I've been lurking for about a month now after learning about /pol. I felt compelled to truly understand the mind of the incel. The right wing loser mind that was responsible for the election of THE SADDEST EXCUSE FOR A PRESIDENT DONALD DRUMPF.
You people absolutely disgust me. Thinking you're better than others because you look a certain way?? You are the outcasts of society. You're pining over a time when white men were the leaders of Western society. How far you've all sunk. You're the laughing stock. The history books have already been written.
RIP white people.
Thanks for all the good shit you gave us, but you won't be missed.
not everyone is a sex crazed over socialized brain damaged pervert, you fucking loser.
Easton Mitchell
Let's go to Nigeria and flood the country with millions of foreigners from all over the world so that Nigerians become a minority in their own country. Do you think that the Nigerians would be happy about that?
And better yet, if they dare to complain about demographic replacement, we'll call them racists, bigots, xenophobes, incels, etc.
Juan Taylor
>I felt compelled to truly understand the mind of the incel. then you should be in Jow Forums you pathetic loser
Nathan Gonzalez
What more is there to understand? If it begins to rain 'is da jooz'. You all blame the worlds problems on a group of people that make up a fraction of the world, meanwhile claiming to be the superior race- unaware of the irony that if you really were the superior race you wouldn't have fallen for this situation of going extinct.
Besides a funny meme or two, no.
Evan Martin
Welcome newfriend, you're here forever
William Collins
OP takes fists in the bum from hepatitis infected trannies down at the public library.
That depends. Did the Nigerians allow this to happen in their own country (give consent as a group) in the form of some democratically elected official making the law?
Then thats the will of the entire country. You're just behind the times.
Joshua Reed
>Thanks for all the good shit you gave us, but you won't be missed.
So it's tyranny of the majority now? If 51% of the population votes for a mass immigration party, then the rest of the country just has to accept that their society will change irreversibly? Also, most people probably aren't even aware that whites will become a minority in this country. That was definitely the case in the 1960s. If people knew that this would eventually lead to demographic replacement, the people would never have accepted it.
There's a reason why Socrates and Plato were skeptical of democracy -- the average person is not an expert on public policy or political philosophy.
And don't forget how we came to this point. For the last 50 years, the left has been fighting a political war outside of politics. They infiltrated mainstream media, academia, popular culture, Hollywood, as well as politics. These are the tools they used to influence public opinion, and unfortunately, the average person is easily deceived.
David Ramirez
Are you saying that if a race has a lot of institutional power, that makes them a superior race?