This state has a thing called TABOR, taxpayers bill of rights, which prevents any statewide tax increases without a referendum approval from voters. The CO supreme court just ruled that on the 2020 ballot, we can have a question to REPEAL this taxpayer bill of rights. The consequence of repeal? The state gov can increase taxes without voter approval

so voters should hate this, correct? losing a right? giving taxation power away to the gov? this vote will easily be rejected next year, correct? NO
reading twitter threads on this news is fucking BLACKPILLING as fuck. people arguing that without TABOR, gov doesn't have to deal with 'unnecessary budget restraints' and the like


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Other urls found in this thread:


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Wait until every state realized they can borrow and tax like California.

more shitlibs and big government globohomos

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yet more shitlibs and big government globohomos

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The multi pronged approach with CO and ME. Both predominately white areas. NWO trying to sink its fangs into any last stronghold in the US before shit pops off.

> fully utilize our resources.
Gosh, I didn't know my wages were "your resources". Just leave enough in my paycheck so I can still OD on opiods, thanks.

and yet more shitlibs and big government globohomos

Attached: tabor5.jpg (616x635, 50K)

>commiefornian locusts begin spreading because they've destroyed their home state
>proceed to destroy states they land in
daily reminder the Soviets won the Cold War but it took 20 years for the subversion and destruction to truly begin.


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Sounds like this could cause some acceleration in Colorado

commiefornians should be shot on site

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>reading twitter threads on this
houston we have located the problem

and yet even more shitlibs and big government globohomos

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This is what happens when you let too many commies into your state.

Why the fuck would anyone vote to repeal something like this? Holy shit. How high is your state?!

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>"muh gubment not let me kill mi babies :("
Also libs:
>"tax me daddy ;)"



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>First they placate you with weed
>You start thinking things like this don't matter because "It's all good mane"
>Become Little San Fran with people shitting in the streets
I warned people of the weedkike, they should've listened.

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Colorado is about to get cornholed by Denver the way Illinois got cornholed by Chicago and the college towns.

they're gonna tax EVERYTHING.

Praying for you, Colorado-bros.

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>Scott Wasserman
Hey wait a minute

this is how the californians are going to murder colorado. this makes me so mad.

oh cool they're flashing the generic hashtag-resistance fist(tm)

> CO
> predominantly white
Every city I visited in CO was teeming with beaners. I'm not sure you've visited anything other than small towns.


acceleration into a brick wall.

Mobilize the niggers. This will hurt the poorest communities the most. While little Whitie Willy gets the newest iPads for his gentrified neighborhood Tyrone's dad gets to pay more to the Unkel Sam Klan.

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And in case you try to get out...

What are they going to do when people simply run out of money?

Realistically whats the time frame on this? How long do I have before taxes spike and I'm fucked?

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I've yet to see a stoner shitting in the streets you delusional drama queen.

Ban weed to drive the faggots out



thats the best part. Once there's no incentive to earn a big income you incentivize them to stop working altogether with welfare. Then they're stuck. You can't expect people to vote for a candidate who will end the programs they depend on to live. And then they'll control the state forever.

The moment you were born a huwhite male you were fucked.

its not the weed it's the fact that the weed issue is a trojan horse.

Fuck Colorado

Welp it's been nice living here my whole life, but the situation in the Capitol with the gayjew governor and red flag laws I think it's time to get out before I'm stuck for good.

Where should I move? Preferably somewhere with some humidity

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t. Cali spic living in Broomfield

They haven't completely turned full-degenerate yet then, they will though if things aren't reversed soon.


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Tax his land, tax his wage,
Tax the bed on which he lays.
Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
Teach him taxes are the rule.

Tax his chew, tax his smoke,
Teach him taxes are no joke.
Tax his car, tax his gas,
Tax the roads and tax his ass.

Tax his cow, tax his goat,
Tax his pants, tax his coat.
Tax his ties, tax his shirts,
Tax his work, tax his dirt.

Tax his food, tax his drink,
Tax him if he has big think.
Tax his weed, tax his beers,
If he cries, tax his tears.

Tax his bills, tax his grass,
Tax his notes, tax his cash.
Tax him good and make him know,
That after taxes he'll have no dough.

If he hollers, tax him more,
Tax him until he's good and sore.
Tax his coffin, tax his grave,
Tax the sod in which he lays.

With the inscription upon his tomb,
"Taxes drove me to my doom!"
But for taxes, there is no rest,
Now we tax the inheritance.

Attached: TABOR.png (587x332, 156K)

As if Colorado needs any more money with the income from the drugs they sell

It won’t pass. 22 year olds who are too poor to pay taxes may post about it on Twitter but the silent majority on both sides of the political spectrum won’t vote to give government the power to steal more of their money away.

Conservatives are at least honest about this. They’ll straight up tell you that they don’t want their paycheck going to the government. Leftists are liars and will say to your face that they think taxes should be higher but when they see in the voting booth that they’d have to pay more for a “yes” vote then they’ll punch “no” and continue telling people how awesome they are.

Yea what is this supposedly going to pay for? I bet it'll be like here in PA where they raised the gas tax to NY levels, then never bothered to fix the roads with the money.

The same thing happened in California, the gas tax went up and nothing changed.

That’s what happens when you run a deficit. You have to lie to tell your constituents that a tax is for something specific when in reality it’s just a game of catch up to try to break even.

I was just in Denver and that place is falling to shit just since just 2 years ago. You're delusional. Denver is worse than any big city I've been to (maybe not nyc).

Have you ever been to Austin?

This. Trump should shut down all the dispensaries, taken their cash, and send their asses to prison.


Honestly who fucking cares

CO is full of "blue dogs" and lolberg morons who agree with the republicans but don't want to vote for le cheeto man, so they vote and then get fucked by the dems they help elect

I cannot feel sorry for people voting for democrats because drumpf is mean and then they cry that the democrats they elected are fucking them in the ass.

Seconding Texas, or Florida

Gotta consolidate power in states with voter ID laws and mandatory voter roll purging. Dems control CO, OR and WA because all voting is by mail and no voter rolls are ever purged. Just great-granny voting by mail from beyond the grave for democrats for ever and ever.

Then what the fuck is it being spent on? And don't say social programs to me.

>first they came for the Coloradans, and I did not speak out for I do not live in Colorado

This state was 48% clinton 43% Trump. If this is happening here, it can happen in most states

Enjoy, user. CO has all those goodies like weed and shrooms, and now you're going to have a state funded health care system, and the school systems will start declining right afterwards.

So instead of voting to raise taxes, they vote for the state to be able to raise taxes.

You see here's the thing folks, barely anybody is paying taxes in these states anymore. There's a bunch of welfare criminals and slimeballs and barely any tax payers anymore. Hence why these pieces of shit want to rip away the tax payers right to their own wealth of work. No, not fucking billionaires, you ingrate piece of shit. No one is able to tax billionaires, they cheat the system at every turn and if you think otherwise you're a god damn nonredeemable stupid fuck.

>like California.
California unironically still has prop 13

or you can do like new jersey and cancel a big infrastructure project to grandstand about fiscal responsibility but really so you can avoid raising the gas tax. and then raise the gas tax anyways two years later

>So instead of voting to raise taxes, they vote for the state to be able to raise taxes.
There were 3 or 4 TABOR statewide tax increases that we voted on last year, all were rejected. Liberals who are tired of this are trying to get TABOR destroyed.

If we lose this war, the state will descend into eternal darkness.

Texas needs all the red voters it can get

California YES!

oh well the money goes to paying off the interest on the public debt. Not actually to any programs. The actual money for programs comes from the debt. So once they pass a new tax that money is already gone. That added revenue source is supposed to justify more borrowing. But once you borrow more money who's to say what money is supposed to go where? And then it ends up being laundered anyways.

Your state is fucked because your people are dumb, much like the people in my state. I have sympathy neither for mine nor for yours, because the number of native lolbergtarians virtue signalling while the place gets worse and worse proves that the state itself isn't worth saving.

In 10-20 years my state will be as bad as yours is now, but I won't live in my state at that time because I see the writing on the wall.

I'm a little 'r' republican. And to budget is to govern. The state government should have the authority to appropriate tax payer funds in accordance with the will of the voters after their election of office holders to their offices. There shoudln't be a ridiculous referendum every time the state wants to increase the gas tax by $0.01.

Voting this away doesn't even make any sense.
They could still raise taxes, they only have to convince the voters to do it.. Oh wait..

Well you've already lost, because while brainlets know tax=bad they won't be smart enough to know what TABOR is- dumbfucks just know that the news says it's bad, so they'll vote against it.

Then they'll vote in democrats again

Honestly TABOR itself was a bad idea, as was SALT. Every state where taxation is avoided as an issue thinks it's a good idea to elect democrats that promise FREE SHIT because the dems just borrow money to pay for it because TABOR and SALT insulate the dems from having to TAX in order to SPEND.

Once people in New York and Colorado are forced to face the facts- democrats increase taxes- they can either keep voting dem or vote rep. But no more of this absolutely retarded shit where people vote dem because they think they're getting free shit with no tax increases.

Cool then you don't mind getting rid of absentee voting then and forcing everyone to provide a photo ID in person to vote.

I hate Colorado and everyone there. When they finish ruining that state they will spread like roaches and ruin everything around them just like calikikes

all is working as intended

>In 10-20 years my state will be as bad as yours is now, but I won't live in my state at that time because I see the writing on the wall.
I won't either, but I see nowhere to go. Wyoming will be just as bad in a few decades, if not sooner.

>ridiculous referendum
Yea, the will of the people to decide how they are taxed is RIDICULOUS

>Well you've already lost, because while brainlets know tax=bad they won't be smart enough to know what TABOR is- dumbfucks just know that the news says it's bad, so they'll vote against it.
Exactly, this is the problem at hand

>Honestly TABOR itself was a bad idea...the dems just borrow money to pay for it
No, TABOR controlled government debt as well. When they wanted to borrow money last year for road fixes, they had to do a referendum. Losing TABOR would be HUGE.

good thing illinois already got ruined and THEN we legalized weed

This user gets it

>Sounds like this could cause some acceleration in Colorado

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>slowly, I began to hate them.

>utilize our resources

if economy is doing great why arent the public investing into their communities if its what they really want?

>for all residents >fist
oh, more welfare

>not taxing kills jobs

just go shoot the guy in charge of the movement
this is civil war tier bullshit

move to anywhere in TN that isn't memphis or nashville

>change the demographics of the state to stoners and shitskins
>loose rights

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Jews need more state debt.
Also stop hiding behind memeflags faggot.

>Yea, the will of the people to decide how they are taxed is RIDICULOUS
That's what elections are for. Not a ridiculous never-ending series of referenda.

I've got no problem with either of those.

I've been looking for a way out anyway, I guess there is no time like the present... Bummer, it used to be awesome here.

Simple: They move to states with money. Then lather, rinse, repeat.

Related to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz?


The united states is a republic at the federal level. The states decide how they function internally. You are a lolberg joke.

its not that stoners would be shitting in the streets
ITs that stoners wont care if someone else is shitting in the streets...
or repealing a tax law that protects voters...

weed is fun, but don't be fooled--its not your friend

>The states decide how they function internally.
Indeed. And while the referendum was voted into affect by the people, the CO supreme court has ruled that the people can reconsider that decision in the coming election. I would strongly urge the voters of CO to vote "repeal."

>That's what elections are for. Not a ridiculous never-ending series of referenda.
"never ending"
Putting aside the absurd exaggeration, having the people directly vote on matters is way more efficient at matching the will of the people than voting in 1 person to decide everything.
If this principal was extended to national voting, we could have rightwing candidates who don't start wars on behalf of Israel.

shame they felt the need for words words words and "people who disagree with me are dumb and ugly"

But then how can the raise taxes for more gibs to people who don't feel like working?

>descend into eternal darkness
Eternal? No. The fire will rise

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I would urge you to take your low-tier shilling and get eaten by a mountain lion, faggot

Denver literally just voted in a wise Latina Commie into the city council. Just days into her term she's already advocating bringing in actual real communism, not that phony "democratic socialist" progressive shit that Boynee and AOC spew out 24/7. She's got an unpronounceable name as well.
With all the invaders doing their invading shit and the hippies and cucks in Denver, Boulder, and Colorado Springs, I can see this TABOR provision going down in spades next year and it won't be due to the populace being uninformed unfortunately. (((They're))) too (((brainwashed))) to comprehend such an important decision on their lives.

It actually makes no difference faggot.
Here in the People's Republic of Austin, our own indiginous LBJ hippies along with imported California vermin have a stranglehold on local politics.
Spending has to be passed by referendum, but with a 75% libtard voter base, we'd have our own lunar exploration program here if the city council suggested it.

Your future is now predetermined regardless of whether or not it's repealed.


Weed and other drugs are literally a means to chemically pacify the population. I have NEVER met a stoner who wasn't a pretentious, apathetic, passionless degenerate. Weed literally turns people into domesticated turbo-plebs.