Why do people keep bringing up Charlottesville like it wasn't some random attack?

Why do people keep bringing up Charlottesville like it wasn't some random attack?

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Because it was a giant Mossad false flag

did you shop this nigger's noggin?

Literally not human.

yeah, you can tell he made it bigger than it really is

because the media curb stomped the alt-right with it, and they're not gonna let you forget it

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because before 2016 there was no white nationalist violence whatsoever and they had to grasp at straws

Jesus fuck.

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Because if a nigger isn’t a victim (either of himself or society) he isn’t a nigger

>Mossad false flag
How do they gain from this?

The Mayor worked for George Soros.
They put a lot of effort into it, but nobody really cared. But these are the same people that have been beating the LOLcaust to death for over 70 years...they'll never stop.

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it spooked the establishment because it was a political protest they didn't control.

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Interesting facts concerning the trial:

1. GoFundMe, Kickstarter, and other online crowdfunding firms have closed crowdfunding attempts for Fields' defense citing that it violates policy on hate speech and abuse
2. James Fields first lawyer, Charles L. Weber Jr. - a Republican, was removed due to conflict of interest - he is part of a lawsuit against Charlottesville seeking to prevent the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee from Emancipation Park and has a history of defending Confederate statues
3. James Fields new lawyer, Denise Lunsford - a Democrat, was involved in a scandal due to disregarding pertinent evidence and improperly vetting a witness for a case that later turned out to have its conviction vacated due to this.
4. James Fields new lawyer, Denise Lunsford serves on the Charlottesville and Virginia state BAR board- any complaints against her will at some point in the process be filed through her.
5. James Fields new lawyer, Denise Lunsford, requests the the trial take place outside of Charlottesville due difficulty of finding an unbiased jury. Judge Moore refuses point blank.

6. The prosecution sought to bring up his highschool years, relationship with his mother, and texts between them as evidence. The defense sought to block the texts arguing that they portray Fields in an unfair light since it does not show intent at the time of the attack - Judge Moore denied this and ruled that the messages help the jury understand what motivated Fields that day. To quote Judge Moore: "Probative value in this case outweighs any prejudicial effect."
7. The defense sought to strike this evidence arguing that it did not prove that fields acted with malice aforethought nor with the intent to kill. Judge Moore disagreed, to quote "I don’t know what intent he could have had driving into a crowd at that speed other than to kill people."
8. Judge Moore allowed a meme folder from months before to be used as evidence by the prosecution.
9. Judge Moore allowed the defense to use cherrypicked sections of a phone call with his mother where he called Heather Heyer a communist and an enemy, but refused to include the section where he broke down crying and said he didn't wanna hurt anyone.
10. 68 Jurors were interviewed for this case. 20 openly admitted they had made up their minds on the case with the information they had from the media. 12 Jurors were ultimately chosen, with 4 alternates.

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11. Fields lawyers told the judge they did not want him rehabilitating jurors. Moore took this under advisement and said he'd revisit it later.
12. Judge Moore struck 3 articles of evidence produced by the defense. One a facebook post by Dwayne Dixon, a radical communist who admitted to following James Fields with an AR15. One a video of Dwayne Dixon talking about following James Fields with the AR15 and noting how he "waved" James Fields off with the gun by muzzle sweeping him. And the third was overhead video from a Helicopter manned by the VIriginia State Police that captured the incident.
13. Dwayne Dixon, when questioned perjured himself stating that he was mistaken that it wasn't Fields, and argued that because his location was different at the time of the facebook post being made, that it placed him away from Fields when the incident happened (when he said he waved someone off).
14. Judge Moore removed Dwayne Dixon's firearm charge despite Dixon admitting to using it to "scare" off who he "thought" were Fields during the Trial.
15. A juror approached Judge Moore, stating they heard someone talking about something and thought it was related to the trial. The judge stated after questioning that what the Juror heard was not related to the facts of the case and "these things happen.". No alternate was brought in.

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Kori Muhammad.
Xavier Micah Johnson.
Omar Mateen.

Let's compare right vs. Leftist violence. It's not even a competition.

16. On Dec 6th, the Defense reappealed to move the trial. Judge Moore refused citing that they could and did seat an impartial jury as far as he was concerned.
17. Judge Moore said evidence presented over the last week and testimony about how Fields idled his vehicle after backing the car away from the crowd, when he could have left the scene unimpeded, could be enough to determine his guilt.
18. The defense argued against the photo of Adolf Hitler being shown to the jury, but the judge ruled that it was admissible because the case centers on intent, malice and self-defense. Judge Moore said the picture does, or at least could, tell the jury something about Fields’ intent or state of mind.
19. Charlottesville Circuit Court Judge Richard Moore, who is presiding over the case, said that it was the “most complicated jury selection” process he’d ever participated in through his 37 years as an attorney and six as a judge. The complication, Moore said, stemmed from the difficulty in finding potential jurors who did not have strong feelings about the violent Unite the Right rally, or of the car attack, which left Heather Heyer, a Charlottesville resident, dead and dozens injured.
20. Judge Moore also ruled against what he perceives as "right" wing individuals in two recent trials - one wherein a man discharged a firearm at the ground in an attempt to scare a black man away who was using aerosol as a make shift flamethrower and attacking a crowd (sentenced to 8 years in prison), and one where a man and his companions attacked a black man after he attacked someone with a mag lite (whom he sentenced to 8 years in prison).

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Because if the right does anything it's domestic terrorism and if the left does anything it's fighting bloomf

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Same reason they keep on bringing up 9/11 as if it wasn't some kind of random attack.


> Why do Charlottesville
> December
Senate pushes anti-lynching legislation to establish "hate crime" punishment
> January
Jussie Smollett attack hoax by white supremacists (who were African actors)
> February
Senate passes anti-lynching bill
> March
all charges dropped against Jussie Smollett for staging fake hate crime
> April
House of Representatives holds hearing to scare the goyim about the Klan.
> May
"Klan rally in Ohio", consisting of 7 masked dudes holding the Confederate flag
House of Representatives stages "not enough is being done" theatre

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(((Jason Kessler)))

Must be new

I have seen the Craigslist ad for actors and extras to go to that. That entire thing was a setup. Nazis my ass

They invested in it, they need to get some use out of it

>nobody talks about the helicopter that crash and killed 2 officers
>nobody brings up all police helicopters are fitted with cameras and all communication is recorded

were they the good guys and saw something they shouldn't so they were taken out?

were they the bad guys and planned to carry out las vegas style shooting but were taken out by the good guys? always weird how charlottesville gets brought up so often and is so important to the left when all that happen was a fat woman was hit by a car and died from a heart attack.. was something even worse supposed to happen?

or was it truly just an accident?

It wasn't even an attack. It was a sperg out. Between Dwayne Dixon types and an unsympathetic (to say the least) university town, it was bound to be a disaster.
I get it with the statue and all, but the choice of locale for UTR was the dumbest fucking thing about it.
They should've gone home after the torch march. All the media would've had is muh tiki torches. But no.
>Hey let's go have rightwing Woodstock in Terry McAuliffe's backyard
>What could go wrong

Honestly it’s Trumps fault, he’s mentally retarded. If he was Obama he would have said how he believes all neonazis are evil but he believes that we should preserve the history of the south and respect real ancestors even though they are confederate, those people he has kinship with.

Not that hard.

Its politically convenient to lie about what happened. That's why we still hear about it. Nobody knows the rioters... I mean ""counterprotesters"" were causing the mayhem that resulted in a death.

>>nobody talks about the helicopter that crash and killed 2 officers

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wtf is that headshape? It's literally an ovoid, hypsicephaly + acrocephaly combined. Did he get dropped on the head?

what else do they have? Nothing

>Nobody knows the rioters... I mean ""counterprotesters"" were causing the mayhem that resulted in a death.
this still boggles me. How can people not realize that the mob of people that showed up wearing masks and wielding bats were the troublemakers?

>How can people not realize that the mob of people that showed up wearing masks and wielding bats were the troublemakers?
did you read this, user?
people don't know because they don't WANT to know

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>why do they bring up parkland?
> why do they bring up sandy hook?
> why do the bring up pulse fag club?
> why do they bring up Charleston?
> why do they bring up ......

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It’s because they afraid but not afraid to kvetch

Are you really this stupid?

one morbidly obese woman dies of a heart attack two years ago and they're still bringing it up as some sort of national emergency

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>the media curb-stomped a fake media sensation with a fake name and fake, fed leaders

now let's see Floyd face Connor in MMA

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Its all about the narrative, goy.
They set the trap and you guys walked right into it.
Next time get some leadership with some brains and quit doing these larp rallies.

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Because they literally have nothing else.
They constantly go on and on about how awful white people are and how white domestic terrorism is supposed to be this huge threat, but then it never really comes true. So when one goober looses his cool and one (1) person dies from it, they push it to hell and back so they can feel validated.

what's that guys name? is he half black and half Jewish?

Because the media has effectively misled the nation on Trump's speech. They have taken it all out of context and will be using it heavily during the election.

Lester holt

"Holt was born on March 8, 1959 in San Francisco, California, the son of June (DeRozario) and Lester Don Holt, Sr.[8][9] His maternal grandparents were born, raised and married in Jamaica."



His grandmother was part Sephardic jew.


>part jew
nah, this is a very potent strain of jew and I wouldn't be surprised if its in the paternal line as well