Brit/pol/ - Cheddar Cheese Edition

>Who won the Tory leadership debate?
>Cheddar to the Rescue
>SNP MEP Alyn Smith apologises to Brexit Party after legal threat
>Cheddar is the nation's favourite cheese

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First for fuck Poo poo pee pee

Thanks for the new thread fren.

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Good lad. I love Cheddar Cheese.

So lads, what’ve you got planned for tomorrow?




>>Who won the Tory leadership debate?

easy. boris.

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why do you keep posting this tranny?

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where is the cheese lol

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Why do leftists call us bigots but don’t want to talk to us?

not so fast, scumbag

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Because Leftists are the real fascists.

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If I’m a racist, yeh, then how come ngubu me favourite player?

Checkmate libtards!

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work and fuck all else. im considering starting a bitchute channel (missed out on the youtube era) so I might start planning for my first video

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>Queen Victoria murdered millions
>talmudic slavery

Things can only get better

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>This is Sussudio. A great, great song. A personal favourite.

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Is it possible to drive 400 miles in a day?


Of course

If you were driving 100mph then it would take you 3 hours

>24hrs in a day
>average speed of 40 mph



He’s done a number on you

Ok lads calm down. The furthest i've done was 360 miles. It took 11.5 hours and there was a 3.5 hour ferry journey in the middle of it. Not sure i'd be capable of pulling that off again. The drive i'm considering is anywhere between 6 to 9.5 hours. Lancashire to the north of Scotland. My thinking is that I maybe stop off at a BnB in the lakes overnight on the way; maybe stop at a relatives in Newcastle on the way back. Whats the furthest you lads have driven in one go?

Honestly anything over 100 miles you should be stopping for at least 8 hours before setting off again

Yeah I drove 120 miles at easter and was shattered. Took about 2.5 hours. Had to stop off for half an hour in the middle. I know a madlad who drives for a living and he goes from Keighley to Aberdeen most weeks and reckons it takes about 13 hours round trip. I couldnt do that though.

>Whats the furthest you lads have driven in one go?
Bath to Coimbra
Never again

Also did Coimbra to Bath

it's 2am, might start drinking i've got 1 (one) bottle of beer booze and 2 (two) whisky minitures

and some crisps

There must have been a ferry involved? How long did it take and how many stops did you do? Doesnt seem possibly

im not sure if this is common knowledge or talked about, but has the whole problem of shipping cheese overseas to america been solved sine the 1960s? i got an awesome cheese book and they detail where to find cheese, but they make frequent references to which cheese either cannot be shipped, or they highly recommend not purchasing unless youre visiting.

there are some creamy ones that i want to order, in addition to a ten year old cheddar

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yes but it depends on the speed limit im in texas and the limit is 80 - 85 mph depending where you are so it would be like 5 hours or so

Fat Niggers lol

>"Who Won the Tory Leadership Debate?"
Rory obvs

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The fuck is this about? Is it a joke I'm not getting? I just drove 850 miles in two days, once out and once back. That was a short hop, how do you get anywhere if you can't drive more than 100 miles at a time?




I stopped to go to the toilet obviously, but does that really count? Went on the ferry one way and through the tunnel on the way back. Took about 24 hours each way I'd say.

Dunno lad I don't think thats common knowledge.

We don't have big Texan highways. Here it would be a mix of 30-70mph.

fuck off glow in the dark nigger

This is Britain. You can drive the entire length of the island in under 850 miles. You damn yanks are always in a rush to get anywhere.

>Is it possible to drive 400 miles in a day?

most i've done in a single sitting is pic related, it's doable, but with no sleep it can be sketchy, I did it on a motorbike and then again on the way back home so it;s a little more fatiguing.

I started after work around 6pm ish, rode right through the night and got to my destination at god knows what time but I wasn't far of hallucinating, been there before and it's not nice.

tl;dr yes if you drive right through the night

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Was found in metadata of CP that was sent to him you dumb sensationalist. Take at least 2 seconds to actually read the thread before sperging out over the first few lines of text


Yeah it seems like a load of old bollocks

Guys help I have eaten too many beans, I can't take it any more.

That’s so unbelievably dangerous

beans beans they're good for your heart
the more you eat the more you fart

>Cheddar is the nation's favourite cheese

thats bullshit lemme tell u why

when u go shopping the cheese isle is full of fucking chedder like 800 different brands and there is one tiny shelf in the corner that has other cheese
cant even buy most kinds of cheese round here just chedder

fukin sick of chedder man

Here it comes again, literally every 5 mins.

>fukin sick of chedder man

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he can fire his gun to help keep him awake

950 miles. Was dazed for two days afterward. Would never do it again.

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>isle is full of fucking chedder
coz its the nations favourite you wazzock. if the others sold more theyd give it more shelf space.
you just proved it to be true by trying to prove it false.
take a bow

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>reversing cause and effect


It's coming again ... Should I keep you guys posted ?

>the cheese isle


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That’s true I didn’t think about that, do Americans use shotguns as alarm clocks? Detonating tnt for breakfast

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kek'd 2bh

oh god lol

How do you think the polish get here? I've driven to Poland and back a few times. Lots of coffee.
Why you going to Scotland? Porridge wogess?

>one jap
not very diverse, bet theyre racist

>be jap
>attempt to west country
japs can't into west country

mears looking pretty succulent there

looks damn fun tbqh

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What its like to walk on street in england? Are you scared of car blowing up? Do you think of muslims driving up with faggio and cleaning you from all valuables on knife point? Are you anxious when you walk on street? What goes through your head

Unfortunately for you you'll never know how fun it is because the west country is full

Glad you like it. Night lads.

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Night lad XxX

london isnt english mate.
what's it like to be a russian rape baby?

as is the north, south and east country

Good joke retard.

hey guys, great thread, lots of in depth discussions about things that really matter. you must be getting hungry though, and i think i've got just the thing! yep, its old copypasta from the archives! that oughta hit the spot! hope you find it relevant and enjoyable!


1488 1776

#America #Freedom #Liberty

Our World. Our Time. Our Future.

A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.

America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.

Full Freedom and Liberty.

The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.

This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.

Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.

Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.

One last War. Our World Forever After

S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S

We're averaging a terrorist attack every 3 days or so over the last 50 years. We're quite used to it. It's actually been a bit better in recent years. The Irish were a lot worse back in the day than the muslims are today for that sort of thing.

are estonians gooky like the finn or bowl headed like the slav?
you'd like london, very welcoming to nonwhites.

estonians are famous for being retarded even by baltic standards

>oi wanka yous got a loicense for that chedda??

hhahahaha imagine being a fucking britcuck lmao

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Why don't Remainers just fuck off to the continent if they love the EU so much?

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