Part 14

I wore an ‘I HAVE AUTISM’-hat outside. And filmed people without asking.

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You da man cctv!

Buy a banner

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kek you may actually have autism.

>I wore an ‘I HAVE AUTISM’-hat outside. And filmed people without asking.

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Holy shit bump

was just watching this video

Your hand looks like a nigger.

you should have beat the shit out of the guy in the vest who was with the street performers

ignore my email scammer bitchi post on right threads and you never send money fuck you

cool numbers. I get it that its their right but its so fucking invasive.



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she was really kind

i like this one

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man you really are determined people

lol so bizarre how all the women suddenly are much more nicer to you because of that

Do you remember when you stopped harassing people to try and talk up this cute fun girl but she was having none of your autismo BS? What did it feel like?

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Youtube demonetized me after 5 minutes.

I earned 2 dollars per video last time and now they dont even want to give me that. Fuck these cunts im mad.

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France sucks

If youve approached hundreds of women and got lays from about 20% of those, you would know not to give a single fuck cause rejection doesnt mean shit. Atleast thats what i tell myself to sleep better

>jews stealing shekels
didnt see this one coming lol

Just beg, like any other yutuber.

Yesss finally

go to an amsterdam dominatrix studio next episode! and ask the nice lady for getting beat up while filming pls

>I earned 2 dollars per video last time and now they dont even want to give me that. Fuck these cunts im mad.

>Claims he's trying to make a point about cctv surveillance
>Meanwhile begs for bitcoin donations and wants to monetize the first person videos he makes of him harassing you on the streets, taking every precaution to remain anonymous himself

Stop giving autists a bad name you wortheless PoS.

the clarinette player is an absoloute goat man, incredible how he just stands there all alone
one of the hardest winds instrument

i have real autism and i got medical proof
i an rock apu and autism hats all day and if people call me out for it.. HAHAHAHA

this is what society deserves for telling us we were autistic our whole lives then trying to kill us all off and hide us in fucking attics and basements like fucking jews hiding from the stazi for entire generations..
like they used to do to retards in the old days..

not anymore.
like christians, real autists are some of the most persecuted members of society by supposed "normal" people.

i can't wait to have me a custom fitted embroided autism hat and suit.

super powerful.

i love fucking up normies that attack the weak autists. i've fought and drew blood for my asperger brethren and sisters when i was a kid in school.
i remember all the torture we lived.

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Some of us find these videos entertaining

>and got lays from about 20% of those
Jesus. You either look completely different than your demeanor would have me suspect or - and I do think this more likely -you're full of shit.

yeah but why


Say your a tranny and beg for donations

Still, he's a cowardly lying asshole in it for reddit gold/e-fame. He shouldn't blame his shit personality on autism. There's plenty of decent autists.

what ? what "user"? What is this, do you mean that dominatrice isn't an actual thing? You're lying are you?

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i love these videos

yeah but why

surveillance camera man already did this gimmick years ago

but i applaud the OC

unironically this. being a sperg allowed to me learn violence from videogames over the last 25 years, and execute the combos with incredible detail (and force). thank you virtua fighter, tekken, and street fighter

Doesn't make his lies any more true. He should just own up to being the autistic Jow Forums armoowasright/snapking.

make patreon

Doubt they'd let him crowdfund harassment.


Holy shit they enabled minetization again because i used the blue lady before. Now i put an old man with a very young girl by his side and they fucking enabled monetization. Fucking jew tube

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can i see your flag please. i have a hunch you are canadian. because canadians are always overly sensitive

Based CCTV poster but - retard - you didn't show us you wearing the hat as you filmed people so you could have easily taken it off after. It's almost like you actually have autism.

they don't know to be afraid of autists, yet

this guy was italian. not sure if he had a thai bride, or the woman was italian too.

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>hanging out with some guy who looks old enough to be her father with their arms around each others waists
Typical Dutch roastie whore.

You can tell he's good looking from the way he gets treated. If he was ugly, people would have a much lower threshold for his autism.

Check the shiny sunglasses of people. The hat is in the reflection. One of the americans says ‘you have brain damage and youre wearing that...?’

If I had the money I'd hire you to go around doing this as much to your heart's content.

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I'm dutch actually, referring to locally known and frowned upon youtubers should have given it away to OP.

>When you pretend to be a good guy by buying a homeless guy beer but you're clearly aiming to make a quick buck over his back and bask in all the likes and reddit gold you'll receive for your shitty theater.

God you suck as a person.

Im not good looking bro. Below average if im honest.

Show us a minutes long close up of your face now please.

Kek. True

I fucking love this comment. It was an honor to live a day like an autist, sir.

that couple as the video reaches the 41minute mark were hilaroius. they offer to help and you get up and just walk off lol

You actually delivered!
I voted for this btw kek
A true hero.

That was the gayest 30 seconds of my life. What was the point of this """"experiment"""?

>to live a day like an autist,
Who are you even trying to kid.

Nothing wrong with that mate.

That video with the short haired feminist girl at the park, she had a total crush on you.

This is what the viewers voted for on my poll. Suck a cock. Nobody would help a man find his parents with a hat saying that. How fucked is that?

>What was the point of this """"experiment"""?
He's trying to monetize his content and is begging for donations, just here to promote it.

>if you like what I'm doing remember to like and share and maybe become my patreon!

So are you Lithuanian?

Your vids are too long

She was cute.

You got me bruf.

This basically. I’m a shitty human being.
Also, this is what people voted for in the poll.

Good job user i love your videos. Keep up the good work.

This is so fucked. I’ll never make a patreon and bluntly monthly leech off people. Screencap this for future reference.

you could have had sex with the girl in the green shirt

You need to get a sponsorship from dollar shave club or something and stick it into your Vids somewhere.

>Nobody would help a man find his parents with a hat saying that. How fucked is that?

Stop trying to justify your disgusting attempts at commercializing your enduring targeted harassment of certain strangers by pointing out perceived/imagined wrongs of society at large. It's laughable and absurd.

You're just an e-fame/money whore.

OP didn't you do a colab with Andrew Ruse where you went back into the kitchen of a resturaunt? I can't find the video

show flag then faggot.

heres a girl from the video. do you have a nose like hers?

forgot pic related

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Why don't you respond to this post OP?

>Show us a minutes long close up of your face now please.

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I think autism is like this generations ADHD.
I got ((diagnosed)) with ADHD when I was a kid cause I like to play outside, had a lot of energy and talked a lot in class so they tried to subvert my superpowers with medication.
I never took them cause they turned me into a zombie which is what they wanted I bet.
When I actually did pay attention and took tests in school and such I did better than 90% of people.

>spend a shitton to travel to big cities
>film for 5 hrs minimum
>come home, edit the footage on the slowest piece of shit pc
>upload finally
>user calls me a moneygrabber because i get mad youtube doesnt even want to give me the 2 fucking dollars they did before.

Go fuck yourself mate.

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Alright give me a minute.

I did

Thanks man.

I don't know what was so hot about her, cute smile

LOL.. you are actually retarded.
If people are willing to give you money it's their problem. Just don't make it about it or sell out.
Following a pasion/ hobby can bring income and it's normal.

>be normie
>decide to wear autism cap
>act totally normal while doing it
I fucking hate normies so much. They literally live in a entirely seperate world; they have no idea what it's like to barely take a step outside and have people automatically judging you, staring at you like a zoo animal, and even harassing you. All because you don't look or act normal. AND NO PUTTING ON A FUCKING HAT DOESN'T CHANGE ANYTHING.
Fuck you OP I hope you catch anal cancer.

20% is extremely high, even for really handsome dudes.

Relax Rainman

I put a poll up and this is what the viewers voted for (including the things i said).

Would you still fuck me past my anal tumor?

Dude what

>have people automatically judging you, staring at you like a zoo animal
you mean imagine that people care about you that much untill you weak faggot get anxious enough to really get noticed and your delusion becomes reality?

Agreed, the fuck is wrong with you OP?

post bobs and vagin
i will make yur butt big scam cellphone belly hooker smell your hair

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What's the difference between surveillance camera man and CCTV Project?

You are one based madlad.