Why the Western Alt Right needs to help Indian Upper Caste Nationalists

Europe and the United States have already seen millions of rootless local elites/ upper classes from East Asia and South Asia land on their shores and start outcompeting whites for desirable elite positions.

Unlike East Asians, South Asians, particularly Upper castes, have very low rates of out-marriage. This also means they're more tribalistic and ethno-centric in business and work. So you may be able to integrate the east Asians but will have a tougher time integrating UC Indians who'll behave similarly as Jews did initially when they came to America.

Now, India still has some 150-200 million of these UCs left in the country, who can perform at the same level or better cognitively compared to the average white, and can cooperate better in a tribalistic manner like the Jews. There is a very good likelihood that in the medium to long term the Indian state is not sustainable because of increasing government welfare and affirmative action for lower castes and Muslims; eventually the country will just collapse under the weight of the stupidity of its average person, as is happening in South Africa with decreasing numbers of whites who are marginalised by the state.

When that happens, and mark my words, it will happen, tens of millions of these tribalistic brown Jews will land in your countries, escaping the collapse of their state. These migrants will effectively monopolise upper middle class and elite positions and professions, pushing more whites into the underclass.

You can prevent this madness from occurring by supporting the development of Upper Caste Nationalism, or how we like to call it, Savarna Nationalism, in India, which would at some point in the future seek to create an ethnostate called 'Aryavart' in South Asia itself.

Pic only somewhat related.

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> India
> Caucasoids

Qué verga.

Kys,indians are mongrelized as fuck.what's the point of saving something that does not exist?

Not like I don't want to help but we have our own problems to solve.
Good luck

how many times do we have to go over this poo? you were never caucasiods and will never be. having caucasian mixture doesnt make you caucasiod. you are australoids, be proud of your origins and leave caucasians alone. we dont want anything to do with you. also, you are not welcome here GTFO

but not one of those

Nigger why do you hide your white country flag?

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the west wants nothing to do with your kind. Britain made it clear when they left your shithole

>There is a very good likelihood that in the medium to long term the Indian state is not sustainable because of increasing government welfare and affirmative action for lower castes and Muslims; eventually the country will just collapse under the weight of the stupidity of its average person, as is happening in South Africa with decreasing numbers of whites who are marginalised by the state.
Wow sounds familiar Rajesh

THIS, they are not even caucasians in the first place

pic related, they are closer to gond,munda, onge and other aasi people
and they are as close to us as they are to mongoloids

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how could anyone look at pic and think they are the same species as a smelly indian

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I wouldn't breed with a redhead. Sunburning in 5 minutes sucks.

That's not what will happen though. Upper caste people will come and they'll get a far shittier job than they initially bargained for. No one will give a shit about what caste they're from because most white people don't know what caste or caste system means. This tribal bunch will be assimilated rather quickly, idc what caste an Indian girl is from she craves the BWC. I hope it works out in India though.

>more caucasoids in Pakistan than India


not true
Total pak population is 200Million
Only about 100 million of those are caucas

For India, those blue states alone hold 400 Million people

But nothing you can do about it , can you?

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thaat creatura is about a 2/10 in the West

Good on the pajeet for nabbing a white woman regardless of how ugly she is

why do poos post this pic so much? what is it supposed to mean? an ugly poo standing behind a white girl like a beta?

white men lack sexual vigor and aggression

Important qualities when a white woman seeks a mate

Basically your race is cucked as proven by science

Your women are for the taking

Attached: WhitesAreCuckedScience.png (926x741, 106K)

Look at her tits and slim figure
Say that to me again "2/10"
She is better than average with a butter face
Still her mouth over my dick is pleasant

the short one

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is that why your people rape women so much and have the iq of a subhuman?

it's a very clumsy attempt at muh dicking

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you're assuming that the western world isn't mired by the same dysfunction that india is.

Gotta grab those morally degenerated whores guise

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your mom and sister will suck my dick
while you make fun of me saying "muh dick" but would I care about it?

no one cares about what a cuck has to say

those girls are underage, but then again, why post these pics, what are they supposed to mean?

if those indians are so smart, why can't they keep the country functioning. a large intellectual elite in india should be able to keep the country on the right track. what exactly are the high iq indians doing wrong? why do they support affirmative action and other bs?

Strange since every poop ive met has been the definition of a beta male lmao

No, pajeet, it isn't. Now go back to India before you shit in our streets again.

pff, who cares, your children will be abomutts anyway

pic related is you

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underage you say?
then it only gets better (for Indians) as they grow up

they were fooling you

>your mom and sister will suck my dick

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Eww fucking fag thinks he's cute....

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we all already know that indians prefer underage girls my man

what do you think about east asian men? they have the same skin color as us

That's not faggotry you low EQ cretin
This is how you manipulate white girls for some great sex

Jealous poonigger

Most feminine of human species are east asians

a lot of poos are pedos in the UK because they cant please an adult woman with their child sized dicks (also, they are the ugliest people)

>me alpha, me indian alpha

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all of them are pakis

like we can tell the difference kek

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>me grab vegana with my 4 inches pingus

>eurasian tiger said tha posting XMWF pics will get me pale vegana and bobs

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what the fuck are you doing here? honestly, what do you want?

what's worse than an australoid and a fag?
an australoid fag of course lol

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long story short
there were some east asian faggots (one specifically called eurasain tiger)a few years ago that were famous for posting AMWF couples, of course they gave up when they learned that we don't give a fuck, but retard indians hope to do the same lol
they got the nerve to do it while looking like pic related

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What are you doing here?
I am here because of you

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lol and you started all of this "epic triggering of white males tenda spencer style" when people rightfully called you an abbo

the say is really true
The Indian is immunized against all dangers one may call him a pajeet, streetshitter, shitskin, pooinloo, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him an Australoid and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'


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i mean on the forum. you obviously know how much your people are hated here. no one gives a fuck about what you think and what you have to say, go to indiachan and be with your own people

Why is always this photo?
At least nigger ones have 10 or 20 different photos

>still thinking posting non white males+white females in 2019 "trigger" white males after east asians have tried it for years organizing en masse from their discords without results

because I do not really care to find new photos
A few photos should give you an idea about power of Indian cock

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I guess I enjoy being hated and I can hate back equally as well


he must be rich or famous.

Your shit covered people are ruining the country I love, India can fucking burn for all I care and so can you

your own kind hate themselfs and are called currycels. Just admit your inferiority and suicide. maybe in the next life you will become aryan lol

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its bad for your mental health and its annoying for us. every time i see that flag i wanna throw up

You are destroying yourself
Leave India out of your fantasy

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this. it's bbc that triggers us

the other one retard

Why would I seek out hate threads if it's bad for me ?
I just love triggering you

>t. non white man
east asian not only posted AMWF en masse but also BMWF, just because like you poo skinned men they thought it had any effect

basically the guy is Alpha

it also says that poos are lower IQ and more prone to STIs.

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all good as long as we are the bulls your daughters fuck

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why aren't those alpha poos able to overturn affirmative action in india? why do they let themselves be pushed around by low tier poos?

then why are Indians so small and skinnyfat?

>cuckistan flag

hard to take you seriously.

The new generation is not

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east asians and europeans, aka light skinned men, dominate, dominated and will continue to dominate the world, and poo skinned people will always be stay salty

sodomites love posing for cameras more than women
that's what is so much more disgusting about this picture
they're more happy to be posing in a "powerful"
photo than upset that this kid that they've had for 2 hours is getting deported

maybe poos could create a country if they were capable of doing anything other than dream about white women. Why is it only bangalor poos that are able to create functioning local economies?

not according to science

believe me, it doesnt feel like its affecting you but it does. you will go outside and see your people then remember all the thinks that was said about them on Jow Forums and how right they are. you are gonna start to hate your people and yourself (if youre not there already)

funny because I am posting from bangalore

how does it feel when you walk by white people and they give you that disgusted look?

science? more like cope
dark skinned men will always be jealous of light skinned men, and seek to procreate with the lightest woman possible in order to eliminate their defects

and i'm enjoying every moment of their butthurtness

I do not hate Indians as much as I used to
We have things better here than USA or west

Lmfao, this fag shit again? 1 post by this id, sage this shit

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What do you mean?

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they already are at that point
most negroes hate themselves and even among their community light skinned dominate
this indian has the same syndrome

All hail the glorious naxalites. May their hard work ensure an equal India for the ages

you live in india, you wouldnt understand.

jealousy of being a cuckold? NOn whites are more based and rational. WHites are retard snow niggers. But poos are worse. fuck both.

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I lived in USA for 10 years

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still unimpresive that only one region is semi-functioning.

stfu nigger

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