How is that fair?

>It's ok for French to like Napoleon.
>It's ok for Mongols to like Genghis Khan.
>It's ok for Brits to like Churchill.
>It's ok for Russians to like Stalin.
>It's ok for Germans to like Hit...-

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It's not ok for Russians to be like Stalin.

Because Hitler racialized everything and that’s the #1 sin in the world.

Ah, "like", my bad.
Well, they don't like him nonetheless.

It's ok for me to eat my own asshole out.

why would you like a guy that bankrupted your country and set your people's population back 500 years?

post hole.

All the others had great accomplishments. What did hitler ever actually do?

Cry more, supporting Hitler openly is easy mode.

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Because he wrote that book.

Whatever you say

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Clown world

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In a sane world, pursuing truth would be celebrated.

I know many russians who conssider him thier greatest leader in history

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What th-

Aside from revitalize a failing country at the end of a war they lost and creating the precursor to the modern highway system?

Yeah and Hitler and Napoleon were virtually the same person, lol.

What an asshat. If this is the best logic you can come up with then the culture wars really are over.

Wrong. He didn't make it a "sin". The Jews have programmed your brain to think it's a sin. They are selfish pieces of shit that practice racial-cohesion for themselves, but through their control of the media apparatus, have inculcated a sense that it is wrong when you do the same. Wash the Jew out of your brain.

Gave you an excuse to conquer europe and mutify its population

>He doesn't know that the kikes need to vilify him to continue their plot of destroying the white race.

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Because all but one of the leaders you mentioned above didn't reduce their country to a smoking pile of rubble (divided in two) that also doubled as a rape free for all.

He didn't do that. The Jewish power structure wanted war, no matter what. They were provoking him by signing a treaty with Poland that only triggered a declaration of war from the UK if an invasion was done by Germany, but not the USSR-Jews.

Europe mutted up on their own. The EU and all their countries governments were the ones who said “come here refugees” not the US

But I think you already know that like

I guess butchering your people is worth being thanked about it.

> Killed 6 million evil Jews.
> Conquered most of Europe.
> Almost defeated the satanic new world order.

That is a difficult-to-beat track record. Who is brilliant enough to do even a quarter of that today?

We can finish what he has started destroy Israel and send those Arab Refugees back to the middle east wasteland

Just give it another 50 years of time and no one will give a fuck anymore. They did the same with Napoleon until people moved on and understood that he was a military genius. Hitler will propably be known as a man who loved his people and tried to save the world from marxism.


All nazis deserve painful death. So glad we slaughtered you subhuman trash. I'm also glad the commies raped all your woman

Racism is not a sin.

because Hitler and le Nazis are the great satan of their secular religion.
he is the destroyer of the Jews who created the world we live in today.
he is the enemy of all things Jewish

as long as Jews rule the world Hitler will be hated. their media and educational systems will do everything in their power to maintain his status as the great satan.

the others weren't deified like Hitler has been.

You lost get over it faggot

Hitler didn't bomb his own cities, ya doofus. The Jews controlled Churchill like a puppet and used his control of the RAF to destroy German cities.

It was the most hypocritical war in history. War was declared by the UK to protect Polish territorial integrity, but when it was over, the UK obscenely collaborated with the USSR-kikes so they could occupy Poland. 50,000,000 dead and the winner didn't exercise his right to make things the way he wanted to.

>>It's ok for French to like Napoleon.
>>It's ok for Mongols to like Genghis Khan.
>>It's ok for Brits to like Churchill.
>>It's ok for Russians to like Stalin.

How about the deification of Abraham Lincoln? He took up arms against his own countrymen resulting in tens of thousands of deaths.

First day on the job, glowfriend? Here are a few tipps you can use to improve your shilling:
First off, most people here think that the holocaust never even happened, but that it should have. No real stormtard would admit to the seeex mellion.
Secondly, posting in all caps like you just did there is typical newfag behavior that should be reserved for happening threads. Please refrain from using it in the future.
I hope this helps.

Hitler actually made great again. Even moreso than Trump. And in less time.

Nobody likes fags

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Almost a million deaths. Rarely is it ever mentioned that he wanted the niggers sent back to their African homeland and threw hundreds of journalists and editors into prison.

I cringe whenever anyone praises Churchill.

Maybe he shouldn't have started a terror bombing campaign then. Perhaps he shouldn't have invaded through belgium (a neutral country) then. Perhaps he shouldn't have claimed the danzig corridor that was majority Polish then. Perhaps he shouldn't have sold out half of poland to c*mmies then.

>It's ok for Mongols to like Genghis Khan.
There are Mongol nazis.

Attached: mongolia_net.jpg (1200x800, 153K)

The 6,000,000 is just Jewish bullshit pulled out of their asses. They made it up because they have a fascination with numerology and the number 6, and because a big number gives them "social credit" that is undeserved. It's stolen sympathy.

Everyone loves hitler here, i wouldnt worry about it.

because poles, russians, and jews.

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The swastika is a buddhist symbol.

The British started bombing civilian centers. Hitler didn't respond in-kind for 3 months, due to his unwarranted kindness to his blood enemies. Get your history right.

It's worth mentioning Churchill was completely in debt before his political career. He was owned by the banks.

It's ok for you to kys also.

Is the Roman salute? Also clockwise and angled at 45 degrees is the nazi one, the buddhist one is counterclockwise and straight

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Fascism is the biggest threat to the jew, which is why Hitler is demonized

>The British started bombing civilian centers. Hitler didn't respond in-kind for 3 months, due to his unwarranted kindness to his blood enemies. Get your history right.

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The Polish corridor was an absurdity. It was some typical Eternal-Anglo dirty trick to plant the seeds of another war. Imagine Switzerland split in half and a strip of Italy going through it, with tariffs required to be paid if a train were to travel across it for 15 minutes. That strip was meant to be a provocation. And it is disgusting that the UK pretends to be offended when Germany corrected a historical injustice.

The Eternal-Anglo did the same in the middle-east with the Sykes agreement. The guy that drew the map wasn't even in the Middle-East when he drew the map for them.

Basically, quit being mad at Hitler for having no choice between war or national humiliation.

>napoleon was funded by jews and he promised them the holy land (they turned on him when he didn’t deliver)
>khans destabilized roman power and muslims, “enemies of the jews” (arguably all jews preparing for unification)
>churchill’s family was literally owned by jews at a generational level
>no russians actually like stalin, those are kike-trained marxist white idiots in America
>germany fought jews
do you see the pattern

There was a military unit there. What the Luftwaffe did to London was a tiny fraction of what the RAF did to Germany.

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>hey churchill germany just terror bombed the capital of our ally, and there's absolutely no reason to think that they won't bomb us next what do we do?
>nothing lol why should we retalliate?

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Yes, it was only exactly after you had destroyed any form of an independent Europe and split the continent in two that Europe fell apart.

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>There was a military unit there.
First off [source]
Secondly, so that's why they bombed the hospitals too, right? They just had to obliterate three quarters of a town full of civilians to flush out a military unit. And by the way, there was a garrison in Dresden too.

How predictable. Anyways, let me spoonfeed you.

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hitler wasnt german

"terror bombed". The US calls it "collatoral damage".

It's a fucking war. What do you expect? Just don't tell me that when one side dies it, it's OK, and when another does it, it's evil. The UK bombed Dresden worse than the US using nukes in Japan. That was an unprecedented evil.

For what purpose did the UK fight the war anyway? They gave up their entire empire afterwards, even though they won.

They could have just capitulated and the world would not have had 50,000,000 dead for nothing.

They accidentally bombed their own infantry units. It's not out of the realm of possibility it was collatoral damage. Even the US does it accidentally, even to this day.

The entire point you were making was that britain started the terror bombing and germany only retaliated. I refuted that point.
Of course you also claimed that there was a military unit inside the town, which was a flat out lie.

There was a war going on. Cities like Fallujah and Ramallah have been trashed, but is George Bush personally blamed? No, Saddam Hussein gets blamed because he lost and the victors always write a history in favor of themselves.

Yes booming his countries... What do you expect?

>They accidentally bombed their own infantry units.
What the fuck are you talking about? There weren't any german units near the town (also it takes some skill to accidentally 75% of a village)

minecraft ?

>>It's ok for Brits to like Churchill.
>>It's ok for Russians to like Stalin.
Neither of these things are okay in my books

What? Of course there were military units in Wielun and especially Warsaw. The way a military deals with them is to soften them up through bombing.

Dresden was a whole different story. It was attacked and incinerated to murder women and children on a scale that Genghis Khan would approve of.

The US would bomb Mosques and any building at all if a shooter was using it as a refuge. That is how war works. The bombs of the day were highly inaccurate, so of course their would be collatoral damage.

Nice strawman attempt. When did I ever say that it's okay when the US does it? (And by the way, Falujah had a significant military presence, unlike that Polish town)
My point was that germany started killing noncombatants who had nothing to do with the war, and not britain.

So the entire German air campaign against Poland only resulted in 20k civilian deaths? That sounds pretty reasonable in the age before laser-guided missiles you know...

Also, I seem to recall a certain United States of America performed the single largest terror bombing massacre of civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Britain deliberately targeted women and children. Germany didn't. Gtfo mountain jew.

I'm talking about the bombing of Warsaw. The Luftwaffe wrongfully bombed their own German infantry units.

Why are you leaving out the attacks the USSR did against Poland? Both the USSR and Germany invaded simultaneously. It is always annoying to see how the USSR doesn't even get a mention in the simultaneous attack.

Why did Germany bomb Malta to the ground? It had no garrison, just an airfiled out of the city and port but they levelled the city day after day with the Italians.

Your overall message is that Germany fought the war in the wrong way, when the Judeo-alliance of the UK, US, USSR did things far worse.

Rapes as a weapon.
Nuking civilians.
Incinerating Dresden.

>What? Of course there were military units in Wielun
Nope. Why do you lie?
>military units in warshaw
Sure, but poland was totally fucking beaten at that point. Bombing the city (with strategic, mind you, not dive bombers) before the army was even there was nothing but an act of terror bombing.
This reminds me. Why did Hitler, who was supposedly fighting for the white race, bomb Rotterdam (a 99.9% white city) to shreds when the dutch clearly declared their neutrality?

No, my message is that germany started shit (like bombing civilians) and got hit for it.

I don't know man. Do you know? The US attacked some island they thought had Japanese forces on it. They killed a lot of their own accidentally, despite zero resistance. Why would the US attack an un-occupied island?

War is full of mistakes that can't be corrected.

Really it all comes down to a wrongful aggressive action (invading Poland) and then continuing to press an aggressive attack (blitzkrieg). If Hitler wouldn't take peace and let the Jews, gypsies, and other targets of his programs live, then obviously means of war would accelerate to new heights. There weren't war crimes at the time.

>So the entire German air campaign against Poland only resulted in 20k civilian deaths?
Well, consider that the campaign only lasted for a month.
The allied bombing of germany killed 500'000, but germany had a way bigger and denser population, plus the campaign lasted 48x longer. Really makes one ponder.

they do secretly. Does anyone actually like post war politicians like Adenauer and Merkel? They're all completely dwarfed compared to you know who

Malta isn't unoccupied it did have a very strategically important airbase and port on the island (somthing worth attacking) bur they never intended to capture the island because they didnt have the navy to do so. But they still bombed the city day after day.

Stalin purged his Jews and the USSR armed Israel's Arab neighbors.

>It is always annoying to see how the USSR doesn't even get a mention in the simultaneous attack.
Because they faced almost 0 resistance. It was more a mopping than an actual invasion.

>It's ok for Brits to like Churchill.

not for long. Churchill was a fierce imperialist and he will eventually be abandoned as a British national hero

will you rejoin when the wogs tear down his statue and urinate on it? Like him or not Churchill remains a symbol of your country

does anyone other than Irving even mention this?

If your taking flack your over the target...

There was resistance in Warsaw, and the Germans did what any army would do. Soften up the resistance with bombing. It's unfortunate, but civilians die in the crossfire. That's just the way it is. Civilians weren't specifically targeted.

The USSR invaded Poland just the same as Germany did. Only Germany gets the blame because Germany lost the war.

>quintessential leaf post

>I know many Russians
Might it be because you ARE one, mikhael?

Well, the Poles didn't expect a simultaneous attack. The Eternal-Anglo played them like a fiddle. Set them up to be hostile to their neighbor Germany. Then, used the Polish manpower to break the Enigma codes and provide pilots. Then... When it was over the Eternal-Anglo connived to have Poland occupied by the USSR.

The whole war was a disgusting dirty trick by the (((UK))) to knock down a competitor. Instead of building themselves up, the UK chose to tear someone-else down. Then, despite the win, they walked away from their empire, an empire that took literally centuries to build.

All for what? So Germany wouldn't be the boss of Europe? The UK isn't even the boss of itself anymore, all overrun with Pakis.

but Hitler was uniquely evil, because he killed JEWS, who are the chosen people by god.
I know this because i watch Schindlers list every year on TV and it shows evil Nazis with sunken in cheeks sniping children in the face and laughing. HOW COULD PEOPLE BE THIS EVUL???! HOW COULD YOU LIKE HIM?!

Brb, gotta pop down the road to buy some Kosher salt which goes towards Israeli funds to bulldoze Palestinian homes.



You sound like a faggot. people who post one word "cringe" are usually instagram roasties.

Becuz he started a war that killed 50,000,000 people for no fucking reason and still loses to russian farmers with guns

Bukharian faggot