Efstathios Kollas, the President of Greek Clergymen.
Greek Orthodoxy is still Christianity, not matter whatever pagan rituals may have survived in altered forms.

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Don't get me wrong, we are still deeply spiritually semites, we are subverted by the desert kikes like no other.

But there's a silver lining, that's what I am saying.

Yeah but they were always hated by Europeans and there were pogroms all over the place. People like
Cicero, Horace and Seneca etc all wrote basically describing them in the same way Hitler did, so they would have eventually all disappeared in Europe, but instead every time they rebelled which happened all the fucking time even after the sack of Jerusalem(Bar Kokhba revolt and Kitos Wa) the Romans proceeded to enslave more of them, which is a great humiliation for most people and usually the end of them but for the Jew it just means more business and subversion opportunities.

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>But there's a silver lining, that's what I am saying.
Maybe. Hopefully times change for the worse so they can become good again.

And now it's all fucked.

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The kikes were repeatedly exiled from greece.
Vespasian forced the greeks to stop killing the jews in 62 AD.
Paul was exiled 4 times, he finally died in cyprus.
Justinian I began actually killing greeks that resisted the conversion by the kikes.
Theodosius enacted laws that killed hundreds of thousands of greeks.

Even Aristotle, almost 300 years prior, explicitly talked about the jewish menace and usury.

The west is ridding itself of Judaism 2.0 so it's not all bad.
>The jewish customs are sad, dirty, vile and abominable, and if they have survived it is thanks to their perversity. Of all enslaved peoples, jews are the most despicable and disgusting. For the jews, everything that is sacred to us is despicable, and what is repugnant to us is lawful. The jews reveal a stubborn bond with one another, which contrasts with their hatred for the rest of humanity… Among them, nothing is lawful. Those who embrace their religion practice the same thing and the first thing they are taught is to despise the gods
>the evilest nation, whose waste of a seventh of life [he refers to Shabbat] goes against the utility of
it… These most perverse people have come to extend their customs into the whole world; the defeated have given laws to the victors
>Marcus Aurelius
>I find these people worse than the Marcomanni, the Quadics and the Sarmatians

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The true gods are waiting for Europeans to return to the faith.

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>Marcus Aurelius
>>I find these people worse than the Marcomanni, the Quadics and the Sarmatians

Compare this statue to your desert death cult pieces of art, if you will.

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Hey, guys! Did you know Rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef had LOTS AND LOTS OF GAY SEX? He looooved the company of his 12 men, but shunned women for his entire life. He also died a 'virgin'. Or did he? Hmmmmm....

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2600 year old art.
You betrayed your kin, spiritual semites.

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Honestly don't understand why people view Christianity as something positive.

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It's a quote of Marcus Aurelius in the Rerum Gestarum Libri by Ammianus Marcellinus.

Any belief outside of cosmic consciousness is just fucking ridiculous

because it was totally based dude, fucking deus vult man, evil muslims and jews are fucking trash, my fellow christians are the best, christianity MADE europe bro, im praying for your soul

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Do away with the shackles the semites have binded you with.

Break free and come back to free the rest of the captives.

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Really good brainwashing by Christians. Or really it was atheists that ruined it. They went too fucking hard on muh dark ages, that the Christians just had to prove that people weren't literally just digging for earthworms with their bare hands for sustenance during the medieval age for them to win the argument.

So now we have a bunch of Christians and fence sitters saying that CHRISTIANITY WUZ PRESERVERS AND SHIEEET even though they tried their very best at destroying the classical world and really it was just because the Greeks and the Romans had built it to such great heights that the Christians were just fucking unable to destroy it all.

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Cult indoctrination
Passages like "If the world hates you, know that it hated me first" are a dead giveaway of the kind of tactic used to isolate cultists from attempts to deprogram them. Christianity is fundamentally no different from Scientology.

I find it tiresome to even live in these times. I long for those days to return.

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Whose severed foot it that. Pretty nasty stuff christcucks.

Homosexuality and sam-sex attraction aren't degenerate. The culture that surrounds it is. Culture can change, but there will always be homosexuals and same sex attraction.