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Wow, I can't believe it!

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Robber Baron?

Catholics aren't Christians.

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and that's a good thing.

The Catholic Church was literally ordained by Christ. Nice cope christcuck

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I suppose protestants are then?

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>second thread for this
pure coincidence


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ChristCvckstianity The Thread

bishop barron is an attempt to bring back sspx types back into the fold. same with fssp.

barron is known to be a shill for the vatican. he is like all the other "conservatives" brought in by jp2 and benedict who meekly followed the progressives.

the catholic laypeople are waking up and arent taking it anymore

There are more niggers in Africa who are christian than whites in the rest of the world. Your religion is a nigger religion

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Orthodox has done fuck all NOTHING to stop the Jew. You aren't getting out of this one faggot.

the west is full of degeneracy and pride and the hated and ostracized are coming to Christ, even nigs.

the west in it's hubris is falling. ironic how you call Christianity a nigger religion while whites are becoming more godless and niggerlike.

Neither has pagayns who like fucking each other in the ass.atheists actively protect jews.christians genocides them,go be a bitch on some other website

The west isn't dying because of its own hubris, its dying from Jewish Hubris and Christians are spiritual semites helping them accomplish their messianic prophecies.

Christianity is, by its nature, be it Catholic or Protestant, Universal and egalitarian. They both reject racial hierarchy.

You literally worship Semitic tribal gods and live a life on your knees, begging for forgiveness for original sin that wasn't even yours to begin with.

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why the fuck would I care what some wannabe pope francis jesuit fag thinks?

I'll take E. Michael Jones over a billion of these

Isn't Israel the only National Ethno State in the World right now? Wouldn't "REJUDAIZING" mean it becomes more tribal in nature?

Last time I checked, Rome stomped Israel out of existence and genocided Jews. Have Christians done the same? They may have REVOLTED hundreds of times against them in the past 2000 years, but they have been and will continue to lose to them because they your spiritual overlords.

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sure they have, idiot. same with the catholic church. you are part of the same godless, atheistic counterculture that subverted the west.

the catholic church was last to fall into corruption. pope pius the tenth did all he could to route out the modernists especially in positions of autority and within the seminaries.\

it wasnt enough. pope john the twentythird and paul the sixth gave into these subversives, and even they in te end saw what had been done.

the catholic church was the last bastion against communism, masonry, and the kabbalists. you should mourn that satan has infiltrated the church.

remember this, though. satan does not have much time. he knows he has lost. he is trying to drag all down with himself into the void. dont give up on the church. she is sick near unto death. now is time to fight back

nigger zionism is purely secular. the state of israel was primarily pushed by godless humanists. the whole christian zionism bogeyman was inflated to such ridiculous extremes. it never had much power. it was just a means to subvert protestants, even then only workedin ceetain subgroups.

the west only pushed for godless degeneracy and lawlessness when the spawn of secular education came unto power. the counterculture is antichristian and secular. you are literallyrewriting history you dumb faggot

during the crusades yew, yes they did. also the romans did not destroy jewry. in fact jews largely still lived in palestine even after the second revolt. in fact it was julian the apostate, trying to destroy christianity, that attempted to remake the jewish temple.

when attempts were made to rework it's foundation, fireballs and heat burst thru fissures on the worksite. it was an incredible prodigy that even pagans recognized,

They aren't. Christ came to take away the priest class, the hierarchy, the rules, and made it about the soul. He tore down the curtain, the Catholics put it back up.

pEteR wAS thE fiRsT pOpE!!!!

I've noticed this for a while, so many of these apologists like Barron, or Brant Pitre, are writing books and giving talks about the Jewishness of Jesus and the Apostles...

I mean it's such a farce. The "Jews" as we know them are a false religion akin to Islam that only uses the Old Testament through the lens of the Talmud, just like Islam only uses The Old and New Testaments through the lens of the Koran.

Julian was a fucking meme and didn't amount to shit. (((Paul of Tarsus))) however was successful in creating Proto-Bolshevism, aka your Christian religion.

You worship Jews and wouldn't be believing what you believe today without Jews.

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Hierarchy is a law of Nature; Im not a christnigger but This only further proves that Christianity is spiritual Communism.

This. There is a major split between the older boomers in the Church (Who represent more than 99% of the pedo's btw) and the younger generations that are burning with a righteous fire in their hearts. There is increasing dissatisfaction and anger with the leadership of the Church. The new generation of Bishops coming up are going to be right wing af, and are already beginning to express serious levels of anger more and more publicly. The future of the Church looks pretty bright, desu


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woops, let me post the non-manlet version

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It's pretty obvious that you didn't bother listening to what Father Barron was saying here, so allow me to Tl;DR:
What he is saying is that people have a tendency to view the God of the Old Testament (OT) as separate from Jesus in the New Testament (NT). They see the OT God has angry, Tribal, strict and Jesus as Merciful, kind, and nice (Nice Heresy). What Ftr. Barron is saying is that people should stop separating the two "separating him from his roots", he is saying that Jesus was not "nice" or excessively merciful. Jesus, like his father, condemned wickedness openly and loudly. He is saying that the OT God and Jesus are one and the same. That he will punish wickedness, that he condemns degeneracy in all of its forms, that we need to be reminded of that. He is pointing out that people misunderstand what the NT is really about. Listen to him talk about Paul and the Law. He points out that only certain elements of the law fell away, but the spirit of the law remains the same. Understanding the spirit of the law is the guidepost one uses in knowing what remains and what does not. God expects one to use logos to understand him.

cannot wait to hear EMJ's response to this

>What he is saying is that people have a tendency to view the God of the Old Testament (OT) as separate from Jesus in the New Testament (NT). They see the OT God has angry, Tribal, strict and Jesus as Merciful, kind, and nice (Nice Heresy). What Ftr. Barron is saying is that people should stop separating the two "separating him from his roots", he is saying that Jesus was not "nice" or excessively merciful. Jesus, like his father, condemned wickedness openly and loudly. He is saying that the OT God and Jesus are one and the same. That he will punish wickedness, that he condemns degeneracy in all of its forms, that we need to be reminded of that. He is pointing out that people misunderstand what the NT is really about. Listen to him talk about Paul and the Law. He points out that only certain elements of the law fell away, but the spirit of the law remains the same. Understanding the spirit of the law is the guidepost one uses in knowing what remains and what does not. God expects one to use logos to understand him.
based and redpilled

Oh look more FBI jew posting and yes your kiked out jewish freemasonic imposters are being gay so what of it? Its your relgion to suck baby dick and be impaled by bbc

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Does this mean the c*tholoid priests are going to start cutting the foreskin off before they suck baby dicks?

yes they are just this crop of Norvus Ordo are mentally unstable and mostly admitted zionist agents...ADL Malachi Martin and his confessions the Time Magazine article, you clearly aren't educated

FBI poster confirmed

inversion of reality pleb

more pagan cuck delusions based on ADL fake quotes from WW2 era leaders are you literate boy? I doubt it

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Are you biblically illiterate, Paul didn't create bolshevism the early Church always had for the priest and church leaders the poverty and chastity vow they were to live spiritually and not materialistically..Bolshevism is the talmud you know that stinky ignorant pile of spewage your pedo rebbes cobbled together and mixed with Bablyonian gaygan nonsense...God you are fucking retarded...laity were not bound to the holding all goods in common stuff...jeez do I need to point out are fucking retarded you fbi spergs are with your unedcated jew upbringings?

How can someone else stand in for your connection to aether, prana, vril, or God?

You sound retard non human moron nigger, and communism are literally fucking delirious with blockhead individualistic nonsense you sound Randian....and yes all humans and life share the same habitat EARTH OHHH TERRESTRIAL LIVING IS "COMMUNISM" according your know nothing degenerate low iq Mind

Judaism != modern Jews. Getting away from boomer hippy Jesus meme and recalling that God judged Sodom is a good thing.

You can't re-Judaize Catholicism because Judaism is Babylonian Talmudism and not fucking Christianity, holy fuck I hate these fucking kike pastors !!!!

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imagine being this fucking retarded
fuck off cianigger

Pius IX, of holy memory, as early as 1846 pronounced a solemn condemnation, which he confirmed in the words of the Syllabus directed against "that infamous doctrine of so-called Communism which is absolutely contrary to the natural law itself, and if once adopted would utterly destroy the rights, property and possessions of all men, and even society itself."

Block headedfoaming retarded jews gets btfo 150 years ago by an Italian Pope lol the state of this shit tier FBI infested low IQ dungeon of ignorant fools

Prods aren't Christians.

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Nobody on this thread actually listened to the video. It's all FBIJew posting

not an argument faggot

wrong faggot, you just don't understand anything they are saying.

Just watched the video. What he's really talking about is that Christianity comes from and is a fulfillment of Judaism. While it inherits some things from Judaism, it rejects many others. He's right in that regard, but he tries to say that Catholics and Jews should be friends and "allies against secularism". I completely disagree with him here; I think that modern Judaism without Christianity is soulless, backwards, and the cause of the secular culture he complains about.
I'd like to see this guy take on E. Michael Jones.

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This, Catholics don’t even read the King James Bible

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It's so fucking weird seeing bluepilled shit from anime avatars for some reason

>wanting to read a translation of the scriptures that rabbis helped make with 66 books

He's getting wrecked in the comments by redpilled Catholics.

neither is your debunked bullshit cuck nigger

We need to stop referring to Islam, Christendom and Judaism as "the Abrahamic faiths". They're all just kikes. Call them by the most damning pejorative in the world today (right behind nazi): Call them Jews. Refer to them as the Judaic Faiths.

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christkikes a refucking tards and theyll jump ship as soon as they findout there jew worship is fucking jewifiied trash.
see youll see how they jump around.

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The CIA niggers love christianity you fucking tard. Its fucking hilarious its boomers you fuckhead christkike boomers are CIA shitheads and you are probably one of them.

I couldn't read this post because I was busy praying to 20 different saints.
But its not idol worship I swear

His take on talking to Jews was political and not doctrinal. There wasn't much more to what he said other than be nice. But more importantly he is reminding us that the old testament God is still our God. Focusing only on Jesus is gay.

>inversion of reality
this is your brain on christkikery. fucking NPC.

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haha yeah romans did destroy jews and they openly stated that jews were scum. christians on the other hand protected them and gave them special privileges.

CIA niggers love pozzed Christianity and will do anything to keep Catholics head spinning and on the defense.

hahaha all these fucking tards. Look at this shit ethno-larp? i guess they dont care for race issues.
glowniggers love all christians because they are all useful fucking idiots. Christkikes worships the jews.

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Divination is a form of magic, and banned by God. Enjoy hell.

It's called prophecy when it comes from god. Divination is when Odin Trannies drink cum

Its divination you fucking faggot. you dont even know your own jew cum sucking bible.

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