The fuck is this

Tempe, AZ

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Other urls found in this thread:


I agree. Tempe sucks.

>burning fuel produces co2 and water
>water condenses and then freeze
>big trails
not complicated


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Ya live in the fucking desert dipshit how have you not figured this out yet? Where does the government always test their newest weapons? Exactly, the desert.

You chose this life.

This. Full of boomers and faggy ass ASU drama majors

they are controlling our mind man, ever since the us-iran political tensions, i have been seeing them more than ever

A city in Arizona

Sloppy job mossad

5 trillion dollar aerosol program by all the governments
of the world. the sheild of Ra.

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geoengineering at its best

Yeah, Tempe sucks major dick.

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Look like a Kia dealership

it's called geoengineering. they openly discuss is on npr

Airplanes you fucking idiot

Tempe is full of meth heads and ASU sluts. Scottsdale master race reporting in

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Are there any popular movies pre 90s that show chem trails. Not contrails but a chemtrail grid?

Suburban sprawl. A half a million dollars of infrastructure just in that tiny plot to serve a diminishing tax base.

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Yeah, KIA's are shit boxes

>chemtrail grid

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Based - Scottsdale here too, famalam.

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What am I supposed to be seeing? A Kia dealership? Oh yeah you're fucked.
>Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx)
SCoPEx is a scientific experiment to advance understanding of stratospheric aerosols that could be relevant to solar geoengineering. It aims to reduce the uncertainty around specific science questions by making quantitative measurements of some of the aerosol microphysics and atmospheric chemistry required for estimating the risks and benefits of solar geoengineering in large atmospheric models. SCoPEx will address questions about how particles interact with one another, with the background stratospheric air, and with solar and infrared radiation. Improved understanding of these processes will help answer applied questions such as, is it possible to find aerosols that can reduce or eliminate ozone loss, without increasing other physical risks?

That's a lot of big planes flying high, though.

I guess military tankers or B-52s.

Summer is here

Well you can test a theory. If your weather changes abruptly or people start getting sick for no reason then maybe they did something.

from my recent observations using flightradar24 and spotting planes as they come into my particular aperture thru the trees surrounding my house, it appears that they tend to do the chemtrails upon taking off and increasing their elevation. The ones landing seem to have run out of chem by then, which is pretty suspicious to me. The only 4-d chess move I can think of is that they'll try and say that the trails are the natrual product of acceleration and lift and when landing they are essentially coasting which doesnt produce the '''trails''' sounds pretty suspect tho.

Fuck yeah, bro. Keep it alive out here.

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Been watching it all day to user, we're fucked.

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OP is a nigger who is too stupid to understand how airplanes leave trails because of the reaction a hot jet engine causes when in contact with cold temperatures while moving. chemtrails is only a thing because boomers are too scared to name the jew so they go to extreme odd lengths to label somebody or something else for the decay of society.

Bay Area, CA

Spotted a good number of them yesterday.

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There is a military base on 52nd and McDowell.

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Scottsdale sucks: whores, jews, roasties, and fags.
East valley raising white families true master race.

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That’s called a CON trail. From condensation

>That's a lot of big planes flying high, though.
retard. There is only one schizotrail that is at 30k feet and you can see the plane that is creating it. everything else is 10k-15k at the most, where just about all aircraft that aren't looking for max fuel efficiency or do not have pressurized cabins will by flying at.

which is even further proof that its not schizotrails. also my image was taken at the wrong dealership, Mark kia is further north.

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This, Chandler-Gilbert supremacy all the way baybee

exhaust lines?

You take that back you son of a bitch. I do like the east valley as well, however. Traffic sucks a fat dick on the 60 though.

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>tfw moving to South Mountain area soon
Why the FUCK are there so many niggers around baseline

Wow schizo, take your meds and go back to plebbit

Anyone saying condensation stays in the air so long that streaks stay there for hours are the real retards

It's time.

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Its close enough to mesa that you will inevitably see the shady types wandering around there. Friend of mine and i went to a burger king close to sky harbor yesterday because the mesa burger king non southern had some methhead looking dudes hanging around. Wasnt about to get us robbed for some tendies


How cold would ice have to be to be magnetically suspended in the air? and how far away from earth?

Aluminium Powdered Autism.

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Worse than the 101?

101 at the 202 to 60 interchange is about the worst triangle of traffic in the entire valley tbqhfamalam

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Old Town sucks, Scottsdale is badass. Chandler and Gilbert are great too, but not as much.

Bad up here in MT, too.

So then what magical chemical would they be able to stick in the sky that also doesn't move? If you can't answer that then fucking kill yourself you retard

Fuck Tempe here and Baseline. It's true about the niggers. Local market is 100% Spanish Speaking Mexicans too.. I can move in 2 months, can't decide where though. Scottsdale too expensive, Queen Creek too far away from everything.Mesa too Night of the living dead

sure is shilly in here

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Occam's razor dictates that this is simply vapour and not 'chem trails' designed to control your mind.

sky tracers following people on those electric scooters. dont ride one for ~48 hours if you wanna avoid gangstalking.


Do you know what the fuck a cloud is?

a completely natural phenomena, take your meds

Chandler or gilbert dude.
Gilbert is objectively whiter though. Lots of old school Mormons and more “small townish” (for a very large town) than chandler.
I agree with everything you wrote though. I would never live in 90% of Tempe or 80% of Phoenix however.

f that dudes god damn fucking spine holy shit

atmospheric aids

I'm gonna be pretty much butted up against the mountain. My neighbors seem white but once I hit baseline and head east it's nig central. Luckily they can't expand further south

clouds arent condensation newfag

Yeah I live on Baseline and it's meh.
Moved here 4 months ago.
Chandler/Gilbert is good? It's so spread out here, that's it's hard to know where to look.I'll start looking for apartments around those places. Any particular part that isn't real expensive ?

show your flag.

its just haze, goy.

Can't be worse than the fucking E4 or E6 parking lot.

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Good luck talking about stratosphic aerosals here or finding any info on jewtube. It's even more covered up than aluminum in vaccines. Because they can just spray you all night while you sleep with a special concoction and boom, vaxxed

Sprayed like fuckin cockroaches. Which is what they think of you as.

Breathe deep.......

Yeah I'm like around baseline and the 10. Pretty "diverse". Want to live in Scottsdale but the rents are kinda silly there.

Lol sry wrong reply to wrong person lmao my bad bro

They're called contrails. They happen when changes in temperature and pressure cause clouds to form on the wingtips of airplanes.

Fuck man that's a horrid area just for traffic alone. Maybe try moving a little more west? I know what you mean about being spread though. I'm coming from Tucson though so I could live among the nigs and be happier.

Why the fuck do they do this? It definitely looks like it's being done deliberately to "cover" and area.

Has any good evidence about what they are supposedly spraying ever come to light?

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North Phoenix Chad here, skies are clear. They don't dare degrade our superior genetics.

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Ooo, apartment living eh?
I’m afraid you have just about no control of your neighbors in that situation. As such I’d say the south part of chandler relatively close to the 202, or about Val Vista or more east in Gilbert. That’ll price out a lot of the undesirables.

Are you seriously calling that bad traffic

It's the hardest thing to talk about by far. For a reason.
They call it cotten candy for civies while they load the tanks. They think it's funny.

No wtf is that? I live in a cave and have never seen the sun before sry

Just stay away from the Ave's and you'll be fine, for the most part. The west valley is a shit hole.

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Is that pic a bad traffic day?

Yeah we moved from the PNW. We are loving it here actually. Just want to have a decent commute to Scottsdale and be somewhere where the wifey can go jogging in peace.

I lived in Europe for two years and I never saw these things

Yeah we are brand new so don't want to commit to buying anything for a year. I'll check those places out. Thanks bros.

> howdoideleteapost.jpg

Is it really aluminum? And if so, why are they doing it? If it really is bad for you, do the elites not spray themselves? Like are there certain areas where this type of spraying is banned?

Find the Mormon churches and start your search around there

They turn on the spray remotely, it really isn't complicated. You can see them switch on the spray right at one end of a city limit and turn off at the other end. They spray over populated areas. And they don't stop spraying at night.

>solar management
Bull fucking shit

The desert is unironically the best though. Nothing rusts, and you still get nice winters and a lack of niggers in the high desert.

But why do they do it? And WHO is behind it? And what is speculated to be being sprayed?

Derp figured it out thx for the .jpg

This is what I waste my mornings on.

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Sound advice

You can flush aluminum out of your body if you know you are being sprayed with the shit every day and night, but most people think it's a gonspiracy and then they get alzhimers and kikes laugh.

All of Washington DC was on a anti anthrax vaccine for two whole months prior to the infamous attacks. Don't play your faggot kike games with me nigger.

>not only can you not spell but you're also a brainless fucktard
none of those trails are anywhere close to 30k feet. stop embarassing yourself

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live in PHX, hate it here

Could one of you guys Screenshot and mark a Google map and show me exactly where in Gilbert and Chandler. Work is off the 67 in Scottsdale.

STFO you lying sack of shit. They are already admitting that they are about to switch from covertness to overtness with regard to chemtrails yet you shit headed shills are still so programmed by official narratives that you refuse to admit it.


'Once seen as spooky sci-fi, geoengineering to halt runaway climate change is now being looked at with growing urgency. A spate of dire scientific warnings that the world community can no longer delay major cuts in carbon emissions, coupled with a recent surge in atmospheric concentrations of CO2, has left a growing number of scientists saying that it’s time to give the controversial technologies a serious look.

Technologies earmarked for the Cambridge center’s attention include a range of efforts to restrict solar radiation from reaching the lower atmosphere, including spraying aerosols of sulphate particles into the stratosphere, and refreezing rapidly warming parts of the polar regions by deploying tall ships to pump salt particles from the ocean into polar clouds to make them brighter.'