The current state of leftist "humor"

>the current state of leftist "humor"

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>South Park
Didn't they spend several seasons seething at orange man?

Nice flag


Lmao some user said that after the second adpocolypse the left would continue to crack down more and more on center left and generic lefties but I didn’t think it would happen this quick

Reminder that anything to the right of Lenin is Nazi (and that's a bad thing because of the gorillion)

Guyssss imm sooo wookkkeeee

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Lmao, they fucking put Pewdiepie here..

I only watch ultra alt-right radicals such as Shaun, Hbomberguy and Contrapoints

>Can't be subtle, have to shove the punchline right down your throat

This is teenage girl level humor.

trump killed south park because he is way too over the top and unusual to be made fun of in the way south park usually does. SP rellied on over the top humour and edgy pop culture references but the world is way to weird itself for the humour to work.

ahahahaha they cant even articulate who their enemy is

If someone claimed that about shapiro and peterson I could at least understand why think that.

The rest is just butthurt

>still using the term "alt-right" like it means anything
>none of these people are alt-right at all
>calling ben shapiro neutral
>implying south park is even remotely alt-right
so much yikes in this

if leftists arent nazis why does the swastika have four Ls?

(((Shapiro))) is a basic cuckservative

I was under the impression all of those people were leftists. But leftists think they are rightists?

The only one who could even be considered at all alt-right in this is Joe Rogan

>like shill
>a thumb
>does anyone but the left watch that?
>the lobster, seriously?
>love pewds but he's still a swedecuck
>betraying us to his AI overlords every day

>quotation marks
>people who arent even alt-right
jesus fucking christ, i know america is fucked pretty much, but not to this point. even communicating in fucking epic rap battle song lyrics would actually make more sense than whatever cesspool this shit is.

>Attack Centrist
>Overtone pulls farther Right
There was a time where I believed if we didn't stop these Commies they'd create the next Hitler..... Now I no longer wish to stop them.

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Leftism killed southpark.

OP is also, a like faggot. This pic is filled with cartoon characters. This board is good and bad-fucked. Go outside.

we're still trying to figure out what alt-right is

>Joe "Pro immigration" rogan
>Jordan "Pro choice" peterson
>Peediepie and Elon just don't care desu
Yes they are very alt right.

So in otherwords:
>Southpark is funny because it tries to portray a clownworld reaction to real world events
>Real world becomes clown world
>South park is now boring as fuck

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Kel, little Benny alt right

Dude is neocon through and through

I take that back about Jordan Peterson I'm not sure if he's pro choice.

which is why all their stuff now is just topical reflection of the world

That's very cool bros, but that's nothing. Check em