I am beautiful. No matter what you say. Words can't bring me down

I am beautiful. No matter what you say. Words can't bring me down.

Attached: image.png (1536x2048, 901K)

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Yikes my dude

Good lord

Literally a meme
What a fucking disaster

Attached: js.png (211x239, 6K)

Whiter than you mehmet.

Attached: 000romanianDNAreport.png (957x563, 78K)

Gypsy filth

I don't see any nigger so I don't care

Lmao, it actually says romanian in your pic.
what's the west asian part? turkish?
are you a diaspora faggot

i'm sorry

Yes, you're a beautiful gypsy.

I can confirm he's a gypsy.
Gypsies score over 5% south asian.

>It's a leaf too

he's a shitty imported romani/gypsy faggot, actually adopted.

Awe look it's the angry chink poster who lies about having a romanian gf. How's your romanian mommy doing, sliteyes?

post face

He's part chink, part romanian obviously. Who cares anyways? It's not like he can help his parents race mixing. I support taking in at most 5% race mixed ppl because we will need them to communicate with the hordes of non-white scum. Just like the Romans took in Germanic barbarian kids and made them leaders.

Honestly, that's not a bad mixture. Don't listen to the haters.

romanians are asian anyway. Check their high % of east asian ancestry.

Attached: East-Asian-admixture.gif (800x545, 73K)

Based and muttpilled

Attached: 5516512E-2BB8-47BE-B0E2-B37489522402.jpg (1200x1363, 176K)

True, idk why I read OP as 'East Asian' he's just a Roman mutt, my bad.

Are pol posters genuinely this dumb? West Asia is Anatolia, Iran and the Caucasus...

Yes, I know, fuckwit. I read OPs as 'East Asian'

Why are there so many Romanians in Canada? I've been seeing tons here in the US lately (midwest )

In the sunlight my eyes look pale green with a starburst of very light brown around the pupil.
Is this good enough for being white or is it cope?
Also my skin is extremely white most people think I'm the palest person they've ever seen.
Pink nipples.
And my hair looks like right on the border between very light brown/dark blonde.

but we do have a large concentration of east asian.

Attached: nihilmafiotu.png (630x365, 272K)


Only ever met one Romanian in my life out here on the west coast. Lots of Ukrainians though

do you have straight hair?

of course you're a fucking leaf

Who cares? If you have to ask if you’re white, the answer is, pol thinks you’re a shitskin and normies think you’re just another white guy

people on theapricity.com think of slavs as being eastern asians (mongoloid) especially ukrainians.

it falls down straight but curls in rings

A bit goofy to say they’re oriental or Asian, but eastern Slavs usually have some small amount of East Asian admixture. Would you say black Americans are white because of their 10% white ancestry?

Oh and btw Romania is rightful European clay and if you were European you wouldn't have any Asian genetics showing up, mutt. Explains the nigger behavior displayed by every gypsy u meet, turkroach level.

Pfft not even jewish. You are neither master nor chosen.

Attached: 1560642939939.jpg (600x538, 100K)

1% and more, is enough to fuck up the original caucasoid look and fuck up you facially, trust me, I noticed that.

There are 5% asians who look hapa or even full asian.

Caucasoid european is a very recessive trait

1% and more of non-white(be it black or yellow)*

The real redpill is that the land belongs to whoever has the means to hold it. When the Turks conquered the balkans it was rightfully theirs just as it’s rightfully Balkan now that it’s back in the hands of the Balkan natives

I own a car rental business and have been seeing hundreds of them recently. All traveling from California-Chicago-Florida. They commit Credit card fruad (skimmers) and suck as much welfare out of all the states they can. They stick together but aren't definitely not white and have no respect.


Hello fellow Amerimutt

>mfw im whiter than a europoor
feels good man

How strange, doesn’t romania have a small population?

Attached: Brittany_DNA_Results_coats.jpg (1006x737, 229K)

not small enough

I think the sort of Slavic facial structure you’re thinking of is more of an Eastern European thing than a result of Asian admixture. I’ve met 1/2 Asians that looked less Asian than eastern Slavs

we have at least 10 mil outside, + some 7-9 milion in neighbouring countries like ukraine and moldova. Southwestern ukrainians are slavic speaking romanians.

Holy shit what the fuck lmao

She looked 40% black

a living meme

Sweet fucking Jesus

Attached: 00E0F0AA-C61C-4576-8CAE-A2D28C0CE390.jpg (960x720, 168K)

Ill give you another romanian sample.

Attached: 003romanian.png (1054x615, 83K)

The problem is, every fucking one of them score east asian. I probably have >1% eastern asian mongoloid myself, like wtf.

damn you got me beat by 5%

That’s fine but you’re still a mongrel.

more white than you, mongrel

Attached: 23andme.jpg (1161x827, 74K)

Pick one
Also nigger women make my dick limp



man, i have straight finnish hair. Fuck

Its not that drastic if you look at the percentages lol

this is the reason why hitler considered slavs subhuman actually.

That sample is from a northeasterner romanian.

>Hello Ionela

You fucked up lmao


Attached: hello foggot.jpg (960x960, 132K)

imagine thinking southern italians are white

>0.3% human
>3.5% human
>37% human
>30.7% human

???what do you mean/?

There are more samples


this one even has haplogroups in it.

>be anglo
>consider eastern european human

I guess you stopped being xenophobic.

Someone forgot to erase the name at the bottom.

Ionela-Otilia Iliesi

Stop giving your DNA to Jews to research European targeting viruses.

You guys even assume they tell you the truth about your heritage; they've been proven to add "diversity" in an attempt to make whites more accepting of niggers
>we dey same bois

All you need is on the left of pic related

Attached: 1560714230864.jpg (3308x2339, 1.44M)

It's not mine anyway, the girl is a blogger. Found it while I was looking for sources.

Most Europeans do.
Mongol DNA.

Attached: 23AndMe-Ancestry-Composition-dials.jpg (804x451, 84K)

Attached: Miriam-23andMe-apr2018new.png (1215x833, 134K)

Attached: Screen-Shot-2014-10-29-at-9.29.52-AM.png (990x594, 123K)

Fair enough.

I've met more Romanians then Russians and I live in Illinois. The Romanians I've talked to have all been your typical southern Europeans phenotypically, if that's even a word. They look like slightly darker italians/meds. I've mention the Iron Guard to a couple and they just smile, I guess normies wouldn't have a clue. Other than that they're the typical wop thieving and bargaining type, always have wads of cash and German cars and 20 family members stuffed into a minivan. They always want a sports car to rent and bring back cars filthy with candy wrappers and dirty diapers.

amerimutts don;'t count for it since they mixed with natives.

Also, what happened, calm down kike.

Damn, she looks whiter than most white ppl lmao

she loooks like shit.

El ogro de la oja

>east asian

it's from lapps who arent euro.


Western Asian, do they mean the Indo-European parts or the semetic parts?

You are on the right path son, do the right work. Cause I'm retiring, nice to meet you, at least you didn't say the tests are fake.

East Asian and Native American DNA are extremely similar that's why they are grouped together.
This makes sense since Native Americans originate from Siberia.
Also, keep in mind that it can be possible that some of these people do not have Mongol DNA.
Since some Siberian people's have Indo-European roots this might cause the tests to show that Europeans are similar to them and thusly allocate a part of it to Siberia.
Even though it could have been possible that the Siberians themselves had Indo-European admixture instead.
This boils down to the faulty way these genetics tests allocate DNA to regions

Attached: r.png (700x474, 135K)

post a picture of your beautiful exotic self

2 generations ago on both sides my family was having 5-8 children. Idk wtf happened but this is ridiculous.

t. Haggis muncher

Attached: 07646B99-6F6A-4A04-A019-8E67117898E0.jpg (1198x931, 103K)

Ya but I would never guess 31% Sub-Saharan. She's looks no more than 10% non-white

He probably just looks like a Greek desu

I might know your real name, Emanuel!

The germans were considered huns back then, so it checks out that asian ancestry.

Anyway, if you are interested in genetics and phenotypes like me, make sure to post these links also whenever you try to explain them about the % asian in romanians.

theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?286879-Here-s-a-common-Romanian-female-face-Where-else-does-she-pass/page3 romanians are turks
theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?272304-Pass-and-classify-Romanian-female-soccer-player/page3 turanid ROMAnian
theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?191784-Classify-Romanian-soccer-player-Alin-Toșca mongoloid romanian
theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?191665-Classify-Hungarian-Romanian-female-soccer-player-Kinga-Barabasi mongolian romanian
theapricity.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-286640.html turkish romanian
theapricity.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-285591.html romanian
theapricity.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-273953.html turkish romanian
theapricity.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-286211.html romanian turk
theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?194836-classify-Turkish-actor-Şebnem-Hassanisoughi-(half-Azerbaijani-Turkish) mongolian turk looks romanian lmao
theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?287618-Classify-Romanian-Woman/page2 romanian woman who looks asian
theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?287517-Classify-Hungarian-Szekelys-from-Transylvania/page4 asian szeklers
theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?283688-Classify-Crimean-Tatar-T�rks similar to romanians, said by a romanian himself
theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?288029-Pass-and-classify-this-girl turkish romanian

theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?288523-Classify-Romanian-actor-Sebastian-Stan neo-danubian mongolian romanian
theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?289178-Classify-Romanian-girl north indid romanian pamirid asian lmao archive.is/I2ycN haha 23andme archive.is/OfRgg
theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?187251-Classify-Nicolae-Ceaușescu/page2 ceausescu was central asian influenced

theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?291716-Classify-Romanian-former-rugby-player toader looks mexican castizo central asian

>Jew who meet criteria for reinaryan/aryan will still be classed as non-aryan

Total legit

true, check out this link

theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?212160-Is-she-asian-white-or-mixed LMFAO EASTERN EURO THOT SLUT CONFUSED FOR A MIXED RACE HAPA

lol you're like an argentinian

and check more about the turanid race in romania, it comes from the oghuz-kipchak turks that settled here in 1000.

Attached: turanUHLAN.gif (651x332, 7K)

Industrialization, women's liberation.
Whoever made that graph is autistic.
Recommending that people have 10+ kids is literal autism. It is completely ignoring the surrounding context of why people don't have 10+ kids to begin with.
Just autistically screeching HAVE 10 KIDS like that's going to make people do it.

Why do you single out Romanians?

East Asian Admixture is common in Ukrainians, Poles, Germans, Scandinavians, and many more

Attached: 12.jpg (1059x772, 109K)

Thats it im making a dna thread now

Attached: 2018-09-14-00-15-30-1636012028-1.png (1200x868, 88K)

You are beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring you down....oh no
You are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring you down, oh, no
So don't you bring me down today...