
>The door-to-door poll from Stop The AOC PAC yielded the following key results:
>They don’t like her. She has a more than 2:1 ratio of unfavorable (50.88%) to favorable (21.37%) in public opinion.
>They don’t trust her. Only 10.75% thought she had their best interests in mind in quashing the Amazon deal
32.60% said she didn’t.
>They don’t want her. 33.44% are ready to vote against her, and only 13.30% would vote for her.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking gossip

>responses from individuals in her district is gossip
now THIS is copeposting

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The GND really fuck her over?

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>The door-to-door poll from Stop The AOC PAC

Seems legit.

She's a socialist moron, but so are her constituents. There's no way her support is that low.

No polls are to be trusted, no matter what they say

Ive seen her nudes i dont care about what she has to say


wow, whole lot of russian trolls living in New York I guess

reminder that 52% of donations to her campaign came from California while only 6% came from within her district according to the FEC

She will still win easily, demographics is destiny.

Link to nudes

It's almost as if illegal alien renters aren't actually the community....

Nah. I mean the GND was dumb as fuck but her chasing Amazon and their 25,000 jobs out of New York is what’s really fucking her.

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Even if she gets cunt punted next election, we will still have to see her donkey face in news interviews. And hear her awful hyngneeeeeeehhhh millennial voice. For ever and ever.

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Oh wait suddenly we trust polls now?

she did enough damage, and the other justice dems will keep the momentum going
the fire rises

She's gonna get primaried. Whether it'll be successful, I don't know. But there will certainly be an attempt. She's pissed off a lot of people

derp meant

And out of 3 million voters only 9 people went to the polls... 3 of those 9 were aliums

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That was the moment I knew she really is fucking retarded and not just unlikable.

She might actually lose re-election. In 2020 her district is getting re-districted into another representative's territory so it won't be as simple as surviving a primary against a nobody.

OH DEAR GOD, WITH JESUS AS MY SACRIFICE PLEEEEAAAASE don't let your post be true!!!!!!

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> #
>That was the moment

Hi new fren
You at here forever... have seat

This was obvious immediately after the Amazon thing. Even the nigger housing projects in Queens released a statement against what the politicians like AOC did to chase away Amazon. Anyone involved in that in NYC is a dead-man-walking.


>implying constituents decide elections.

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If the poll wasn't conducted in spanish it's invalid because her district is mostly spics and shit

>thinking that beans will ever vote against their horsefaced kween

Also the link in the OP doesn't go anywhere
What the fuck


wasn't the whole reason she got elected in the first place, was because she exploited a loophole in her districts elections?

That's not how redistricting works. The new maps would go into effect in 2022, not 2020.

And you can't "district away" diversity, as jewish dems will soon find out.

>believing votes count
u wot ?

her district is actually not mostly spics. she only won because literally no one voted in the primary she was in. that is not something that will be repeated.

She is NEVER going to lose to a Republican in that district.

Only chance is Ms. Ocasio-Cortez being 'primaried' in the exact same way she did to Joe Crowley.

Stay triggered, snowflake

More like a Democrat party loophole. She was recruited by an insurgent Democrat group to target an establishment dem who was not expecting it. They did all the work and just needed an actress who could play the correct part. She didn't even live in the district.

Sounds racist, sexist and islamophobic. Probably homophobic, too. Lemme check with my boyfriend.

Ding Ding Ding

>she only won because literally no one voted in the primary


If Joe Crowley ran third party or whatever and challenged her in the general election in November, she would absolutely have lost that. Too bad Crowley cucked out.

No one in NYC votes for Republicans because the NYC republican party is a bunch of cripples, probably Democrats in fact.

The end result is no one really pays attention to party affiliation. Come next election, people will be explicitly voting AGAINST AOC and also a handful of other local politicians who were responsible for the Amazon fiasco.

Remember folks: All politics is local. She can be as popular on TeenVogue.com as she wants, but people in her actual district are not big fans and she hasn't done a fucking thing for them.

her district is filled with welfare hispanics. they will vote for her again as long as shes going against a white person.

Looking forward to this, and more often in coming years. Her election was the first major internal struggle, and losing the 2020 presidential election should put even more pressure on the Dems.

Now if true conservatives can wrest power from the rino golems...


>49.80% Hispanic

Your city is a shithole and you're a pair of morons living in all-Jewish apartment buildings denying the objective reality.


incorrect on both counts

>trusting stats posted on wikipedia
>still literally not most
nigger I live in her district

18.41% White
11.39% Black
16.24% Asian
49.80% Hispanic
0.45% Native American
3.71% other

Go floss your donkey teeth.


whites are jews=democrat
native americans=don't matter

Fuck off, Tim Pool

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> mexican dingbat gets low approval ratings.

color me surprised.

>no way her support is that low
In a district with over 100,000 registered Democrats, only 11% voted in the election that won her the seat. They were so apathetic they didn’t give a fuck, is they hate her

she'll get celebrity bartending gigs when she's done in washington.

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People who dislike AOC in her district:
half of spics (she's puerto rican - you think Colombians love her hahaha)
all the asians
80% of the whites (shitlibs are afraid to live in her district)
She's fucked, homey.

A "Democrat" will replace her, but that means little in NYC local elections. I'm sure Pelosi is already engineering her replacement.

Hopefully she does porn first

>declaring that anecdotal bullshit is reality
>the 100 people you know in your building are the entirety of a 700k+ person district

You are the biggest fucking joke that's posted on Jow Forums today

she's Democrat Sarah Palin

don't worry it's all fake polls

>She's a socialist moron, but so are her constituents. There's no way her support is that low.
Her nationwide fans are socialists. Her constituents in her district are beaners who voted for her because she's a beaner with big ta tas. All they care about is the fact she pissed away 25 thousand jobs because of her delusional social justice ideas. They don't think further than that... I'd not be surprised if she went from 50% support within her party to 20%. What she did is the kind of move that even simpletons will understand and get really really pissed off over.

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colombians hate puerto ricans? is this some new york retarded shit? asians are progressives in new york they love Deblassio. those whites are jews. blacks love those puerto rican women.

They probably don't like her cuck boyfriend. He's a real faggot

This. It's the only truth we will face. Hispanics are dumb as fuck.

Holy shit, I drew that and am glad someone saved it.

Yeah, Im sure Anti-AOC pac conducted a completely unbiased poll.

As it happens I don't know who would vote for her in my building because I haven't lived here long. What I do know is who lives in this area and how they reacted to the Amazon incident .And regards to area I mean central Queens and the eastern Bronx. You see, faggot, it's possible to actually have a real sense of public sentiment that goes beyond anecdata. Your approach leads to thinking Hillary clinton will win, whereas mine lets you know that big DJT is going to win. Go @yourself, queer.

AOC pissed off her constituents by sticking her big fat mouth in the Amazon project. It's NOT EVEN HER DISTRICT. People in NY care about hyper-local issues and she fucked up because she's not a real politician and doesn't understand this. Whomever runs against her will simply say "I'm running to represent YOU, not be a celebrity" and they'll win. People in her district probably know her national reputation less than you do. Get off the (((media))) teet you mong.

everyone in new york hates puerto ricans, amigo

Her boyfriend probably feeds her all that commie shit. Hes one of her many handlers I bet.

I detect someone who has been in Washington Heights in the 80s/90s.

You should have been flush with repeats numbers

everybody in new york hates everybody else. they all vote the same in the end of the day. its a fake city with shitty fake people.

fingers crossed

>they love Deblassio
Asians currently have the sharpest pitchforks I've ever seen out against DeBlasio. Their number one issue is education and he's actively destroying the elite schooling programs that get their kids into Harvard and Yale and shit. DeBlasio is less popular than Trump in NYC - there was actually a poll on that the other day. Not surprised.

Asians aren't progressives, Asians are pretty conservative. Asians just want gibs. If you don't give the Asians gibs, and someone else will, they'll vote for that person. Crowley wasn't giving the gibs and AOC sure as fuck isn't. Someone running against her with two braincells WILL, and they'll win.

It doesn't really matter, not like people actually voted for her to begin with.

>door to door poll in her district done
kys, Cortezfag, she's not getting re-elected because she became part of the same fucking system she rallied against the moment she took office. Liberals always turn on their constituents the moment they don't have to pander to them any longer.

how can they oversample people who don't like her? WIth national polls that's a piece of cake but door to door randomly asking democrats who'd they vote for during the day in her own district is entirely different.

What doesn't Trump just sign an Executive Order demanding that AOC suck him off on the House floor?

most asians in New York are Chinese and recently there Mandarin speaking Chinese. They dont care who runs the city as long as they can take advantage of the city. They love the democrats.

The free-trade neocons have been Trimp Effecting since she got in. Find this hard to believe desu, but she did run unopposed last time. She does make the Corporate Democrats mad so maybe that's why.

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all the real new yorkers left, it's all transplants now

While that is entirely true information it is misapplied if you conclude as much on this topic. People who speak Spanish are in no way a unified demographic. This has been demonstrated repeatedly for decades yet stupid people still seem to assume it will magically become the case.

Spics will vote in blocs of their own people - for example, Los Angeles is full of Mexicans, and they'll vote for Mexicans or people who kiss Mexican ass.

Puerto Ricans have been in NYC since the 1940's and don't have any common ground with the South Americans and Mexicans who moved here in the 2010's. And Dominicans outright dislike them.

Any even remotely savvy politico who runs in the primary against her can peel off large segments of the demographic "hispanic" that you believe is in allegiance to her. You're wrong.

Don't weep for AOC. Save your tears for Cenk.

Yeah, (((Russians))).

sorry you couldn't hack it here, Kyle

AOC still has her bartending career to fall back on.

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i bet he spent a lot of time drawing that camel toe

new york:
Puerto Ricans=welfare babies=democrats
Cubans=unlike there Florida cousins=democrats
dominicans=came on overstay visas=democrats
they all vote democrat you idiots.

You're right, but AOC is not doing anything for them, because she's an incompetent politician. The Asians were all pro-Amazon, for example. They're also against DeBlasio's school programs. AOC can't go against those because her fake progressive cred would be ruined. AOC is extremely vulnerable in her district - anyone who says otherwise has no idea what they're talking about. Literally no one even heard of her before she won the primary.

Not like she need, too getting paid almost 200k a year for one of the most useless, do nothing positions in the government.

The entire house of representative could be abolished and it would only improve the efficiency of our government.

We all know she'll get paid by some tv news or kikeflix shit

She must go.

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AOC's primary opponents; Democrats

You are literally retarded

>entire house of representative could be abolished
so correct

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Deliver you fucking faggot

If it makes you feel any better we hate them in PA too. Does ANYONE like them? Some guy on here has a p gud rant about them, maybe he'll show up.

That's a bit of an exaggeration, it has checks and balances with the Senate and some of it's own unique powers. Still the lesser house however. Argh.

They went to the "rich" neighborhoods in her district.