Suburbs are too far from cities and cause hellish commute times

>Suburbs are too far from cities and cause hellish commute times
>Condos are too pozzed and are far too expensive for the price they're offered at

I feel like townhomes are the answer to the overcrowding and urban sprawl problem.
>Spacious for the size they offer
>Can foster community much better than a condo or suburb
>Can be built in abundance just outside of city centers
>Can still line streets with trees while not leaving a massive, ugly footprint
>Affordable due to size and number
>has everything a house would need
>They look trad as fuck assuming they aren't modern abominations

What do you think pol? Feel like this is a legitimate answer to a serious problem.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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imo the best compromise. if you have a nice backyard it's probably the best of both worlds

looks comfy

>if you have a nice backyard it's probably the best of both worlds
Oh yeah forgot to mention the backyard bit. That's important. Also ones with the garage on the street get the rope.

It should be set up like this

>semi-attached garage
and repeat in the opposite order
>same alley
>semi-attached garage

Also mixed use zoning so stores and offices can be built in walking or biking distances.

yes this as well.
a bunch of little cities radiating out from larger urban cores would be the ideal setup.

It's funny how Jow Forums constantly defends the most jewish of housing which is sprawl suburbs (literally invented by a jew), and thinks that the most traditionally western non-jewish kind of housing is some sort of jewish trick.
Just goes to show how pozzed nu/pol/ is.

All fucking boomers must fucking hang.

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No thank you. Ill keep my 45-60 minute commute and keep my 17 acres

Though one issue I realized is town homes would be hard on old people's knees they are often 3 or 4 stories, so you would need 2 or 3 of pic related. Cars are an issue for old people though too, maybe they could move to condo or apartment towers when they get older.

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good goy

>William Jaird Levitt (February 11, 1907 – January 28, 1994) was a Jewish-American real-estate developer from Brooklyn, New York City. As president of Levitt & Sons, he is widely credited as the father of modern American suburbia. He was named one of Time Magazine's "100 Most Influential People of the 20th Century."[1]

>father of modern American suburbia

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Hurrdurrr. Living in houses that share walls is better than being a free man on lots of land

>17 acres
okay fair enough.

This user. Townhomes on the otherhand are literally perfect.

As someone who grew up in suburban florida that sounds like a literal dream come true.

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>""""""""""""""""""""""""""lots of land""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Attached: sprawl-pic.jpg (791x547, 495K)

Not one of those properties in that picture is on 17 acres, go fuck yourself

Imagine spending 14 hours in a 40 hour work week just driving there and back.

This is what 15 ac. looks like. Most suburb cucks live on less than half an acre though.

Attached: 15_a.jpg (960x640, 93K)

The best living is a townhome and a weekend country place.

This is a good conservative leaning smart urban design website.

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Townhomes are similar to the original suburbs from the ~1920s, which were also called "streetcar suburbs" because they were built around streetcar lines that reached out from the urban core. That is to say, they are still compatible with mass transit instead of depending on the automobile jew like sprawl suburbs. That is a key difference. Getting people to depend on the car is one of the great jewish tricks pulled on the eternal goyim in the US. It's a huge waste of money, means consistent oil consumption, alienates people from their community, and isolates those who can't drive, which is a much larger proportion than people like to think.

>muh acres
congrats you're a farmer or something like that, which provides work for like 10% of people. The rest of us have to make due with city life. If everyone had 17 acres you'd have commutes of 3-4 hours or more jfc get real you dumb mutts

I hate cities but they have all the higher paying/decent benefit jobs. I have no problems with my neighbors and I have never had a reason to call for police. It is peaceful, quiet, clean, and much more beautiful than than any flatland, concrete jungle that is a city

agreed but the ones you've posted look like absolute hell and I'd rather live in an older one

Thats my point. All you city cucks can enjoy your short commutes and suffer city life. Ill endure my drive in and be eternally happy with my land

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

>cities are ugly
in muttland perhaps

Attached: swiss_city.jpg (650x365, 163K)

that is a condo wtf are u on about?

The solutionr is not being a fucking citynigger.

You obviously know jack shit about life in Europe. Land is scarce here, and consequently expensive.
Then again I don't get the point of having lots of land for no reason. If I had land I'd farm it and live off it, that way I wouldn't have any commute at all. Like, great, I have 17 acres, but I have to waste 10+ hours each day going to work, I have to spend ages in the car to get groceries, I have nothing closeby, for everything I have to take the car. How fucking tiresome.

>10+ hours each day going to work
*each week

>live work and midrise
These might be decent options. Close to businesses and homes. A community where you visit your local family run business.

this as well

Okay I will admit I grew up in a house with 10 acres (still am living it because I'm a NEET that lives with his parents) with most of it in the backyard that goes into the woods.

I was just correcting you. He already said that he had an hour daily commute and 17 acres. No reason to post that sprawl.

I agree, but an hour commute doesn't help your case. Too many people are wasting half of their day driving and not even getting anything in return for it.

How can you tell?

You're all forgetting that in houses like that you can hear your neighbours. Pure torture.

Yeah okay, only if it's white only. I really don't wanna have nigger neighbors. Hell, I'll even take bluepilled whites just no niggers, spics, or chinks

>too far from cities

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Traditionally the vast majority of Europeans lived in the country and in small villages. Suburbs reflect village life better than townhouses, so if anything they're more traditional.

I'm currently in a town with a lot of them and it's pretty comfy.

This is why you live near a village user

Suburbs dont typically have stores.

lmao suburbs don't reflect village life at all. How does having a tiny plot of land surrounded by thousands of others relate to village life? How does spending hours in traffic to go work in the city relate to village life? How does not having a town center relate to village life? You're a pathetic ameriboo.

What's your line of work? Farmer?

Small farmers do not make all that much money and it is too hard to raise a family. I do plenty with my land. I do have a sizeable garden and I am able to walk out my backdoor and hunt

Because Amerifats are so lazy they'd rather drive half an hour to Walmart than walk 5 minutes to a local store.

condos can be anything from a detached single family home to an apartment style multilevel building. has a homeowners association and fees. usually has some community or recreational stuff. all townhome style buildings are condos.

Nah I just live in the country 2 mins from my local village and like 15 mins from the town where I work.

Ah so you enjoy the life of a savage. Good for you. Guess we have a head start on that whole civilization thing over here :^)

I should add that its really only traffic that makes my communte so long.

Well suburbs here are diff to the shit you're posting. They're basically just a lot of houses in a ring around a large green w/ a small shop somewhere. My grandfather retired to one(was a farmer before retirement). It's pretty fucking comfy. Much nicer than sharing walls and opening your front door out onto the street.

>condos can be anything from a detached single family home to an apartment style multilevel building
Exactly, thats why I asked.

>all townhome style buildings are condos.
Not exactly. You own the entire unit when you buy a townhouse, not just the interior.

Problem w American suburbs is Americans are too Jewish to have shared greens. There's nowhere there where kids could play soccer.
And also the shape is satanic and offers no sense of community.

>Can foster community much better than a condo or suburb
The more people who don't know or like eachother crammed into a small area the more hostile the public space becomes. The US gov't will fill it with beaners and niggers.

Aside from higher paying jobs/good benefits what makes cities so great?

So basically a squished together suburb? That's literally where I live now and it's every millenials worst nightmare told to them by fucking weird 90s music videos.

why do euros chime in on threads that are obviously for Americans?
>huuurr buildings in europe are older than those in america
>we've old stuff here
>our stuff isn't new
we get it you annoying fucks

(condo or apartment towers with elevators* when they get older.) To clarify.

Oy vey

go to Jow Forums if you want to whine about americans you faminoid whelp

yeah, you own the unit but most of the outdoor maintenance is taken care of by the HOA and fees. usually the siding and roof is maintained by the HOA. a townhome is still a condo or apartment, it's just a style of housing.

I completely agree with you user. Townhouses are the best solution to make people less miserable, however they are almost never being built I wonder why

I lived in a town house
It’s really not that good
It’s like a duplex but now you have two neighbors instead of just one and chances are the building is like 100 years old and full of problems

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Who was it that invented sprawl suburbs?

Why do Americans suburbs look so damn soul crushing

Burgers don't really care about anything outside of the nuclear family (the couple and their kids). Their grandparents get put into nursing homes. When their kids turn 18 they leave to start their own family, often very far away.

American cities are designed for cars and not people. Which is why townhouses CANT work here.

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Most of the times you don't actually own the building, generally in the US townhouses are multi unit. A lot of the time homes that share walls won't be approved for mortgages if there isn't insurance, a sufficient escrow, or is generally owned by a condo association or HOA which requires dues to be paid into an upkeep account, because your neighbors shitty house can take yours down with it. a friend of mine lives in a city house with 2 attached neighbors, to get his mortgage he had to have a massive escrow balance and a serious homeowners policy for exactly that reason.

Sounds like Melbourne in Australia
Absolute shit and just fills up with lefties who don't care for the general area then all the minorities move in and it smells like shit
I used to live in a townhouse and it was fucking garbage, no room to do anything, only just enough room to live
Now I live on the outskirts with a massive house for cheap rent with a half acre backyard, and no minorities because semi rural scares them off thank god
Cities are cancer and you should try to live as far away from them as possible for your sanity, health and survival of any big habbening

Fucking national socialists get the rope. Get the fuck out of here.

I’m not interested in sharing my property. I’m interested in owning it and doing what i want with it. And whatever onions-injected faggot nonsense that was about cars...holy Christ.

Fucking tradcucks, commies, socialists, national socialists, nazis, Team Red, Team Blue, and all the others who want me to “share” get the fucking rope. Stop larping, and pick up some weapons skills, you’ll need them when your shared housing gets turned into another lowest-common-denominator resource claimed by the state.

> townhouses

Fuck that. The whole point of buying a home is so that you don't have to share your walls with other people.

You know you don't have to have paper thin walls right user and with proper walls you won't hear your neighbors

Everything is incredibly pozzed. Literally no where else in the world has that bullshit.

Burger construction is the problem. Imagine spending more than half a million on a cheap wood frame and plaster.

Attached: cuesta-de-gomerez-street-granada-spain-E1GRY9.jpg (1300x1098, 275K)

Imagine being this Mexican larping as an American using media constructed nonsense as the basis for your 'American' identity

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You’re forgetting the North American pavement ape. In dense cities, an infestation spreads rapidly and American laws protect it so you can’t combat its spread

That's well and good until Uncle Sam moves a pack of Section Ape dindus in to the """house""" adjoining yours.

>this type of housing requires serious scrutiny. Damn, even better. Imagine how many niggers that would keep out

niggers move in next door, filthy TNB habits leave you dealing with roaches, bedbugs, fleas, and rodents

That Swiss bro keeps posting about how European cities and villages are so great but does he realize the reality in the US is that cities are full of fucking niggers, bums and insufferable liberals? As soon as the work day is done, white Americans want to get as far as possible from all of that to their little refuge. The good thing is that many high paying jobs have followed us to the outer suburbs so it’s no longer necessary to commute into the city. This opens up the possibility to live even further out in the country where life is 100x better than in the cities.

>US is that cities are full of fucking niggers, bums and insufferable liberals?
Aren't all of those people poor though? So if you have some money just move into a nicer neighborhood so you can avoid them

You still have to see them on the streets nigging up the place

Call them terraced houses to help your sell.

But you can’t live in the city to do that. To move into a nice neighborhood where you are safe from their criminality, you have to move into a suburb, or into a part of the city with functionally the same layout as a suburb

The liberals aren’t all poor. Many of them live in 95% white suburbs in their $2 million dollar houses and organize community outreach programs to be more inclusive while living in an exclusive rich suburb. Many are Jews.

I sold a townhouse a while back to upgrade into a full size single family home in a non hoa neighborhood.

The problem with town houses is that it’s like an apartment where you have to deal with your neighbors, and if you get a shitty one you’re fucked. If your neighbor is a dick that parties at 2am, or blasts loud movies all night long, you don’t have much recourse. Not to mention the nazis that run the HOA, and tell you what you have to repair and how it should look even though it’s your property and not theirs. If you value your privacy you’ll basically get none because guaranteed there is at least one or two neighbors that get into everyone’s business.

TLDR; townhouses are good for a starter home but plan on moving once you can financially afford to do so.

And loud music, shouting, fights...

t. brazilian lone wanderer

>To move into a nice neighborhood where you are safe from their criminality, you have to move into a suburb, or into a part of the city with functionally the same layout as a suburb
I don't know how it is in the states, but in the rich parts of Sweden there's almost no none-whites and they're extremely safe. Whereas most of the suburbs are the "diverse" part of the cities and contain the unsafe areas

t. Baby boomer

There are some places like that here too but they are extraordinarily expensive and usually on the edge of cities or pArts that aren’t on the subway lines.

Don’t underestimate the extraordinary lengths white Americans will go to avoid having to live around non whites.

Can confirm, all it takes is one family. My neighborhood went from quiet and bucolic with friendly neighbors to any ghetto USA, and all it took was one house turning rental, and one Puerto Rican family moving in.

Weird, in Sweden some of the most central parts of the city are the whitest parts of the cities

Looks cozy af, I'd live there granted it's sufficiently white. Suburbs are hell.

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>cramming everyone in overpriced cheaply built deanoboxes with no privacy and thin walls

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America is 13% black and more than 15% “Hispanic.” Hispanics have a lot of Amerindian DNA, and commit a lot more crime as a result. (Puerto Ricans count as Hispanic and they are 30-35% African by DNA). The United States has a massive non-white population, and Africans in particular commit quite a bit of crime. Split up by quintiles, the wealthiest African-Americans commit more crime than the poorest white Americans. The result is way more crime in America than country like Sweden which is far, far whiter.

America’s crime rate spiked in the 70s and 80s as a result of the Civil Rights movement. Inner cities were not black in the 20s and 30s. Blacks moved into northern cities during the depression and the war, but their criminality was controlled by Jim Crow laws in the South and some similar arrangements in the North.

There were explicit white and black neighborhoods, and blacks in white neighborhoods were treated with hostility and suspicion. Liens on deeds prevented houses from being sold to blacks. Sundown laws kept blacks specifically out of public areas at night.

The Civil Rights movement hamstrung the ability of whites to protect their neighborhoods from the presence of blacks, and hamstrung police in dealing with criminals. So crime began to spiral out of control. Whites began to flee cities in massive numbers and only blacks were left.

Why did whites flee cities? Distance. 15 minutes in a car from the black hood is a two hour walk for hoodlums. They can’t get at your bike, your car, your house, your wallet, etc., from out there. And most young black men, especially the ones more likely to commit crime, can’t afford a car. America’s lack of good public transit is not a bug - it’s a feature. It puts hassle and distance between white families and black criminals.

American cities used to have good public transit, which is why whites had to flee to the suburbs

Yeah that's why I stopped looking at condos and townhouses. Your neighbors have too much influence on your unit. If they fuck up theirs badly enough it can fuck up yours.

>sem-rural scares niggers
It's funny because it's true. Niggers absolutely need to be in the city.

The Wire is probably the most authentic show as far as depicting the real world and being redpilled, and it's funny because a lot of them at different points admitted to having never even left Baltimore. They have their own little concrete jungle that they never leave

Because the shitskins haven't been there for a long time. Cities in general are more expensive than the suburbs.
Shitskins cause "White flight" which causes the area to rapidly depreciate which brings in more and more shitskins.
Meanwhile the parts of town that were too expensive for hordes becomes even more expensive.

How can America solve this? Would making it harder to get loans for poor ppl and prohibiting people from renting in certain areas to keep some people out?

If you increased police presence and make it illegal to sleep on the streets would a lot of the problems in the inner cities in the US get fixed?

Also having a higher cost of public transportation to keep some groups of people out from public transportation while having strict controls to make sure that no one freeloads and uses it without paying ofc

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