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Is this real? In Europe you can not open it

Is that hashtag supporting Bernie? Because he's an obvious Jew and that doesn't make sense.

It’s legit my nigga

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All the retards proving his tweet in that thread.

John Cusack?

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It's about Israel not secular american jews.


He needs our support


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maybe in your Europe


isn't it secular hooknoses that are subverting governments, economies, and pushing for nog and muz?


Yeah, once people realize it wasn't Voltaire that said it he's really in trouble.

ugh! but those are the WORST jews.

jews are jews are jews
They all subvert.

I thought he was a kike

No it is also them. They don’t get away.

Who cares who said it. The statement stands on its own


We get them all this time. I’m not allowing my children or grandchildren to live in a world where any Jew lives.

only reason why anyone gets in trouble for pointing out the facts is because only a manage-ably small number of people do it. If everybody did it they could do nothing.

one is subverting and bombing muz. the other is subverting the west and sending muz here. its no question who gets turned into ozone first

>Those replies.

I don't have hope for the human race.

The fact that he had to delete it pretty much proves the image is correct.

Don't get too excite. Dimwit thought he was championing Muslims or some shit. He didn't suddenly become /ourguy/.

Good quote, but it wasn't from Voltaire.

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"
-Jow Forums

>its real

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bernie is a super jew and he supports commie fucks like AOC

so this is fake and homofaggot

Voltaire would be absolutely retarded if he said this. The only take away would be the king and the church rules over you.

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They're two sides of the same shekel, a Kosher sandwich, if you will.

>Good quote, but it wasn't from Voltaire.
Voltaire was woke tho.

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Holy shit its actually real and the damage control has started

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aren't they proving him right?

According to wikipedia he's Irish Catholic.

this will help him definitely
make him RT more Jow Forums memes
hint: he likes palestine

Get the fuck outta here. CUSACK?! The ultra liberal John Cusack is calling out Jews?? Get the fuck out. I don't believe it. He is trolling his Jew buddies.

>comparing Israel to kids with leukemia
Juden are pathetic.

>hollywood filth defending muz

he cucked out hard

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LMAO. Secular American Jews and Israel are the same damn thing. American Jewish politicians do not work for the American citizen, they work for Israel. Ditto the majority of "secular American Jews".


Shitting on children with leukemia wouldn't get anyone fired.

he lives and works in a den of kosher vipers, i don't think he wants to "retire" quite yet.

>a bot got me

So tired of the bot meme

Sometimes I feel a seething hatred for kikes that burns me up inside and leaves me hollow at what they have done to the world. I hope with all my heart and every ounce of passion in me that other people see what I see and that we aren't truly too far gone to be saved from their cancerous ways. I can't shake the feeling that this culture of suppression is too much for us to overcome, that no matter how many Tarrants we have, we will never again obtain the position necessary to save ourselves from their influence.
Demoralization runs deep and I don't know how to shake it at times. It feels plain to me that the only thing I can do to satisfy this fury is to do something drastic that I can't speak on these forums without fear of the fed. I want a family though, it just feels like life itself is structured against me doing what I feel in my heart is necessary

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>that hard backpedal

Imagine working in an industry financed, led and inherently culturized by Jews and you basically say "Fuck those kikes, gas chambers now!"

Which proves the original meme true.

You are demoralized on purpose. You are supposed to take the blackpill by design. Don't take that shit. Fight with everything you've got every day you've got. Tomorrow will be brighter with you in it, fren.

he's a Bernie superfan who thought he was doing some woke criticism of Israel

mel gibson was nearly destroyed.

Honestly whats always so special about israel again? Why is everyone afraid of israel of all places?


whatever the motivation, i'm just glad he's spreading image around.

More of them need to distance themselves from that industry whether they name the Jew or not. They can form new alliances with guys like Eastwood and Mel Gibson. I’m tired of Hollywood. Only 1/50 movies that comes out has any lasting value at all anymore.

one in the same

>thinking (((twitter))) is an accurate depiction of society at large
It's a literal giga nigger turbo hugbox where all dissenters are immediately banned.

based Cusack
gonna watch frozen ground now

germany is a pale shadow of its past. ur all cucks. america will lead the new

I was actually upset when I found out that john cusack is such a faggot, I like most of his work

lmao at him being proved right

fucking kike piece of shit.

he just became /OURGUY/

fuck off kike cunt.

Jow Forums will always be pro palestine


statement stands on its on. dont care

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GenX has gone off the rails and it's glorious.

Of course you guys know right, that Cusack is an abusive, woman-beating far leftist like Alec Baldwin. I think it was Neve Campbell who was abused by him for years and is still in therapy because of it. The relationship killed her promising career. Ironically, now, isn't Neve Jewish? Ha.


its doesn't represent society


I'm trapped, I can't do what I know I need to do (in minecraft) because of my aspirations to have a family and to raise them right. I want like 6 kids and I already have a beautiful girl. I can't throw that future away, but I see all too clearly what must be done. I know if I set off on the right path my family is doomed to nonexistence, but how am I supposed to live with myself knowing that I'm not doing the right thing?
I'm being pulled apart man it fucking hurts
Absurdism doesn't work anymore. Laughing at the rot isn't enough. Everything is falling right into place according to the plans of these parasites. I feel like humanity is going to die and every day I see another body fall at the altar of diversity or another inch moved for the sake of Israel that feeling only becomes more real. I'm getting my own life in order and that's brought me so much happiness, but what is happiness compared to destiny? What is happiness compared to doing what is right to save humanity from this cancer?

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this, it's always brushed off when they see the quote isn't even correctly sourced. You lose all credibility immediately.

Difference without a distinction desu

I'm on a 7 day suspension
You're not allowed to tell people you want to put them in a concentration camp

Nothing wrong with Jews ruling the world, it's our g*d given right.

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Exactly. Well, in theory. I suspect Cusack hates Jews. Isn't he a Jew? I can't recall. Cusack is an Irish name. If he is part Jew, he's clearly taken things a bit far. But yeah, he's an Israel-hating lefty who only now has been taught that from the Jewish perspective, anti-semitism from whites auto-applies to all Jews. Only Jews may criticize Israel, I think. Something like that.

He DESERVES it, kek

they are both quite literally the same thing dumbass, israel just so happens to not only contain secular american jews but russian secular, med secular, etc...

horseshoe theory was right

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Off to /tv/.

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I did too, but he's Irish and Catholic I guess. His sister looks Jewish but I think she's really just a dork.


what is this depressing piece of shit actor doing? no wonder he's no longer in any AAA movies

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Don't go into the darkness bro. Sometimes you just need to shut off the computer and go take a walk. If you turn into a hating person then they won. You can still speak the truth and be aware... just my 2 cents, I know what a bummer it is to learn the truth but if you do something stupid it just makes them stronger. All I can think to do is unite with common enemies that don't know who the real enemy is but it's not easy. Ideally the left and right of USA needs to come together and realize Israel is the deep state and hold them responsible for their crimes.

This. They need to calm down

Things aren't as bad as they seem. Having children that share your racial heritage is the right thing to do. Again, you're supposed to be demoralized. What do you think you need to do? Set fire to something? Use violence on someone? You'll just create martyrs. Create and support a family and that is all you need to do. Creating something is what whites do, destroying things is for niggers. Create something good and protect it.

stop making cringe posts like this

wtf i love those 80s teen rom movies that my gen x parents try to forced down my throat now

>Wasted quads

>Ditto the majority of "secular American Jews".
More like, they work for the European Union jews and bankers. But yeah.

Go to church and pray, bro. We all know what you're going through.

hahahhahahaahah, you have noooo idea what's in store for america
dems are pretty darn likely to win in 2020, put tons of migrants on a path to citizenship, grant statehood to puerto rico...
and then the US will lose its white majority within a couple of decades.

Guess that’s why all the leftist jews are supporting him saying it huh.

Based Cusack, I guess I was wrong about him when they defamed him a few months ago.

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But I guarantee that the backlash will push him our way.

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Can't you see how they're tightening their grip daily? It's only getting worse. It's all going exactly according to the plan Bezmenov laid out and what is found in the Protocols. There's no open opposition, there's no leaders speaking the truth of what is being done to us, there's no one but us small folk to protect ourselves from the machinery of these perverted governments working so that they can destroy us. You say they aren't as bad as I think they are, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm right and that things are sliding into a place too dark for us to climb out of and that maybe we've already gone too far.
The only way out of this is organization, but with how things are in this sickened information age we can't trust anyone, not how we would need to in order to be able to organize like we have to. That's the only thing I can think of that would make me feel better, being a part of a group that I know I can trust will rebuild the world when this all falls apart. I can't see anything like that anywhere in the world