Why can't blacks stay put?

>White people build thriving city
>Blacks move into cities
>White people start leaving
>Move further out and build suburb
>City start turning into shit
>Blacks move into suburb
>Whites move away and build new suburb
>Cities and original suburb now shit
>Blacks move into new suburb
>White move again
>Cycle keeps repeating
It is all so tiresome

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this isn't how things happen any longer.
now is pakistanis.

whites will fight back when there is no place left to run

you do realize there would be no blacks if whites stayed in their own lands

now whites cry more because blacks move to their lands after being forced into their system.


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>be white
>colonize nonwhite land because colonizing other white lands was too hard
>buy and sell blacks and feed and clothe them for cheap labor, rather than just pay whites to work
>ship blacks into your countries
>erase their culture and religion and seprate them
>shocked that after getting all you can out of them, they dont want to go back to africa a place they nothing about

>blame blacks for having the audacity to want to live and assimilate in the places they were forced to be in.

the slave argument. No black person alive today was ever a slave, they all died. it will be the same bullshit with the holohoax in the next decade when all of them die off.

>be non-white
>flee 3rd world shithole to land colonized by white people
>complain about colonization
pretty sure the Indians don't want you either

Maybe we should stop building shit?

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>Why can't blacks....

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ancestors of slaves won the fucking lottery as far as I'm concerned.
there's a reason every nigger in Africa wants to leave

Niggers and other races depend upon civilization to live in white countries.

Remove gibs, remove technology.

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Oh, another of the "huwhiteys shoulda stay in Europe"

You do realize that wherever the white man went, and colonized (and by "colonize" I mean "wiping out the natives and substitute them entirely"), those lands became much better, more civil, controlled, healthier, more intelligent and so on?

The white race has always built, produced, moved forward when they actually conquered and colonized foreign lands.
Shitskins do the opposite:
Wherever they go, civilization degrades

"Give white men a wasteland, and they'll build a city. Give negroes a city and they'll turn it into a wasteland

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that looks comfy, saving enough to buy 50 hectares of land

Good Lord, have sex.

>the slave argument.

are you suggesting that slavery for 300 years doesnt effect people?

the uus is totally established as a culture due to actions done 300 years ago. the constitution is about 300 years old. funny how whites take prid in shit whites accomplished centuries ago, but dont take credit for the faults of those same people.

Based. Don't like it? Move back to yurop. Your shit is my shit now, Cletus.

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>those lands became much better, more civil, controlled, healthier, more intelligent and so on?

for whites.

>The white race has always built, produced, moved forward when they actually conquered and colonized foreign lands.

yes very self centered people.

>Wherever they go, civilization degrades

according to whites

>Niggers and other races depend upon civilization to live in white countries.

>come from lands without this

The issue with cities is density and public transportation. High density means short distances, meaning high walkability. Cheap, frequent, effective public transit also means high mobility. Africans with high physical mobility will do things they are instinctually hardwired to do - a lot of crime. These means that the streets won’t be safe as long as Africans are out in large numbers.

Neighborhoods can combat this with racially restrictive covenants, which are now illegal. If certain neighborhoods don’t permit Africans to own or rent, then those neighborhoods would be out of their way.

Police can combat this if they are allowed to do their job and keep an eye on the specific people who commit the crime - young, male Africans. If the police are allowed to enforce explicitly racial rules (e.g. no blacks in this neighborhood or curfews, like Jim Crow), they can keep entire neighborhoods safe and walkable for everyone.

Why doesn’t this happen? The Civil Rights movement. What makes it worse? Things like Obama’s HUD initiative to spread out public housing to nice, white neighborhoods in an attempt to disperse the poverty and crime in a sea of white suburban prosperity.

Basically, the reason this whole process happens is because the federal government literally forces it to happen at bayonet point.

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and it's why they deserve NO reparations.
I have had that exact arguement. I always say, thank your lucky stars that there was slavery. or else you would be in africa or dead. cause your lineage did not survive that long

>Africans with high physical mobility will do things they are instinctually hardwired to do - a lot of crime.

so youre saying whites dont do crime in cities?

>ancestors of slaves won the fucking lottery as far as I'm concerned.

youre a piece oof shit to suggest that people were fortunate to be enslaved. By that logic white women were lucky to get raped and enslaved by turks and vikings.

>every nigger in Africa wants to leave

but they dont. also theres a reason so many whites left europe to live in black lands

>thank your lucky stars that there was slavery.

thank your lucky stars that there was religous persecution and your ancestors were niggers who got shipped to a penal colony.

>cayman islands

so whyd you guys ship blacks to your island again?

funny how blacks take pride in being a conquered race, sold out by their own, from their own homeland

Blacks are merely losers with a constant victim mentality.

Whites didn't see to fair too bad

>but they dont. also theres a reason so many whites left europe to live in black lands

but they do, thats who the NGOs are bringing to yurop

>youre a piece oof shit to suggest that people were fortunate to be enslaved. By that logic white women were lucky to get raped and enslaved by turks and vikings.

He's quite correct. Don't get me wrong. I for one am almost orgasmic at the thought of American niggers today, not being here, but catching ebola and malaria and dying in the thousands due to disease and starvation.


This is why forced deportation of niggers needs to be a thing. The spooks will continue to follow whites as long as whites let them.

wow its almost like some sort of host-parasite relation

we shipped blacks for the same reason we shipped blacks to jamaica. For slaves.
Whats your point?

PS, im not Australia, fuck nuts, We were never a penal colony.
One of those guys huh, always flapping your lips before doing your research

City is irrelevant. Cities have lots of crime because they have lots of blacks. Whites do commit crimes but statistically at a much lower rate. Blacks commit crime about 7x more frequently than whites.

A small town of 10,000 black people will have a lot of crime. 10,000 black people concentrated into a single neighborhood of a spread out town of 50,000 people will have trouble committing crime in most of the white neighborhoods because young black men will need automobiles to get to most of the town. As a result, only the parts of the neighborhoods bordering the black neighborhood will be affected by the high black crime. So 30,000 white people live in peace and 10,000 white people in the shitty neighborhood next to the black neighborhood have to suffer black criminality.

But 100,000 blacks concentrated into several adjacent neighborhoods of a dense, true city of 5,000,000 people, with good, cheap public transit and walkable neighborhoods can get all over the city without the expense of an automobile. The young black men of that community can victimize a community 50 times it size, and no one lives in peace.

Basically, the denser the population, the easier it is for a highly criminal population to victimize more and more people. This is why suburbs exist. The distance of a commute and the expense of an automobile is a barrier to the criminal behavior of the black underclass.

Thank you Paul Kersey for teaching this to me

Don't forget, white people move back into city and renovate it...gentrification. And that's a bad thing.

he was so close to getting laid, just needed to call her bitch lasagna first.

I live near a very ‘diverse’ city, in the suburbs. My sole purpose for being successful and making decent income was so I could move into a neighborhood where the home values are too high for the blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims to afford - Even when they have multiple families living together. 90% of my street is white.

I periodically drive the surrounding area and if I ever get a sense that the riffraff is moving in I’m selling and moving to the next neighborhood that is majority white.

It's better for shitskins too, retard. Instead of dying from dysentery at 13 they get to live to be 60-80 and have families and jobs and technology and friends.

>according to whites
according to every country that has had to deal with niggers (whites, chinks, poos, etc...) nobody likes niggers, even their own. niggers are the most self-hating group to have ever exist, with maybe the exception of jews.

>I always say, thank your lucky stars that there was slavery. or else you would be in africa or dead.

Doubt it. Whites will die off and pat themselves on the back for giving the world over to people of color. White people hate white people too much to fight for white people, and you know it’s true.

>take pride in b

no ob viously we bitch about it nough to clearly assert were not happy with slavery and its legacy

>catching ebola and malaria and dying in the thousands due to disease and starvation.

a situation brought from whites bring "muh civilization" to their lands and fucking up their balance with nature and population

>Whats your point?

maybe you shouldnt have if you hate blacks so much..

welfare, you dumb ass. end all of it.

>some whites are useless fucks
we know. that's a major reason we don't need to import more. KYS, commie.

No, you proudly proclaim how you were defeated and supposedly rose above 'muh strong black woman'.. You proclaim how awful slavery was, but you ultimately had a choice, die or be taken a slave, and you didn't die. You literally glorify being losers.

A situation brought because niggers can't practice hygiene you mean.


>so youre saying whites dont do crime in cities
They do at extremely low numbers, as a matter of fact. Go find "white" crime stats with mexicans and arabs removed, lol.

For example, the US does not have a gun crime problem. The US has a niggers shooting each other problem. Take the black-on-black crime out of the stats and you get a bucolic, peaceful country like everywhere else full of whites and no niggers.

As Commander Rockwell said, we merely take the money we're spending on welfare and social services and use it to develop an african country where our blacks can go. They will leave without us even having to force them.

>blame blacks for having the audacity to want to live and assimilate
Do they try to assimilate civilised living?

Hey, it feeds the economy and if we let everyone in eventually we can house them all in our marxist utopia! Pic related.

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South African natives welcomed and thanked the white colonizers for ousting out the barbaric black tribes and instituting peace and civility.
Cape Verde natives claim the arrival of the white man as the best thing to happen to them and when given independence following the ultramarine wars, they admitted that they were not capable of ruling themselves at least yet and would feel more comfortable living with white rulers until they can learn to govern themselves.

Fed, housed, and some had their genetic lineage improved (Jefferson). The people who ran the slave trade and the huge plantations are the same ones exploiting you now. Don't take it out on the people who freed your sorry black ass, that's if you aren't just another illegal trying to get more gibs.

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Right. It was the huwhuite man who engineered malaria and other African diseases.

That was the idea with Liberia. It costs money to up and move. That's why it takes a while for the blacks to follow after white flight.

>> blah blah blah
STFU. You talk like a fag and your shit is all retarded.