If you hate Jews, why do you support a president that supports Israel?

If you hate Jews, why do you support a president that supports Israel?
Answer: you’re stupid and have no sense of logic

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I just hate faggot OPs.

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I wonder who could be behind this post

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Trump supports Jews. You shouldn’t support him.
There is absolutely no reason a Jew would say this.

I don't hate Jews. They're based.

An uncucked man.

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Shoo shoo shareblue

Kike shill

thanks man.. I am jewish and I know is not wise to say that here. As a Jewish person we so far are pretty happy with the president.. at least with regard to his relations with Israel.

Fuck u kike

>tfw OP posts low-effort bait and exposes the actual Trumpfag shills

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What are you some kinda Nazi or some kinda white supremacist or something?

I’m telling you to not support an Israeli friendly man. A Jew would never say that.

I don't support trump he's a kike puppet

show flag kike

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If Trump is a servant of the jews then why are the jewish media and hollywood attacking him 24/7 (for the last 4 years straight)?

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We want the wall retard.

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Because it makes them money retard. I don’t make money off of Jow Forums so i’m telling you logic

Why do you kikes hate the guy who gives you billions. Answer you’re all scitzos.

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but fox is the most watched profitable news network in america and they are pro-Trump
You didn't really think this through very much ...

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>Trump is literally Hitler, racist demagogue that wants to send blacks back to Africa and Jews back to the gas ovens - shills everywhere else
>Trump is a kike loving civic nationalist that wants to import more Mexicans and based black and muslim immigrants and only does Israel's bidding - Jow Forums shills

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Who should they vote for? Let me guess Yang the gun grabbing chink?

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inb4 "voting accomplishes nothing we have to take up arms and start le revolution!"

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Just look at this picture. You can’t explain it in any way other than that Trump is a kike shill.

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He doesn’t send anything, numbnuts

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>mommy look, i posted the picture in the jew hat again!
pathetic effort my man

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Because it tricks NPCs into thinking he isn’t a kike puppet

Sloppy job putin dick

King Nigger did this too, was he a zionist shill?

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>all caps
>you must believe me!

You’re shutting down mentally. You literally can’t explain it so you try to distract away from it. Admit that you were wrong when you voted for a Zionist puppet

all possible candidates support israel
op's retarded faggotry confirmed

Who said I hate the Jews

>no war with Syria
>no war with Iran
He gives lip-service to Jews, but he does not support their agenda.

You seem to forget the attempted false-flag attack on Russia, thet the Jews made to look like the U.S. was attacking.
They desperately wanted the U.S. to go full-bore in Syria, but Trump wouldn't do it for them.
Now, they're trying to get us in a war with Iran, and Trump is not complying.

I'm more worried about what Trump's replacement will do, after his second term is up.

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Trump is not a kike shill, he's a kike.

>spend billions of dollars every year and risk not having "your guy" re-elected to pander to the 0.001% of the electorate concerned about Trump being a kike shill
If you forgot, neocons are the biggest jew lovers on the planet and the entire democrat party is run by jews. None of them are concerned about loving jews too much and neither are their electorates
Who are they trying to convince exactly? You?

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The democrats will bootyblast drumpf into retirement

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No he's from the Christ family, doing God's work


if you're a faggit, why haven't you killed yourself

do you know whats strange ? most anti trump threads are copy paste or variations of them .
the wording is often quite familiar .
for example are "when did you turn on him?"
"when did you realise?" and for some reason these threads always come in groups with new ones starting in rather tight time windows.
type their headlines into the archive or look for the images used and you will see a pattern.

You have to have an IQ under 50 to think this is "proof" that Trump isn't a Zionist piece of shit. Who supports Trump has absolutely nothing to do with what his actual policies are.

>stacked his cabinet with Jewish bankers and Zionist neocons
>officially recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital
>didn't even raise a fucking stink on Twitter about giving Israel billions, regardless of whether
>signed ADDITIONAL hundreds of millions to Israel
>continues Middle Eastern geopolitical policies which benefit Israel (and which he explicitly campaigned he would NOT do)
>continues to support deregulation of the (((financial sector)))
>signed and PRAISED a fucking tax cut that befitted Jews at the cost of the American taxpayer

It doesn't matter if writers at Buzzfein and some blue shekelmarx on Twitter whine about Trump all day long. That doesn't mean his policy decisions and his attitude toward Israel and Jews are suddenly null and void.

Based prehistoric animal poster.

So who should they vote for?

Trump will get another term. Deal with it faggit.

because Jews hate him

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So he’s a kike?


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>Who supports Trump has absolutely nothing to do with what his actual policies are.
I didn't say it was absolute proof, just part of the picture. Generally people support a politician if their actions and policies support them.

Fuck off with that bullshit leaf.

Because Trump is a stepping stone you turdwrangler

Reminder kike hates Trump and he just panders to them so he can play the victim when they bash him.

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They are ethnonationalists

I don't hate Isreal, fucktard. Please die of AIDS and rid us of your faggotry.

they wont give you an answer to that .
its either yang shilling or dont vote my fellow
4channnel user

The fucking state of nu-pol. It fuckjng takes half of a fucking brain to know that Trump is a kike, and a little more to know that we don't have a choice in ((elections)), because every candidate is a jew puppet in some form. Why would the jews take a chance to lose their power by letting a non-kike in politics, its fucking stupid. Trump is a kike, its evidence, get over it.

fuck off, Somali nigger

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LMAO well done OP you really hit a nerve seeing so many shills
>Answer: you’re stupid and have no sense of logic
*Answer: you’re stupid and have no moral. Trump supporters in 2019 have (((dual nationality)))


t. ricedicked gook

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The eternal leaf.

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>He gives lip-service to Jews, but he does not support their agenda.
He's actively trying to take down Venezuela, and had a failed coup, which is not much different from Bush and Obama's destabilization efforts in Syria and Libya.

>Now, they're trying to get us in a war with Iran, and Trump is not complying.
Trump ripped up the Iran deal (which Iran was following) and is putting economic pressure both of which were entirely within his control, even going as far as to threaten other countries that trade with Iran. There are medicine and medical equipment shortages now thanks to the sanctions, despite what the administration says. He's pushing Iran into a corner in the most Jewish way possible. That's not lip-service.

Attached: trump acting like a good little goy with iran.jpg (801x377, 58K)

so its like I predicted .
"dont vote my fellow 4 channel anons"

If no one can do anything about anything,
why are you even wasting energy getting this upset

Listen up faggot. The only measure I’m interested in is who the media, politicians, and glowniggers hate the most. If they start hating someone more than Trump, I’m in. Until then, fuck off.

I'm not here to shill for a candidate.

This is what a shill looks like.

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>the shill leaf sucks shit skin cock
When will your race die in hell fire? You're the WORST KIND OF HUMAN! worse than krauts and japs

Who should Americans vote for, you shill?

>Everyone sucks Jew cock
>Dems suck Jew cock and love faggots, minorities, literal communism, and the murder of newborns.
Tell me OP who should I vote for?

I predicted that you would use the dont vote at all angle and now you are projecting

one is a carton of cigarettes. the other is a loaded shotgun.

i'll go with smoking instead of shooting myself in the face.

Shouldn't you be sucking chink, Indian and Arab dick?

Exactly. Life is not perfect. No one person is perfect. You compromise in life. OP and all other shills are just starting drama and bullshit because it's what they do. Canadians and fags love to do that because they love being shitty human beings

Literally anyone else

I didn't say anything about voting. Why are you changing the framing, shill? If you think Trump is the least worst candidate, then vote for him. That doesn't mean you should ignore the fact that he's a Zionist piece of shit.

This. I don't care. Accelerate it even more. VROOOOMMM VROOOOMMM. GAS GEVEN.

>10 jews rabbidly and angrily replied to this post
LMFAO You brillant bastard. The truth is confusing the kikes they can't answer properly all you have is "discord tranny yang shareblue" roflmao. Well fucking done all of what you said is true

you are very ignorant.
you need to repent. REPENT SINNER!

What good comes from worrying about his agenda when most of it is desirable? Single issue idiot over here.


I do hate Jews.
I hate everything Trump does to support Jews.
I wanted to vote for Rand Paul because he campaigned on cutting 100% of foreign aid to all countries, including Israel.
Trump was just the better alternative to Hillary. He's basically a Democrat, the fact that the left is against him is mind blowing.


Answer: I'm not a one issue voter like everyone who voted for obama just because he's black. Just because candidate doesn't 1 for 1 mirror my opinions means he isn't the one that I like the most.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

You are memeing sure, but you aren't disprooving it. Face it, its evidence, trump is a kike and if you support him you are onr too. There is no choice in the elections, just two parties who are kike puppets. Drumpf has sent billions in taxpayer money to Israel.

Hey newfag, we have IDs on Jow Forums. That wasn't me. Holy fuck, the meme is true. You really are from reddit.

Attached: trumpfag shills from reddit.jpg (692x919, 249K)

>still thinks Trump will do a 360 after 3 years of sucking kike dicks

Imagine thinking any US Presidential Candidate isn't sucking Israel's dick. Imagine thinking your vote matters. OH wow. Imagine thinking the shitstorm in the middle east under Hillary's watch wasn't dir....
I'm convinced you need to eat shit and die. Destiny? EAT SHIT NIGGER MIDGET! EAT SHHIITTTT AND DIE



This is the rally cry of the defeated shill

i don't really support him now, it's yang gang now

I love these threads. I love how Trumpfags are so deep in the cult they can't even muster a valid answer for their support of a pro-Israel, pro-gun control, pro-immigration New York boomer.
