Dear Trump supporters, MAGA will go forward in 2020...

Dear Trump supporters, MAGA will go forward in 2020. You don’t have to come out to vote because all polls show a Donald Trump victory! MAGA on, my Pedes!

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Okay, sounds fine. Trump is a loser anyway.

why do cia glownigger boomers assume that Jow Forums is only trump voters?

wasn't going to anyway after he betrayed his base. Trump is unironically fucked tho.

The only problem with that tweet is that he is talking about the wrong group of people. Liberals, just like in 2016, will cling to any poll that fits their own biases. Once again the libshit candidate will have a 98.1% chance of winning and lazy liberals will stay home.

Did this faggot forget about the 2016 polls and how Hillary had a 99.99% chance to win?

oh, look, it's more niggers from africa getting free housing in my country. i'll be sure to run out and vote

The Trump voters here are retarded shills for Israel. They're not even good at their job.

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Hahaha sorry I'm not gonna vote for any zionists stooge this year, maybe when I'm a geriatric with dementia like you guys.

I don't feel like shilling for President's Kushner 2020 campaign so yeah.

even the IDs glow

if you want to end patriarchy - you must not vote- voting was invented for and by white cis males only, it is the most oppressive thing on earth. DEATH TO PATRIARCHY! SAY NO TO THE VOTE!

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why do glowniggers call everyone except jews, jews. And shill for voting for an actual kike; bernie sanders.

Only MIGA has moved forward

Hillary will win!! she won the popular vote

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He's waiting to declassify, he'll run on that and win.

This is going to suck more knowing that Democrats can now vote for their candidate straight from their Facebook and Twitter. Fucking retarded Trump supporters don't even get to vote in the comfort of their own home like Democrats can.

Wtf is MIGA? Are you suggesting Israel is not great already?

Go home to your family glownigger

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The left can't me-

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every trump voter needs to drag EVERYONE alive to the polls. no mercy CRUSH the left.

>p-please stay home on election day

It's nearly 7 glowies, shouldn't you be home by now?

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>no survivors

This is what must be done... you wouldnt believe how many expats vote while being liberal scum residing in canada.

trump will win

Because 80% of pol is, or will vote for him anyway. They say they won't, but nobody is going to put their support behind liberals at this point. When it comes down to Trump vs anyone on the left vs Trump the left is fucked.

I know you're a glowing CIA nigger faggot, but even you should know you cannot flip this place into the same gentrified honktopia you turned reality into, since it was already a shit heap to begin with. I'll vote for Trump just because it pisses you off. Fuck it, at this point it's just for the lulz. Nothing can fix this country, might as well sleep a little better knowing some blue haired social fuckup somewhere hung herself in the closet.

let’s maga

We are probably going to be working so we can pay for your 3rd world healthcare you lowlife

>Electoral college
>Caring about voting

I’m not voting. Fuck political solutions, fuck boomers, fuck normies, the hell thats coming for you all is what you deserve. I’ll be in my basement watching anime and reading Kant.

Oh yeah I'm totally with you I'm glad you convinced me that I can relax and go fishing instead of vote I would much rather fish and now that I know I don't need to vote because it's going to be such an overwhelming Victory got to give me more of an opportunity to fish

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