Milo Destroys the Optics Cucks

Milo Destroys the Optics Cucks

Says Ben Shapiro caused more damage to the Conservative Movement than Richard Spencer

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>pathetically trying to claw his way back to relevancy.
Trump is over, get with yang or suffer Biden.

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fuck off kike

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he's completely right in this instance

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The gay Greek faggot?

Stop posting this jewish greek mutt faggot that takes nigger dicks in his ass and also likes underage boys.

He doesnt represent anything remotely right wing.

And no, not a single part of that description is false.

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"Our cause"
>kike urbanite degenerate
stop giving these clowns attention

>taking advice from a Jewish pedophile


national level journalists make money off antifa riots. of course those vampires would encourage antifa.
if you want to make america great don't talk about politics and volunteer. pick up some trash from the street or whatever fill a pothole with the boys.
get active in making it better.

>if you want to make America better slave yourself out cleaning up after the niggers
shut the fuck up memeflag

Daily reminder that Milo is a pedo

Milo's a fucking retard. The Left is so bad that he wants to vote for a political party that'll probably take his wedding ring away.

This fucking forums spam detecter is fucking retarded.

He's a troll, but he has correct grifting instincts.

>He's a troll, but he has correct grifting instincts.
I guess. If you want to bamboozle someone, go for the Republicans.

>Milo Destroys the Optics Cucks
>Says Ben Shapiro caused more damage to the Conservative Movement than Richard Spencer
This is mega based.

>Stop posting this jewish greek mutt faggot that takes nigger dicks in his ass and also likes underage boys.
>He doesnt represent anything remotely right wing.
>And no, not a single part of that description is false.
Doesn't matter. WHat he said here needs to be more widespread and he has a platform.


100% correct assessment that Jow Forums would accept coming from anyone else other than Milo. A man who tried to grift the very people he now bashes.

>hurr durr ghey joo

He's right though you morons.

as much as i like yang, sanders is our only shot at beating biden. yang could use a few more years in politics

t. feds

lul i fucking wish

milo was amusing 3 years ago, i am not even interested in clicking the thumbnail and reading what he has to say

>Milo has a platform

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He knows what he must do

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Milo is degenerate and a proven fraud.

Great speech Milo! Alright you make the first move bud, I'll be sure to follow.

Of course Ben Shapiro did more damage, he is a jew.

Unironically based and I hate the stupid faggot.
The right is losing because were placed in the marxist box labelled reactionary.
Forced in to a constant defense for our ideas and principles where victory is simply keeping them for a while longer.
The right needs to embrace hypocrisy and infamy. Become what they hate, become innoculated against their terms.
Conservatism is dead by design. Time to accept fascism.

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Milo is a degenerate nigger loving faggot. He admitted that gays reproduce by molesting kids. He is also a kike. So yes I believe he is honest about his degeneracy but that is all the attention I will give him because he is a subversive jew.

>clown world

1. Optics don't matter
2. pic related

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Ofc he's right

Except that everything he said is spot on and desperately needed and youre a typical low-IQ kid who's never been outside your home town

definition of ad hominem

Youre a joke

milo has always been the real hero of the right. the truly based faggot

checked satan

But he got molested by a priest?

We all did

>The faggot jew greek mutt that likes nigger dicks in his ass and endorses exploiting young boys for homosex/pedo pleasure, whom also proclaims to be right wing said x.

Why would any of you here care?

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>>Milo has a platform
I mean he has a following.

I just got into telegram recently. It seems pretty based. Who else should I follow?

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>(((Conservative Movement)))

>Why would any of you here care?
I care, but what he is saying needs to be said.

>endorses exploiting young boys for homosex/pedo pleasure

Totally not true. That's bullshit.

i dont listen to faggots...

>subscribing to the literal Fed gavin who tells his supporters to punch people and then disowns them after the fact.

Gavin has come a long way, alright. He blundered by leaving Proud Boys, but at least he created it in the first place.

>Gavin has come a long way, alright
From Ezras Jewish shill to playing like he still isn't controlled by Ezra but still being his jewish shill. He kissed that faggot Milo, pulled his dick out in a video and pissed in a bowl of cereal and ate it, then showed his asshole in a video. He is a bisexual degenerate jewish puppet.

Wow. I was expecting cringe but that's based and blackpilled.

He created it to be nationalist organization and then turned it into a patriotard one.

>>Wow. I was expecting cringe but that's based and blackpilled.
Except he's wrong; the Constitution ABSOLUTELY provides a way out — if we're both clever enough, and strong enough, to actually, creatively use it.

Pic related.

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Not gonna purity spiral on him. He pulled himself out from the pit of hipsterdom. A fucking degenerate leaf who co-founded Vice magazine. He lost friendships, business contracts, and been blackballed in his Jew York neighborhood. He was lost, but now he is found. A father, a Christian, and an actual fighter of Antifa. He's done more for the Right than many you admire.

Based Milo

>B-but the Constitution gives us one weapon to fight the leftists with
You're exactly the kind of idiot Milo is rightfully mocking. It'll take a lot more than your "plan" to defeat the left — now is not the time to have one's principles hold one back.

Did you read it — because removing the traitors from Congress and the Judiciary would allow you to actually finish the job.

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Gay pot/ kettle something black.

Remembers lads, good advice is good advice, even if it comes from Satan himself.

He’s a faggot who cares

Fucking kill yourself you degenerate

You first shlomo.

>spout a bunch of memes to make your point
What a fag

you're a fucking australian, you're not even white

Holy shit. I just read it and you're the biggest moron ever. Senate would auto-convict and all "traitors" released. Not to mention that even if it went off without a hitch it wouldn't do a thing about the Marxist march through the institutions.

Congratulations, you've posted the single dumbest thing I've read on Jow Forums this month. I doubt anything will top it.

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Milo is an over-emotional retard. We are winning over public opinion with our stoicism. It only gets worse when some nutjob decides to go the "screw your optics" route and kill a bunch of people, thus turning public opinion against anything associated with them.
For a good example of what I'm talking about, take a look at Crowder's recent Change My Mind video that he did right outside of Google Headquarters. He is winning people over by giving his position, listening and broadcasting the opinions of the people that disagree, and addressing their points in a calm, rational way. Often they'll end up seeing his side of things. When they don't, and instead choose to act batshit, they make the opposition look like tantruming children that just want to have their way. This is a long game, but it's one that can only be won with maintaining our position and remaining consistent. If we start calling for violence or threatening/doxing other people, then we look like hypocrites and lose our credibility in the public eye. Be smart, not belligerent. Plan for peace.

Fascism is unstable and undesirable. It will only make our problems much worse than they already are.

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Trump is going to win in 2020

>Swallows all the Black sperm that would otherwise impregnate White women.
>Gives nigs AIDS

Was he /ourOP/ all along?

E-celeb trash. Sage.

So you're saying the Senate would auto-convict EVEN AFTER the HoR was arrested for Treason?

Hell, you could put a bit of a pause on handing it over to the Senate as it literally would be evidence of Treason, each Yea vote bearing witness to each other Yea vote as an overt act (as required for conviction) and the let them vote on it AFTER securing a verdict... which would be easy as the charges themselves would be open admission to Treason.

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Optics cucking has nothing to do with Ben Shapiro.

Ben Shapiro is someone trying to stop the Overton Window from shifting. He keeps goys in line and Milo is right. Milo has also swallowed one of the big red pills that the right fails to accept: Tolerance is why they're here. The left is intolerant of them. The more intolerant side ALWAYS gets the political power.

>Optics cucking has nothing to do with Ben Shapiro.
Ah, but they do: Shapiro *IS* the: Optics Over Reality concept made flesh — Just look at how he's pushed by media, even though he has a face made for radio and a voice made for print — He's a gatekeeper, the Warden of Acceptable Right Thought.

There's zero substance to the guy.

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Yeah it only took all the worlds military power to destabilize fascism and half a century's worth of denazification propaganda to make it undesirable.

He's correct in the sense the "right" has no spine and balls and just accepts the terms of the left in every avenue of life and culture.

He actually has a point.
Doxxing is wrong though.

Political enemies went to the concentration camps too. You think places like Jow Forums would be allowed in a fascist state? You think freedom of speech will be preserved in a form of government that values the state over individual rights? There's a reason the symbol of fascism is a bladed faggot.

My understanding of the optics debate had nothing to do with lying it was about addressing white interests and jewish power without chasing normal people off using nazi wignat shit

>go to jail in europe for sympathizing with nazis or question details of the holocaust
>lose your job in america while the government lets antifa attack you
>go to jail for fighting back

that's rich coming from the guy who tried co-opting the entire Jow Forums movement and incorporating it into the kosher sandwich

Milo is an idiot.

sometimes good men must do bad things

>100% correct assessment that Jow Forums would accept coming from anyone else other than Milo.
True. He’s a cringey self-serving faggot who’s salty for being deplatformed thus losing monies but he’s right.

He's not wrong. Our movement has a ways to go. But good news, we are at least trying in our own way.

Just keep it up guys. Do what you can, Doing nothing does nothing.

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>go to jail in europe for sympathizing with nazis or question details of the holocaust
It's the job of Europeans to sort that out. Here in the USA, all of that shit is unconstitutional
>lose your job in america while the government lets antifa attack you
A tactic that is getting harder and harder to use as the public wises up to the far-left's bullshit. They get away with it when people are naive to it. Stand your ground. You have legal recourse if you were unlawfully terminated.
>go to jail for fighting back
Depends how you fight back. As long as you don't escalate (words to violence or violence to lethal violence are two simple examples) then you are protected by self-defense laws. If someone comes at you with a weapon, then you legally can use a weapon to fight back.

You still haven't given me a reason why fascism is a better alternative to what we have already.

The kike shills are turning on each other. Delicious.

Settle down Charlie Brown

That's how you spark a civil war. Regardless of who wins, our whole country would suffer for it. Other countries, especially Russia and China, would be egging us on to our own destruction and would take advantage of our weakened state.

Oh no, a civil war. How TeRrIbLe!

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Milo is a degenerate, flaming faggot who is likely a hack on the right. He is like Lauren Southern an attention whore.

United we stand. Divided we fall.
Again, Russia and China would take advantage of our own self-destruction.

Never trust a male who enjoys being rammed with dicks.

>why we're not winning
But you're a kike Milo, and kikes are winning.

that doesn't mean he's wrong

We are already divided. Either the left moves right or the left moves right. Do you see a way this happens?
If you're worried about Russia and China than the only real way out is peaceful separation and secession. Realistically liberals get most or all of the west coast and the North East..

The faggot's right
Too bad he's still a faggot

based nip

people who call Milo a pedo are shills, ignore them.

he's right and he's also dangerously close to calling for violence.
We are the ones who fucking invented doxxing but what do they do now? shut down our threads and ban us if we even come close.

We have no authoritarian institutions to enforce our will. They have the media, the education system, the HR departments, the social justice outrage mob, and the political elite willing to do their bidding.
We have nothing. We have no escalation of force it's either do nothing or shoot somebody.
The best weapon we have is memes, unironically. They swung the election. And they've banned our fucking memes.
I'm done tolerating leftist norms. They can fight tooth and nail now for every stupid fucking thing from faggot festivals to women's marches.

>he's completely right in this instance
No he's not. Spencer is a Commie and the memewar = nazis

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