Why are so few people willing to date Transgender people Jow Forums?
Why are so few people willing to date Transgender people Jow Forums?
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Only faggots want to fuck delusional faggots.
1) They are not people
2) mental ill
If you need to ask this question and can't figure it out for yourself;
Then congrats: you're fucking retarded.
>Why are so few people willing to date Transgender people Jow Forums?
because most people hate false advertisements, that's why they are illegal in most countries.
Checked. Nobody has time for that
Trannies are dead inside. They have been infected with a societally I duced mental illness. It's no wonder 40% commit suicide.
Mental illness isn't attractive.
Do tomboys count as trans?
85%? Huh. That's about the same percentage of men excluded by 99% of women on dating apps.
In other news, most men arent faggots. Whaddaya know.
Their standards are too high.
12.5% is huge wtf
unironically I've always been into tomboy girls, this girl I knew literally started taking hormones after we broke up but she was cute as fuck before.
Look at the graph. Almost all of the ones that said they would are faggots. Only about 3% of straight men said they would, and that population is simply composed of incels who would rather have a live body of any kind to rub against than their hand.
Ah, right.
Trans are fine to fuck, but often they’re too mentally unstable to have a serious relationship with.
Is it ok to be into tomboys or is that gay?
>smells like dude
>body hair like dude
>sounds like dude
>skin feels like a dude’s skin (male and female skin are woven differently biologically... female skin is smoother and more elastic)
>has a penis
>if no penis, than a wound that poorly attempts to look like a vagina while also (probably?) smelling awful and not self lubricating
I dunno, can’t quite figure out why straight dudes don’t want to fuck trannies.
A perfectly ruined meat locker
You should totally date this, it is just like a real woman I promise!
>Not wanting to fuck a putrid, rotting meat hole made of colon and inverted benis
Can't figure it out mate.
I'd rather stick salami up my arse.
A white heteronormative cisgendered CEO professor and Baptist preacher was teaching a class on Karl Rove, known Christian.“Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Jesus Christ and accept that you too can become straight through daily prayer, self-flagellation, and eating Chik-Fil-A every day!”At this moment, a brave, trans-Asian, self-diagnosed pansexual demiromantic vegan multisouled person who had been free of all animal products and only bought products at the local transgender co-op boldly stood up, holding a glass filled with some white liquid.“Hey, Professor, what is this?”The arrogant professor smirked like a rapist and smugly replied “It’s clearly milk, you crazy faggot. What the fuck does milk have to do with political science?”“Wrong. It’s an all natural vegan onions almond kombucha latte. No animals or transpeople were harmed or raped in the making of this product.”The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of the Wall Street Journal. He stormed out of the room, clearly planning some kind of rape. The professor realized that he had been playing into the hands of the kyriarchy of CEOs, investment bankers, the Religious Right, and psychiatrists. He then killed himself. The proper term for this is “trans-dead”.The students checked their privilege, all diagnosed themselves with autism and gender identity disorder and joined the Gay-Straight Alliance. An obese trans-eagle furry otherkin waddled into the room and tried to perch upon the American Flag, bending the flagpole in the process. All parties involved gave up meat, Christianity, and the right to bear arms.
We have such sights to show you.
1 in 9 trans pass for female is how i read this statistic, the others are the 40%
This chick walks up and smacks your girlfriend's ass. What do?
Big surprise, hetero humans don't want to date home humans
>why don't gays and lesbians just date women and men respectively?
Same logic faggot
The eyes of a well adjusted individual.
I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want this in a partner.
supposedly estrogen makes mtfs smell more feminine and have softer skin
Found the handy compilation.
>Why are so few people willing to date Transgender people Jow Forums?
Because transgender people mostly want to date straight people that would somehow be delusional enough to see them as the opposite sex when they are clearly not.
I don't give a fuck how many surgeries or hormonal therapy you go through, if the end result looks like a man in a dress im not going to be fucking atracted to you, no matter how many times you try or how hard you cry and call me a transphobe.
Brazil is a country with a very shallow, superficial culture that cares about female beauty more than anything else! We have some of the hottest women on the planet and if you expect to compete with them, you HAVE to look like them.
Don't come talk to me with your manly voice, a beard shadow poking out, hairy legs and body, manly chin and the overall "tranny look". You will not get any positive attention from anyone, at best we will look at you like that freak that is trying to pass off for a woman.
The only people willing to date such a hideous creature are literal closet faggots and ugly people so desperate and lonely that they will pretend to be atracted to you just to get some sort of human contact, even if it comes from a hideous abomination like yourself.
Because no one is going to date someone with mental illness, mutilated genitals, and a victim complex larger than our solar system.
Plus they're ugly as shit.
Because I'm straight.
>im not reading all that fucking gibberish
>but i think youre shitting on the faggot trannies so pic related
Nobody wants to deal with mentally challenged disgusting shits.
From your previous post, I see that you agree with me, and saved a lot of your time reading thanks to your clever assumption.
Well done!
Skin may not grow in as thick, but it’s forever woven differently. Females have a parallel pattern that allows for stretching (due to need for pregnancy/child birth). Men’s is woven in cross-cross fashion, which is specifically to resist stretching.
I'm attracted to what I see, not to what one wants to be seen as.
>normal women more bigoted against trannies than normal men
I thought the purpose of intimate relationships was to have kids. Trannies aren't making many babies.
purely out of competition obviously
women hate competition and the fact that there are more females to males doesnt help, so theyre more aggressive to new threats like the transniggerfaggots
Obviously, a man is more willing to fuck a tranny in the butt than a woman is willing to either a) date a dude with no cock or b) get fucked by a frankendick. Figure it out.
>Why are so few people willing to date Transgender people Jow Forums?
Is this going to be another of Jow Forums's predictions that the leftists have failed because they haven't yet reached their goal?
Here are the steps we keep going through:
1. Leftists want to do x.
2. Hahahaha, x is not currently the case.
3. Hahaha, leftists are so stupid.
4. Polls show leftists still failing, ahaha.
5. They've caught up! I dont' believe the polls!
6. Hmm, let's move onto another topic.
Rinse. Repeat
>Why are so few people willing to date Transgender people Jow Forums?
Thx you, this must be one of those slide threads