It's pretty cringe to see millennial "trads" who think they want to build a farm and become self-sufficient. Good luck with that shit. To get pic related the fucker had millions in the bank from Hollywood jew money and rental properties. Spending money on animals isn't farming. Growing vegetables in a garden isn't farming either. Even if you have chickens and shit, you still have to pay for their food, if you can keep them alive that is.
Why are so many internet-addicted "trads" and roastie trad thots getting tricked into thinking they want a farm?
Why do you think you could grow plants and keep animals alive successfully when you are addicted to scrolling through a shitty image board all day?
"self-sufficiency" is a meme
There's no such thing as "self-sufficiency." It's impossible without devolving to a medieval economy in which most people would starve to death. OP is right that there is enormous overhead (land, feed, fuel, vet bills, etc...) when it comes to agriculture that makes self-sufficiency impossible.
The deeper we get into clown world, the more people are fed a fantasy of living like "the good old days" so they keep daydreaming instead of facing the harsh degenerate reality we find ourselves, and preparing to fight
I've kinda looked into this, not in a hippy fag way, but just I would like to be left alone, and it would take a few million to make it happen. And even then you will owe at least $15k a year in property tax, so you will still need to make money.
Who needs a farm? Just have a veggie garden and go shoot shit innawoods
I do basic hydroponic gardening in my backyard and it requires a massive amount of time, money, and labor, and doesn't come close to providing enough food to feed one person
>don’t farm, prepare to fight
Okay but what happens when we win? We just return to degenerate modern capitalism?
Hunting big animals definitely seems to make more sense than trying to raise them yourself. Let nature raise them and I'll just kill 'em and eat em
Kill the consumerist cucks that pay for useless plastic garbage merchandise, and make sensible purchases. If you want to farm be my guest, hopefully people will choose to eat real food and not subsidize chemical corn syrup poison
Yes, and when it fails again, find another scapegoat to blame.
My wife and I met in the military.
Traveled around Europe for a few years until shit got annoying.
Moved back to the States, good jobs, bought 10 acres, began a farm and family.
Life's good.
Now go back and read the first part again.
You have to get tired of running around before you can settle down.
All the rest is just learning as you go.
>To get pic related costs millions
>About $200 max of material from a construction/hardware store
>Plus whatever that miniature greenhouse(?) cost to buy pre-made
It entirely depends on location for the "self sustaining" factor.
Yep. You’re looking at a cool 650k for 5 acres in rural CA. Good luck. Thank god my parents gave me 20k to buy a house in 2011. Now I can do this. Tell your dumb boomer parents to hook it up. Good thing is I’ll do it for my two beautiful white babies.
The new serfs are doing it to themselves. Further into the rabbit hole we go lads.
I grow trees and herbs so yes I can shit my time away on donkey racing.
Apples pears peaches persimmons English walnut hickory mulberry elderberry honeyberry etc. Grow comfrey anons look into medicinals. And don't forget this little fella minding his own business.
Tried it or are you some propaganda posting JIDF trying to discourage people from getting out of the grip of the korporate kike? I did it for a few years and it is difficult, but can be done. Without going into a bunch of details that would bore the majority of Jow Forums I will tell you that there is a good middle ground where people can work a regular job and grow food on small acreage. Any student of history will tell you that one of the biggest weapons throughout history has been controlling the food supply. Ex: the Holomodor, Churchill starving India during WWII, and the Irish Potato Famine (which was not a famine. The (((British))) land owners took the food at gun point. 1/2 of the British Empires military was involved.)
You cannot adequately fight the massive degeneracy machine if you're dependent on it retard
>Even if you have chickens and shit, you still have to pay for their food
don't they just eat bugs? or i could just buy $50 worth of rice and feed them for like 2 years.
Everything you grow or do or fix yourself adds to your self-sufficiency. Only a shill would claim it's an all or nothing proposition but it can be done even so. I know a dude who larps as a mountain man in the summer and only eats and lives by his wits in the backwoods, just to prove it can be done. He even makes his own gun powder for his black powder rifle.
Kaczynski states that the goal really isn't to become an island unto yourself but minimize your exposure to complex technologies, even during Ancient and Medieval times the average peasant was connected to those around him. Tethering your food source to the "just in time" system of logistics in the form of supermarkets is a vulnerability that needs to be excised. Kaczynski didn't have a fuck off sized farm to create enough food to feed himself year round, but a reduction in the threat a SHTF moment would affect you is ideal. This ranges from having an on hand supply of canned goods to having candles stored in the event of long term power grid failure. A quick way to check your vulnerability is to explore how you would react if you lost electricity, food and security (imagine the police force disappeared) for a period of 1-3 months in a sudden way. That is, you go to sleep and SURPRISE you're fucked. Have a firearm and ammo to ward off people driven mad by famine? Get one and train with it. Electricity gone? Have a supply of books on hand for entertainment and understand how to wash clothing without a washer and dryer. Learn to store perishable foods without refrigeration. No incoming food supply outside of your supermarket? Learn to supplement it with a garden.
There is a screenshot of a guy talking about his experiences in Bosnia or Serbia during the wars that floats around from time to time. Hopefully someone will post it. He talks about how shitty it got and what really matters in a SHTF type situation.
Thanks user for the light in this shirt Web. What's that little guy called again? Plantain? Redpill me on it plz.
in kindergarten we used those leafs to soothe stinging nettle burns, we called them frog leafs...
>not convincing your boomer parents to become self sufficient
They retired, bought a farm somewhere in Europe and moved there.
Now I don't even have to start that shit up myself, the true millennial way.
why do you hate people that have a garden?
i have a small orchard and some chickens. i basically view it as a hobby that gives me exercise and fresh air and some food. and like most hobbies you get better at it over time, and it takes time and some money.
op is a huge bitter faggot.
Yeah but did you two quit your jobs after you bought your 10 acres? Which is what the "meme" is about, becoming self-sufficient off just your own land.
Lel, wtf land did you buy for $20k in 2011?
>why do you hate people that have a garden?
They are but lesser demons who seek to one day be the master of their own garden of people, and scoff at the notion that such ways of existence are actually truly possible.
the whole “you arent completely self sufficient so its a waste of time” is a fallacy. akin to “why brush my teeth they will just get dirty again” or “why exercise im just going to die.”
yeah modern life requires more from you than just being able to feed yourself on plants an animals. that doesnt mean that knowing how to garden or raise animals is a waste of time if you enjoy the challenge of it.
the smells, the dirt, the tasty food, watching things grow, all great. and yeah ill still get most of my calories from food i buy at the store because that’s efficient in the current system.
>Not being degenerate is a cringy meme because it's too expensive
This has GOT to be the most Jewish thread I've seen all week.
elaborate plz
the 98% have always been the pawns of the 2% that have the will and wit to realize their vision. a truth of history.
My pic is of common plantain. it is growing out of everywhere. Indians called em white man's foot. Came with the white man. It will fix a insect sting or itch in minutes, heals wounds, has antibacterial properties, and is full of vitamins if you want a tasty salad..get the young or shaded ones for that. Faggots try to kill them....Ama kek
Nice psyop thread glowniggers. What is an allodial title?
>meme flag
>demoralization thread
jews and shills get gassed
It always returns to that when the fuel runs out. Then all the weakness is shaken from the herd.
The thread is going to turn against OP very quick then 404 here we come. Speaking of kikes grow Jerusalem artichokes. Kek
>raising animals isnt farming
you chose an official troll flag so not gonna take anything you say seriously
chickens breed like crazy and eat the ticks in the tallgrass
learning how to pluck and clean a chicken would put you in a spot that you could live for months maybe years, harshly, but yes a truly self sufficient way of living
the only reason we DONT live like this is because sometimes you want something other than chicken
if there is ever a big call to fight everyone needs to know what you are referring to as "meme
Maybe they enjoy doing it? It just isn't profitable right now because of the competition, unless you find a niche, then you can usually break even or make a little money if you work hard. Also farming reduces your property taxes on a property so it can be something to consider if you inherit one.
>medieval economy
>You cannot adequately fight the massive degeneracy machine if you're dependent on it retard
We cannot fight it without just convincing enough people to switch sides. There is no hope of "being outside the system and fighting it". If they want to fuck you over they will jsut go to your house and fuck you over. They dont' gain any more power really by being able to withhold resources from you.
Self-sufficiency does nothing. It's not enough to be able to be independent of society, you have to be at peace with it or society will label you an enemy, show up, and fuck up your shit, and give it to someone.
Give this fantasy up. There is no way out of this but convincing enough of the population that they have to be on our side.
The fact that there are anti-gardening shills shouldn't surprise you faggots. Anything we like is shilled against on principle. It's part of the overall strategy to demoralize the board.
Chickens only actually need food in the winter and table scraps are good enough usually. Or grow fucking corn or buy it for 7$ 50 pound
>Kaczynski states that the goal really isn't to become an island unto yourself but minimize your exposure to complex
He's wrong. They're going to go after all of us. We cannot be neutral. We cannot escape. We cannot avoid. This is foolishness. They will go after you if you are alone. You cannot be alone. You cannot be "self-sufficient". You live or die with society. You live or die with all of us.
the idea is to minimize reliance. If you live in a major city, it takes an army of trucks EVERY DAY to keep the stores and resteraunts stocked. Gues what we learned from katrina? The food is gone in three days tops. Know what happens when the food is gone? people lose their shit and start chimping out and looting.
It about getting away from that and about getting to a point where you wont fucking starve to death if the trucks arent coming.
Surely history will vindicate you.
So what have anons had luck with? Last year I got about 30 pounds of tomatoes off of three plants that were planted late and not very well taken care of. I've also grown big pumpkins (one was 120 pounds) and zucchinis pretty easily. None of my peppers or corn ever make it but I live in a shitty area for them and I have no idea what I'm doing for the most part.
It’s hard work at first but perfectly do-able, you can grow more food in a small acreage than a larger one as you can intensify it and concentrate on a smaller area easier. Heck, a back garden of a decent size could feed a family easy if they have a few polytunnels and greenhouse for the winter months.
>It about getting away from that and about getting to a point where you wont fucking starve to death if the trucks arent coming.
If society collapses, China will just roll in and take everything. But society likely won't collapse. This fantasy is reducing the ambition to fight against what is happening to society.
>farming isn't farming, and you probably couldn't do it anyway so don't bother
Those were the ones I grabbed before frost
this is the new era mine crypto,your own money. Then farm your own energy, with alternative sources. Farm enough produce to supplement your BEYOND MEAT meals.
Why not get off ur lazyass and produce something of value, you shitposter
I should have clarified, I meant to say
>and scoff at the notion that such ways of self-sufficient existence are actually truly possible.
Rulership of so and so over such and such does not interest me much. I’d be citing our hunter-gatherer forefathers as evidence of such lifestyles having been possible for single humans as well as for larger groups.
I think you might be picking them a tad too early
>blah blah blah
Try to come up with ONE good argument. All you did was construct some bizarre straw-man according to which people desiring self-sufficiency are for some reason internet addicted? Being on Jow Forums for a short while doesn't make one addicted.
>It's impossible without devolving to a medieval economy in which most people would starve to death.
Who ever claimed that those who want self-sufficiency think it's for everyone? 99,99% will not once in their life consider doing it. They don't matter. It's impossible to persuade them anyways. Why would we care about people that don't care about themselves?
Hunting big animals is a terrible, terrible way to have food security. Guess what millions of people with their guns plan to do if supermarkets couldn't restock anymore? They would go to the forests and illegally shoot everything that moves. Game animals would be genocides in large parts of human inhabited world.
You can protect your own garden and some animals. You can't protect the animals in the woods.
Yeah it would take me a long fucking time to actually starve to death yeah apples(booze) greens and rabbits are okay until next planting season. Worms if desperate. I'd probably lose 50 pounds and be okay. Btw are anons not putting in fat reserves?
Imma do both. Show flag, fag
That's the most racist thing I've read all day you bastard.
I've been thinking about a greenhouse heated by servers. I suppose the humidity would be a bitch.
Squash is key I still have some perfectly fine from last year kept in a box in the closet
This is the most obvious demoralization thread I've ever seen.
>Don't betray our system goy! You need us goy! You know you'll fail goy!
It must really scare you to think an entire generation wants out of you facade of a monetary system. I'm a millennial myself and I've been studying and collecting information in what it would take to succeed at this. It takes a small community of self reliant families working together to be self sufficient. One person or one family can't do it on their own initially and I think that's where most people fail. Also you have to produce surplus crops or produce some other goods of value to trade or sell to get things the community needs. A small community like this could very easily sustain itself and even thrive with a little time. You could even begin to form your own private school and other such things. These type communities terrify the people who want to control us because they work and they could represent true freedom. Dont listen to these shills.
>We just return to degenerate modern capitalism?
There is nothing wrong with capitalism, it is an engine. What an engine is used for is a reflection of the people using it.
That is what the Christian revivalists on Jow Forums are getting at. Nothing we do matters if we lack a moral foundation, and the "meme" Christianity you see here is just a reflection of people attempting to reconstruct the OS our civilization ran on before the last update, when everything went to shit.
Hehe it was the last batch before a heavy frost. About 2/3 of them ripened indoors without going bad
Found the jew...
Oh cut the history propaganda meme history, India starved often, Ireland was more to do with a poor weather, fungus blight, poor farming practices and poor land registering that left past land on to just one child. Northern Ireland was fine.
Welp better just keep drinking my onions then and get a tranny gf. Eat shit kike.
honestly can't tell if its a joke our you are a shill being serious lol
Based post of truth.
>They're going to go after all of us. We cannot be neutral. We cannot escape. We cannot avoid. This is foolishness. They will go after you if you are alone. You cannot be alone. You cannot be "self-sufficient". You live or die with society. You live or die with all of us.
it truly is horrifying.
self sufficiency via a garden is retarded
So you're never supposed to eat oranges or bananas or kiwis? You're supposed to eat beef, chicken, milk and potatoes your whole life?
I heard the difference in cost between raising an animal and buying the meat from the abbatoir is negligable, which makes sense when you consider economy of scale in a commercial system. There is still space for a few animals as part of a homestead system, or raising heritage breeds or high welfare animals for the restaraunts and farmers markets along with value added products.
That other idiot was the one who said big animals. Here you can shoot 1 of millions of caribou and have enough meat for 2 months. It doesn't have to be a fucking moose.
This is actually a fair point. Farmed chickens for a few years, great eggs, then came the foxes and the coons. Farming is hard and takes lots of attention that few can afford in these times, especially with the Jow Forums psyop being so effective.
That cheap eh? So, food prices should be really low in Leafistan, right?
What's funny is people will starve when food is literally growing in sidewalk cracks. Yeah it sucks but you chose the city. Pic related can grow up to 100 pounds of potato like tubers in a year and stay preserved in the ground until spring when they will only get bigger.
Obligatory anons would enjoy. I listen on commute
Hes right you anglokike faggot.
no joke my uncle extended a gaint heat sink onto the deep end of his pool and has a ¨pool shed¨ next to it. humanity yea maybe get some solar powered fans to avoid the moisture condensing on ur equipment. gl to this bull run, to the moon
Simmer down fellas. We all want the faggots and niggers to starve.
Grow one variety of potato. Blight kills you.
(((property tax)))
>anyone taking this seriously
>There's no such thing as "self-sufficiency."
Laugh at this fucker, he's never been to the woods or seen a wild animal before. He'd probably die in a day if left there.
>It's impossible without devolving to a medieval economy in which most people would starve to death
Yeah, those who aren't self-sufficient would "die". That is the point.
>oh but all these poor dumb people...
Will die. Yes. That's what happens to stupid animals.
Biting that bait. No way in hell that cost millions of dollars. That's a couple hundred and a few afternoons of work at most. It is fucking cheap to throw together some planter boxes and some dirt. Chickens are also ridiculous cheap to maintain. A few bucks of month for feed will give you an unholy amount of eggs. You will get sick of eggs before you run out of feed. They will also eat all of your scrap food. All of it.
The point of all this isn't to be self-sufficient but to reduce your reliability on the system. Not just for potential disasters but for personal ones too. If you get laid off or lose your income, you won't starve. Important peace of mind if you've ever been in that situation.
Electric fence perimeter. Solar Cheap easy. Thank me later
First weed to vanish when the sheep get's let into a new pen.
>Even the dumbest animal on the planet knows it's good stuff
t. Incel
Irish aren’t white.
I laugh at the Alaska bush people show where they believe they are sled sufficient as they hunt deer with a high powered rifle while riding an ATV.
>it would be medieval lmao
Something as simple as a working understanding of germ theory separates any modern attempt at small scale agriculture from the serfs of a hundred let alone thousand years ago.
>They would go to the forests and illegally shoot everything that moves. Game animals would be genocides in large parts of human inhabited world.
That will definitely not happen. I think you're overestimating the amount of people that would do that, and underestimating how many people you would need to even genocide a deer population.
In every starvation event in history people basically just fucking waited around in the cities until it was too late. Most people just stay where they are, and then they die. Ukraine didn't decimate their animal population for example.
some of us haven't forgotten what you kikes did to the kulaks. the kikes hate anyone who can get off their evil system and become independent. the kikes figured out they could destroy any chance of a kulak type class rising up in the USA by using corporations like Monsanto to legally jew small farmers over instead of outright murdering them like they did in Russia. they have this same philosophy with our demographics. they'll just legally genocide us instead of outright doing it. these people need to die.
Meanwhile permaculture is well attested to and documented in most western climate zones.
you're most likely doing it wrong
>Why are so many internet-addicted "trads" and roastie trad thots getting tricked into thinking they want a farm?
people are stupid and those people stupid should be takening for a ride
wrong there is 5+ acres available in sierra nevada foothills for as low as 40k im looking for land to finance myself. if your'e low IQ and buy everything on amazon and have never researched cheap or free ways to acquire resources, yeah it will be expensive. thrift stores, yard sales, free materials like pallet wood are all abundant and cheap. self sufficiency is hard work but a satisfying and sustainable lifestyle. you tube is free. you can solve any sort of problem you run into.
I am fighting. I am living a life that is an afrront to every fucking ideal held by these modernist pigs fed as the slop trough of the consumerist society.
Creating a place that is permanent, anchored, a home for generations of family members that contains a legacy, that is safe, that can provide. A place where your family and your ancestors provide for you and protect you by why they did and do, by what they created and left behind.
But knowing that not every child will stay there, because there wont's be enough room for them, so they leave and go to create another one. And like that, spreads a continued life for our people, places of shelter and survival and continuity, Where we might grow and spread from, not simply restreat into.
We already have a farm fag. SAGE
self sufficiency only makes sense if you can do it for less cost
creating a recreational farm to act like you are red pilled is a waste of resources
cutting your own hair in your bathroom is much easier than driving to a barber shop and waiting in line and telling the barber how to cut your hair and driving back to your bathroom to take a shower
Also around new fruit trees plant like 5 mimosa from seed then when they are chest high chop drop em. Rinse and repeat until the tree you want takes over and kills em. Nitrogen fixers builds soil and makes mulch. I keep copy pasta because they always 404 this. Op might have actually helped this thread making it pro kike
cheese and potatos alone have nearly all the vitamins you require to live