Milo Destroys the Optics Cucks
Says Ben Shapiro caused more damage to the Conservative Movement than Richard Spencer
Milo Destroys the Optics Cucks
Says Ben Shapiro caused more damage to the Conservative Movement than Richard Spencer
>pathetically trying to claw his way back to relevancy.
Trump is over, get with yang or suffer Biden.
fuck off kike
he's completely right in this instance
The gay Greek faggot?
Stop posting this jewish greek mutt faggot that takes nigger dicks in his ass and also likes underage boys.
He doesnt represent anything remotely right wing.
And no, not a single part of that description is false.
"Our cause"
>kike urbanite degenerate
stop giving these clowns attention
>taking advice from a Jewish pedophile
national level journalists make money off antifa riots. of course those vampires would encourage antifa.
if you want to make america great don't talk about politics and volunteer. pick up some trash from the street or whatever fill a pothole with the boys.
get active in making it better.