Why does pol need to explicitly tell everyone they think whites are superior?

I mean if they are correct then shouldn't it be implied and they dont need to say it in the first place? Personally I think all races are equal, just different

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Necessary counterpoint to the constant messaging that whites are bad

>Personally I think all races are equal, just different
if you are correct then shouldn't it be implied and you dont need to say it in the first place?

Pol doesn’t.
You make threads like that, then you complain about the threads you make.

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slide thread

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Democrat social policies, and the excluding of whites, East Asians and Indians from them, is the implied superiority.

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Some of us believe we're superior. Some of us believe that every race has their strengths and weaknesses. All of us just want to live our lives without hindrance

how can they be equal if they're different? If they're different, wouldn't that mean that one race is better than the others?

why do niggers and Jews and leftists feel the need to tell everyone they think niggers are superior?

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At some things. but not as good as others in something else


answer this question faggot. why do Jews and leftists make constant propaganda about nigger superiority? I don't think our propaganda comes anywhere close to it.

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No they are pointing out some of the areas that Black people are better at whites (physically generally) while acknowledging that they are not yet fully integrated into western culture yet and in some regards need asistance- ie affirmitive action. As I said, better at some things while not as good as other- this applys to all races

Niggers are not better than whites physically. I have beaten the shit out of 6 niggers and why can't they acknowledge the scientific fact that blacks are dumber? The lineal heavyweight boxing Champion of the world is a white man. The world's strongest men are white. A white male just broke the under 18 record for the 100 meter dash. Tom Brady and Rob Gronkowski dominate the NFL and they're white. NHL is dominated by whites. Blacks are underrepresented in baseball. Blacks suck at swimming. Explain all that, bitch nigger shill.

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blacks also have more estrogen in their bodies(which is why they have less body hair) compared to whites and are more likely to be gay or transsexual yet it's whites who get shilled as being effeminate

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they need affirmative action because they are dumber. either take away all affirmative action or give it to whites in scholastic sports or blacks are the truly privileged class and this is irrefutable.

show us your Israeli flag you short hook nosed inbred kike

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Yes, Black people do not achieve the same academic results as whites. whites do noy achieve the same level as Asian people- so does that make Asians superior?


Lineal World Heavyweight boxing Champion of the world says kikes run the media

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Wow then it must be true


on average yes they are better academically but history has shown us that whites have been generally more innovative than Asians blacks on the other hand have not when it comes to technological advancement. Asians have given us major contributions like paper made from trees and gun powder. Blacks have given us almost nothing. Caucasians which includes whites, Arabs, and Indians(and unfortunately Jews) have created the vast majority of technological, mathematical and scientific advancement in human history.

and if you include South East Asians then Asians actually score inferior to whites on IQ tests for instance and Asians in the US are the result of brain drain aka generally the cream of the crop from their countries

>Personally I think all races are equal, just different
They why don't you move to India where half of the population shit in the streets? Or how about Africa where they rape babies because they think it cures AIDs? Go Fuck Yourself!

Should've been first post.

and North Africans as well are also Caucasian. I guess I'd say I'm a pan-Caucasian supremacist. I think Nordic supremacy is retarded bullshit.

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Leftists are the only ones who insist whites are superior and need to be “brought down”
Leftists are the real white supremacists

It's pretty obvious when you look at the different parts of the world that some races are better at maintaining advanced civilizations than others, but it's not politically correct to point this out. There's not a single majority African nation that has a living standard equal to the West. They all rank near the bottom in human development and it's considered insane to suggest that it could be any reason other than they were screwed over by colonization. But colonization is the only reason sub-Saharan Africa has any modern infrastructure in the first place.

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It's the fantasy that's been put into their heads... now they're all gonna be poorfags very soon now overnight and they're gonna blame everyone but themselves for it

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>shouldn't it be implied
It is, it's just that a lot of people (and memeflag using retards) are putting a lot of effort into trying not to notice it.

Why are we the only people yoked with this lie that natural in-group preference means we think everyone else is beneath us? It's all sorts of wacky.

Constant bombardment of anti white propaganda

why does the government have to shut down studies that show differences between races? if we are all equal, what are they scared of?

>TFW a group of black people specifically attacking a white person because they hate them, is not a hate crime

e.g. Black on White crime is considered socially acceptable, because, white man bad.

Meanwhile, whites died for their freedom too. Whites have allowed affirmative action - even if it means telling a more qualified person to fuck off illogically.

It's a natural cause and effect of intentional media bias, intentionally trying to make white men look bad and intentionally skewing media to gloss over black crime.

If delusional dipshits ever want an equitable world, they have to stop intentionally fucking hiding the truth.

They are the cause of white intolerance. Anyone would be intolerant once they realize they're being lied to. If you're not intolerant, you're either benefiting from the lies or your a horrible human being.

It's sad, because I enjoy a less racist world. It's too bad you fuckers keep making everyone racist by hiding truth (lying by omission).

There are some physical racial differences and blacks as well as whites both commit crimes. It's just... the media ignores black crime as much as they can...

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Because people make up narratives and you get people like nazis