Poland's economy is dying because they're too afraid to let brown people in

Their people are feeling to neo liberal countries like UK to look for jobs. How sad, but let them die due to their ignorance.

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Poland.svg.png (1280x800, 6K)

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>Poland's economy is dying
no u

u believe government propaganda? kys

.t Indian subhuman who is mad that his visa was rejected.

>Found the nigger

I live in the U.S you dumb fuck. Why the fuck would I ever want to live in Poland?

Sounds like bullshit, plus maintaining the cohesiveness and integrity of one's nation is significantly more important than the economy.

>I live in the U.S you dumb fuck. Why the fuck would I ever want to live in Poland?

Because Poland is much better than USA.

Come to Canada.
Canadian superiority will prevail



Fuck off Goldstein, Poland's full.

It's dying because they let in 3 million ukr*inroaches who are too fucking lazy to work.

If they die, they die Polish.

Now compare that to Germany's economic growth

good. I hope they stay pure and once enough faggots leave the country is when they can start the recovery process for those that are loyal to their country. P.S. plus less traffic on streets and more space to live in.

in what why?

I don’t get Jews and the mentality of growing, the economy doesn’t need to constantly grow and neither does the population. Growing for the sake of growing is the mentality of a cancer cell.

Attached: 5D32D2E0-7E5F-4186-BC18-02A9F3B71639.jpg (257x196, 5K)

LMAO keep dreaming. You people are so delusional.

I for one think we should import islamic extremists en masse

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ok now what?

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>Republican flag

That fits

Economies crash and recover. Demographics and genetics crash and burn forever.

The population will always grow. That has always been the trend throughout human history.

>Democratic flag
>Anything to do with brown people
Its a shill looking to divert attention here, sage and leave or simple ignore and let it die

>The population will always grow. That has always been the trend throughout human history.

Yes it will grow because Polish people will have Polish children. Isn't that beautiful?

Demographic changes has always been part of human history. You can't change that

Why should it grow

Ops, forget to change the pasta
>Republican flag
anyway same advice

There won't be enough people to fill up all jobs. Immigration is essential to a first world country. Why are you people so dense?

Ah, but Jews don’t care about their host nation. Instead, they care about money, and they can’t make profit without constant growth, the nation be damned. I have never met a Jew besides myself that has considered themselves to be___ nation first and Jew second. Every. Single. One. Has considered their Jewishness to be more important than being from their host nation.
And remember goy, the Jew can also go to Israel, so they never live under what they did.

gee i surely wonder who could be behind this post

That just means the people should have more kids. Or they should automate more jobs

yo momma

Probably an illegal and not a Jew if he does actually live in America.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-06-18 02-24-33.png (793x576, 28K)

Who's going to build the robots, maintain them, fix them and program them?

Why does the economy need to grow

Wages are surpressed, plenty of people would happily work but instead of raising wages they want to import poos.


Other robots

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-06-18 02-26-27.png (792x580, 33K)

That still requires less people than humans doing everything

>You people
what do you mean by that, nigger?

Come on in.
Legia hooligans will straighten them out

Attached: 1555961128122.jpg (675x677, 123K)

Good and that's how it should be. Glad Poland is not as cucked as I thought

>in what why?
pic related

P.S. Show flag.

Attached: realityisatheocracy.png (666x542, 32K)

The government sends loans to fucking companies run by niggers instead of its own people. Some fucking stupid niggers claiming to be pure whites go on and support this nigger company.

Attached: 3B96A499-8093-4738-AA89-FCA4AAAE81A9.png (768x480, 125K)

is pic for real?

Attached: 1547951501926.png (664x857, 1.08M)

jesus loved immigrants

Because he was a jew

People are mad about this, they openly say it's a jewish conspiracy. They'd rather the western companies leave and relocate to india than accept immigration.

These are not local companies that want to import foreigners.

It's so funny when the lady that cuts my hair reees about the jews, she doesn't care what anyone thinks.

>run by niggers

Attached: D9DR1-NWwAIDirC.png:large.png (800x255, 359K)

Third world population explosions and (((economic growth))) will be our death.

No it's because (((The International Bankers))) punish the economies of countries that do not go along with their plans.

Look at the lead creator for cyberpunk 2077 stupid nigger shills the other day were trying to defend this stupid shill company.

Attached: 887DB090-6C8F-4B3A-AF7D-EE618E07E9B4.png (370x600, 302K)

How did he make such an incredible looking game then?

Zalando is not a polish company, the poster is real but it was not made in Poland it is a translation of one made elsewhere. We have a lot of stupid H&M and Zara posters with black people on them, it looks ridiculous but these are just copies sent from head company in another country.

Needing the economy to endlessly grow is a Jewish trick and you are all brainwashed to believe it is "necessary".

also their flag, Equal parts of White and Red which indicates New Order / Old Order. Usually it's 3 to 1

He is turning into Harold.

Becuase he made the original cyberpunk 2020 stupid fucking idiots. Cd projeckt red is filled with infested niggers run by Jews and you all fall for it.


I mean the pic i was replying to >

Attached: berkowicz black white.png (701x397, 373K)

And it wasn't dying before because we imported brown people.

Oh wait

I have not seen an internet meltdown over it so I don't think so. If it were true I think I would have seen something.

Dunno they seem pretty based to me

>They'd rather the western companies leave and relocate to india than accept immigration.
that is the correct response to cultural genocide. i'm cheering for you poles.

You do know Marcin enlisted a nigger to help him right his talent is fucking a lie he requires niggers to help him pure geniuses like Tesla never once needed niggers to help him make something revolutionary just the good intelligent mind. White mind.

Attached: E94293F5-E5EC-492A-B7AB-0F527E1F8B0E.jpg (220x280, 16K)

This is proof enough that most of pol are filled with bloated egos acting like they are pure aryans if you buy a nigger product your a traitor to the white race. You also are bending your ass for Jews to buttfuck you let’s not forget Poland was infested with a Jewish epidemic before Hitler came in to try and purify Poland.

In that case, I hope ours fucking dies too. Listen here you faggot kike, nobody gives a shot anymore. Fuck you and fuck immigrants. Oh well we will deal with it just like they will. All that.means is rhat some kike in NYC doesnt pull another billion.

Our economy is doing just fine and it's constantly growing. The problem is that our people prefer foreign countries because cost of living in Poland is higher than in other eastern european countries but wages sre the same

Attached: Bk3MZJY.gif (540x300, 597K)

Litteraly all the vidya partially made by niggers, I’m not gonna give up vidya for your gay aryan race, I’m a spic anyways.

There is no rational explanation why they want to import poos here when it would be "cheaper" to relocate to india. Everyone is questioning this, Poland has some of the highest tax rates, it makes no financial sense for them to be here and spend money on relocating poos.

>cost of living in Poland is higher than in other eastern european countries
false, cope harder slav nigger

You're mentally ill. Seek help

It's high taxation and ZUS more than anything, we need higher tax free bracket and lower state contribution.

gdp is not everything .
who in his right mind sells out his countrymen
just for a slight raise in gdp.

The best video games never had a lead nigger in charge they were all white.


Stupid nigger go back to your cave and stay there. Fucking messed up the whole planet.

For FUCK sake why do multiracial couples have the UGLIEST children in this day and age?

They are breeding literal 2/10's I swear back in the 80's Multiracial couples had decent looking kids, not mongoloids.


you're a lost cause. Just off yourself already.

Also you're retarded. My uncle is a truck driver and EVERY SINGLE black fuck while they should be working they are chilling, playing cards and drinking tea. Also whenever he sees a white man or woman with children the children are mixed, that's exactly what the jews want you fucking kike. Fuck off we are full.

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I’m more surprised you haven’t considering it’s ironic calling me mentally ill but your wasting time talking to a “mentally ill” person.

Actually, you are 100% right

That’s what the Jews want you to do they want you under their strings. It’s a shame pol claims to know the truth about the Jews and how they ruined the world but then buy their shitstorm products. Your no better then the fucking ea fanboys that go around sucking the worst company on the planet dick and buying their products.

mentally ill people like yourself are a burden to society. Just telling you how it is.

Alright where did this shit happen dude? Don't tell me the picture you posted is real

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>muh gdp
>muh dick
(((dumb people))) is dumb

Poland economy is shit , but fun fact is its not dying because poland have massive ammount of ukrainian workers coming in and working in shitiest jobs that poles do only in england/holland/norway for much more cash
also shit bait , sage

What we need is individuals in a position to do freelance work with no stupid risks. You try to work through a startup it is 300pln a month with no health insurance.

There is no chance for entrepreneurship because you have to pay for the privilege of trying.

Why? Because if people had the opportunity they would not work for 1200pln at some shitty foreign business.

It's about keeping the meat obedient for the people at the top. Of course with so many poles adopting cryptocurrency they are soon going to find that there will be even less to work.

They will tax it at 50% when it moons, and then all the rich will just holiday in a tax haven half the year.

wtf? cost of living in poland is the same but the wages are lower

What I think we need is a sane government like Korwin would do. I know all the memes with him and shit but I genuinely think his ideas and beliefes are the way to go

except its not

He may have the right ideas but he surrounds them with the madness of his own opinions. He would need to learn how to stop being a clown, too difficult for him.

show flag faggot
