Mfw a poltard

Tries to convince me pizzagate is real and our ruling elites sodomize and lobotomize infants to harvest adrenochrome lol

Attached: tenor (2).gif (220x153, 112K)

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If Pizzagate wasn't real the elitist establishment wouldn't be shilling nonstop about it.

The rule with conspiracies is:
If it's fake it's ignored by TPTB.
If it's real it's attacked by TPTB.
Which of these has been the reaction to Pizzagate?

Uhhh wut

Have you looked into Epstein and his mysterious plea deal or Saville, his connections to the royal family and the BBC’s attempts to hide his behavior and punish investigation into his actions? Each raped dozens of underage girls but had little consequence. Pizzagate is the tip of the iceberg into a basement that “does not exist”

Laura silsby?

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Hahah yeah wouldn't that be something?

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>itt: people off their meds

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>Tries to convince me pizzagate is real and our ruling elites sodomize and lobotomize infants to harvest adrenochrome lol
I like how the owner of a small Pizza joint was recognized by a big newspaper as being one of the most powerful people in DC.

That must be some good pizza.

No, they attacked it quite a bit at the time. It quickly died down because too many people thought that since that idiot rushing in with a gun found nothing there was nothing.

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>Pizzagate isn't real goyim
>the government can be trusted goyim
>stop asking questions goyim
Revolution imminent

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literally means nothing

The video of Schiff raping and strangling a Guatemalan toddler at the Standard Hotel in LA means something.

good job normie redditor
get an upboat

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are you kidding? they're still mentioning it 3 years later

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the standard hotel burned down so theres no evidence also shut the fuck up ok

>t. Albanian Satanic organ trafficker working in Croatia

Me when you think this is a fucking joke

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Don't lie. Pizzagate is real but that and the Frazzledrip one are most likely fakes.

Heres the thing if frazzle drip is fake then i should be allowed to see it