Redpill me on Dixie

I feel like Dixie posters are better quality than USA posters.
It feels like Dixie has more culture than the USA. Like it is the true America even though it’d be called the CSA today or something. “Dixie” is a pretty neat name for a nation come to think about it.

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Honestly a 10/10 flag too

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>White - 72.4%
Doubt. I'm pretty sure there's more spics than actual Whites in the South. It's also the region with most blacks.

We are the only hint of culture in the US.

can't wait for another balkanization

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It is a great flag
Jews brought the slaves to the US
The CSA had a jew as treasurer
Grant and the Union Army expelled jews at one point, the only time it happened in US history.
The south is still a den of niggers

But in most other ways the South is superior. It’s a mixed bag.

>It feels like Dixie has more culture than the USA.
We, and our Midwest brethren, do have a distinct American culture. Clothes, food, everything. And I’d say it’s better, yeah.

I live in NY and lived in CA due to work, but I’m from SC. The South is better to live in culturally, but financially you have less opportunity. Don’t get me wrong, we have powerhouse cities too, but not on the scale of the Northeast or West Coast. Dixie would be very wealthy country by, say, Eastern European standards.

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If they actually broke away in the Civil War, the CSA might have gone on to take over Mexico. In which case, it would have become La Goblina Republic.

Dixie has a unique culture and so does or did once upon a time the other regions of America. Reading Lovecraft's laments about how mass immigration permanently changed the culture of New York and New England makes you think a lot about the south's future. Even guys like William Faulkner realized the south was changing and would continue to change. It's definitely something southerners need to think about now instead of waiting until we share New England's fate.


The south is pretty based but western culture is pretty good too.

one thing i think we can both agree on: Fuck california

When it's not trolls/shills/fags/niggers using the flag to hide theirs, but actual southerners using it as their true flag, yeah we're better than USA flag posters.

California is the worst state.

Wasn't born in the south(ern us, I'm from SA) but
>Was raised in the south
>Am in university in the south
>Will live in the south
>Will die in the south
And I'm never fucking going home.

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doesn't the kudzu there grow fast as fuck? what if a bum gets drunk and passes out in a ditch?

I went to Arkansas and only saw 4 Niggers the whole 3 days I was there.

Based except for high number of blacks and mestizos. Also weather is pretty shit. Too hot & humid for my tastes.

not Little Rock, obvi

Most of the kudzu in my area is on the state park. Drunks go out there every night and haven't fell in a kudzu ditch yet. They make massive messes though which is annoying.

It grows fast, but it’s not like bamboo fast. It’s just fucking unkillable

They took it from us, bro

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For more reading on the subject look up the book “our southern nation” by cushman. It makes a very good case that Dixie is a very distinct culture that shouldn’t be part of the union.

Pic unrelated

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Might just give it a read.

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>not mentioning the Dixie Chicks

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>he doesn't drink out of dixie cups

I hardly use the Confederate flag because I don't want to be associated with shills, but I'll occasionally use it in Southern threads.

fun fact, you could get those flags that were flown on the capitol building ( i have one)

the niggers aren't really a problem unless you live near/in a major city

>he never hate at Dixie Lee's

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It sucks that the confederate flag isn't automatically set for southern posters.
I'd use it all the time but, like you said, I don't want to get put with the memeflag faggots.

Unironically this

I post with it on and off a lot. People can tell when you’re hiding your flag or not. Just act like a southerner and you’ll be OK

Ever heard of Charlotte in NC? I used to live in a county close to it.

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You haven't lived til you have a conversation like this with a waitress.
"You want some grits with that, honey?"
"Sweet ice tay?"
(Getting into spirit of things)
"Jus' stick your finger in it darlin'."

>AZ & NM Dixie
Saged, thread

best flag in American history really


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Jewry + schizophrenia, and that's a good thing!

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You say jewry. But you have a meme flag HMMMMMM

OG 13 is best flag though

I wish I was in the land of cotton, old times there are not forgotten,
Look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land.
In Dixie Land where I was born in, early on a frosty mornin',
Look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land.

Then I wish I was in Dixie, hooray! hooray!
In Dixie Land I'll take my stand to live and die in Dixie,
Away, away, away down South in Dixie,
Away, away, away down South in Dixie.

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Uwu pretty close to my map

Glad other people understand how significant geography is in defining culture

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The South is definitely the superior region in the US. The Stars & Bars are also aesthetic as fuck. We even have better niggers down here - they're usually not as uppity as yankee niggers are, because ~100 years of post-slavery segregation really taught them their place.

Just stay away from nigger containment zones (read: subsidized housing areas) in the cities, and 99% of the rest are real uncle Toms.

The number of niggers in the south is legitimately terrifying. They are fucking everywhere and always look ready to attack.

Your division of the circled area doesn't make much sense if you're going by culture.
I'm in southern Louisiana and just recently traveled through the Gulf coast. The culture of that whole area is almost identical, with a few additions of French-style traditions the closer you get to New Orleans.

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anything that divides the south is made by a yankee faggot

Our culture has drastically changed in a lot of ways since the Civil War. Most of that change came from the North imposing their will on us after the war and later with desegregation. But we've also held on to more of our culture than the other regions have. California used to be a conservative state and now it's hard to imagine how that was ever possible. I guess we've been lucky that we didn't get a lot of immigration, until recently, like the other regions had.

I'll concede that Im a Yank faggot. Probably should have stuck with the CSA battle flag too.

Ive never been to the area. I just used the river as a natural border there.

>72% white
>12.6% black

What kind of fucking retard made this?

The actual CSA was only like 60% white (since spics were counted as whites) and 35% nigger

>elect a pajeet neocon who larps as a southern belle
>surprised when she doesn't give a shit about your culture
We are a band of brothers and native to the soil
Fighting for our liberty with treasure, blood, and toil

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>Redpill me on Dixie

It's God's country

Also fpbp

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Fairly it's not that every change was bad. I wouldn't want to be a sharecropper like my great-grandfather. It's just the idea of the south not being southern is scary. I already see people trying to act like southern culture is just funny accents and food and that anyone can magically become southern through throwing out a y'all.

In smaller text, it says hispanic/latino 26.3%, so the white percentage is only so high because of mestizo "whites" Stats are probably outdated too, as America is already 13% niggers, and the South is even blacker than avg

Ive seen wisteria and kudzu choke each other to death in NC. Its pretty funny.

The south is a cucked region. The region has lost its whiteness to waves of nigs and shitskins. By 2030/35 70% will be voting Dem.
If you want to be around whites then move somewhere like Montana otherwise your fucked.

Everything west of highway 220 is a mistake.

West Virginia was Union. In fact, it was illegally created by Lincoln as a state only because it had strategic importance for the war.

It sounds like you are home, user

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The south was great at one time but its a done deal down there. in fact seeing all the confederate statues get yanked without a fight is when I went full blackpill. whites will probably lose everything and not fight back in fear of being called a racist.

Or you could quit being a bunch of fags and get with modern times we need something stronger then that redneck shit.

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This, if southerners won’t do it then no one will

Southerners are fucking idiots

We are almost to the point where Nazi Germany was closer to the Civil War than to today. That’s depressing.