Why are they so bad at fighting back invasions lol

Why are they so bad at fighting back invasions lol

Poland would literally not exist if it would not benefit Britain/the US.

You literally only exist as the slave bitch of a "real" nation. Let that sink in.

Attached: poland.jpg (225x225, 13K)

this goes for tons of other countries as well

please annex us

You were annexed.

>Why are they so bad at fighting back invasions lol
They clearly aren’t since they are still alive and survived almost TWO fucking centuries without being on the map. They are simply just in a bad geographical area (Central European plains/hills) and their neighbors from the west and east are imperialist bastards.

>Poland would literally not exist if it would not benefit Britain/the US.
Bullshit, since Poles are alive and well and have the will to live.

>You literally only exist as the slave bitch of a "real" nation. Let that sink in.
You’re a slave bitch to us. After WW2, we took control of your entire western half and made you our cuck. Now you’re nothing but an Islamist Turkic Republic in the making and your women are all disgusting slags.

Get off the VPN, kike

Imagine if Poland could rule over Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria and Czechs it would be number # 1 kurwka

Poland quite literally saved Europe from Islam.

As for WW2?

Poland happened to lose to the combined might of the Germans who also took out Belgium, France and so on, and the Russians who ended up sloughing through Germany once they had intense Anglo-American funding.

Like what the fuck did you expect them to do?

Anyway, you're German. You damaged Europe more than any ZOG's could have dreamed of.

Attached: 1544910701686.png (1232x2974, 203K)

Eastern europe is shit tier geography for modern warfare. Easily invaded flatlands

Stalin only attacked after Germany defeated them idiot.

They could have fight back the German invasion, then stop the Russian invasion.


poland has always been a fucktoy for her neighbors. she has no natural borders.

why are you so salty?

>be first multicultural country in europe
>lose your country for 123 years
>get your country back
>after 20 years get attacked by 2 most feared empires at that time from two sides
>kraut is laughing at you losing even though he was the one to lose land and not gain anything while we got back our Xth century Poland with extra Prussia and without minorities
>he doesn't yet understand he is the multicultural country now but had to invite all the minorities instead of settling his own on foreign lands liberated from mongols
*grabs popcorn*

if the nazis won WW2, Poland would be blamed for all the communism that happened under its occupier's watch. Haters gonna hate. Godspeed Poland.

Attached: Poland.gif (450x422, 17K)

>Why are they so bad at fighting back invasions lol

It's all a giant plain, what do you want, gerry. I wonder how could you defend a plain.

>Why are they so bad at fighting back invasions lol
>Germany would literally not exist if it would not benefit the jews
>You literally only exist as the slave bitch of the "chosen" people and sandniggers. Let that sink in.

Could this be a new pasta template?

Attached: Germany+-+east+and+west[1].jpg (425x549, 57K)

You already are, your entire economy is a German greenfield investment

Don’t worry Wladisław, I’m sending the Chicanos to your country to steal your women.

Literally no nation on earth in 1939 could have withstood the combined land sea and air invasion of Germany and the Soviet Union was it was. That said, Poland absolutely BTFO the commies in the 1920s and made Stalin forever a retard with PTSD.

Attached: 33213055908_3bf505a1d7_b.jpg (1024x657, 183K)

>Don’t worry Wladisław,
Actually it's Grzegorz, Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz.

At least they'd be white

>Eastern europe is shit tier geography for modern warfare

basically this

Most of them are Mestizos, the ones that stay are Castizos. Mestizos are like goblins that are parasitic opportunists.

>Why are they so bad at fighting back invasions lol
Said country which let millions of sandniggers with open arms to their country.

Attached: 1557993747569.jpg (600x917, 59K)

Every western nation is just a pawn of Jews in the end