Kids shows

Are there any based shows for kids? Old or new, for younger or older kids?

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>Itt memberberries we can mine for nostalgia coins

See that guy on the far left. That is me.

alot of really based shows are off the air.
the 90's classics still play on cable late at night.
doug,rugrats,hey arnold,all that, spongebobs

all the classics are buried in the internet.
gumby, mr rogers, barney, and earlier.

227 still my favorite

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Pretty sure I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for this show.

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> Older kids
Haha I am not over 35 and still posting

Yeah I figured that’s the case. My daughter will soon be a year, and while I spend most of my time outside and hope she follows my lead, I’m trying to get a collection of thing for her to watch as she gets older. Just feel like a lot of the YouTube shit is weird and brainwashing mk ultra stuff

All cartoons are jewish propaganda

The old cartoons were brainwashing us too, but we were children so we see it as normal now..

Any of the 90s/00s DC stuff by Timm and Dini - Batman, Superman, Justice League, and Batman Beyond.

Attached: btas death of clayface.webm (360x288, 2.87M)

Adventure of Pete and Pete was always good. No hidden messages, just a nostalgic look on life.

Curly was based

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based and redpilled

Zerbie derby...basically the show is everyone is the same race(some sort or mechanical machine) and they all work together to build something in their common interest..

>My daughter will soon be a year, and while I spend most of my time outside and hope she follows my lead, I’m trying to get a collection of thing for her to watch as she gets older.
Can't go wrong with the classics - Merry Melodies, Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry... timeless slapstick and visual gags.

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Their techniques weren't as perfect back then. At least the mind control made sense and was funny.

The 2 main Clayface episodes are awesome.

True, think of all these shows, and think how many times a "bar mitzvah" came up, then think about all those shows that focused on "communion" or any that focused on the religious aspects of Christmas.


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wtf mine too

you sure about that? the creator was holding back. have you seen the new episodes? The most degenerate gay shit ever now.

90s Batman was fucking based and had a quality art deco aesthetic.

hi frens

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No good children's cartoons came out after Spongebob Season 3


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>Rugrats, and Spongebob
Your brain doesn't work does it user?

Rugrats was literally jewish.

That simply isn't true, my good sir.

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Never watched anime

I used to watch Dexter's Lab with my step dad.

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KND was pretty good

Korra's a lez tho buddy

Was it?
I just knew it was cucked.
The one mom was a third wave feminist
The other mom clearly cucked her husband.
Even as a kid I thought it was retarded.

>Korra's a lez tho buddy
Paging E;R
E;R, you're needed on aisle 7.

We're pretending the sequel series doesn't exist.

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Isn't MLP:FIM based?

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Yeah the dad wore a yarmulke.

Thats not anime you dolt

Megas XLR

Why? Because it's awesome without being political.

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Pity, it's an extremely well written show with solid, fleshed out characters and an interesting setting populated by ethnostates.

Nobody said you had to watch Korra. Though to be fair it has its moments. Seasons 2 and 4 are shit, but Seasons 1 and 3 are pretty good.

this one was good even if it was kike shit

Remember me?

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He Man and the Masters of the Universe

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Chicks dig giant robots

Their foreheads

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Yes, but we're not allowed to post about that.

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OMG that show is so good.

Chicks dig giant robots!

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The 2002 reboot is actually really good stuff. Right up there with DCAU shows IMO.

Fuck it, I'll post this, anyways.

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Damn that was some hivemind shit

God made you special and he loves you very much

This was a great show
I know I seen this but never watched it because of its ugly presentation
This show was great
Good show
Good show
For some reason I enjoyed this batman a lot back in the day.
The only thing I remember is th enigger and the football head kid kissing the blonde girl

Does anyone remember Hero108?

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It's weird that kike shit feels nostalgic. Hannukah huh.

Fucking loved this shit as a kid.

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Symbionic titan was good, I remember they dropped it out of cartoon network early on its lifetime and moved it to adult swim


Opinion on Super?

Another kike show(Sharon Spitz was part jew)

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All of these cartoons have a forced muliticultural cast with the token smart black kid in most of these shows

I know I seen that before but I forgot the name, does it also involve a monkey??

>For older kids (8-14)
The Simpsons (seasons 1-9)
South Park (seasons 1-8)
King of the Hill
Beavis & Butthead

>For younger kids (5-10)
Dexter's Laboratory
Arthur (seasons 1-4)

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Rugrats was probably the most jewish cartoon nick ever aired.

yea rugrats was trash

>doug,rugrats,hey arnold,all that

All NickelShoahdeon shows, none of these are "based" at all.

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Alright, but DB really has worn out its welcome.
I recently rewatched DB and DBZ, and the series really did peak with the fight between Frieza and Goku. The two of them battled on a planet and tore it apart.
The fight with Cell never gets that desperate and while Boo can blow planets up like they're nothing, it doesn't feel any more badass than what Frieza can pull off.

DB Super is more of that same. Also, worse animation, as is typical with TV anime these days.

Thank you. You could smell the gefilte fish through your TV whenever she was on the screen.

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My favorite was the one with Tony Hawk.

Remember me humans?

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Barney is not based. A relation of mine was involved in the production of the original seasons. Huge libcuck.

Yeah I saw this back in the day along with fairy godparents

-based and vegpilled

I have to disagree with you with regards to the cell saga given that all the fighters had to contribute in order to actually kill cell.

That being said, i do agree with most everything else you’ve said.

There is a reason that is often ranked as one of the best animated shows of all times, and unarguably the best interpretation/adaptation of batman ever created now and for the foreseeable future.

depends what you consider based I guess. Is the show good?
>Star vs Evil
Does the show need to have none of the shit Jow Forums finds offensive like gay shit?
>Wander over Yonder


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I can agree with this. Seeing the whole team pull together to put that green fuck away was really awesome. But Boo feels like just bullshit. He heals too fast and has all kinds of other foolish plot armor.

Used to like spongebob before the modernity ruined it. Real shame spongebob has a boss like Eugene "Cheapstake" Krabs. The fact that he laid poor spongebob off over a fucking dime makes me wish I could smother his ass in bed. Nothing the law can do about it, Mr. Krabs has used his burgers to get out of jail multiple times.

Majority of nick shows were hot garbage. Cartoonnetwork had the based shows, WB had a few good ones as well, that made up for the rest of the poop that came from WB.
they don't make 'em like they used to anymore
>mfw "HIM" was a tranny


ctrf+f zim - 0 results.
You idiots disgust me

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The Superhero stuff from the 90s was almost all great.

I used to watch this and dragon Ball z when I came home from school in the 3rd grade.

We've definitely come a long way from all of these great shows, to this Ratburn faggot crap on Arthur.

>Pity, it's an extremely well written show with solid, fleshed out characters and an interesting setting populated by ethnostates.
I had never seen The Last Airbender until recently, where a friend told me it was his childhood cartoon and wondered if it had aged well. So we watched it. Incredibly based cartoon, very solid storytelling and morals, sick action sequence and animation. It was also refreshingly non pozzed. There is one, maybe two "gurl powah" moments in the entire series, and they are not out of place and are successfully integrated into gendered rivalry between kids.

Danny Phantom was the best, except for the fact he has a crush on that one Hispanic chick
