How does this make you feel?

how does this make you feel?

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Neat haircut bro!

Why are they missing an upper lip?

Mentally ill faggot not beaten enough by father


Perhaps beaten too much, resulting in low test

Kind of cute and kind of ugly desu.

can't beat prime shota

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his mother drank alcohol during pregnancy most probably. Sad, many such cases

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Lots of mentally ill people should be forcibly sterilised by a sane elite, you're right.


Nothing, really

Makes me sad. He could have been someone's father, or husband. He could have been a hero. Now he is an abomination, like Frankenstein, a creature born of hatred and envy.

Shave the fucking unibrow you faggot, no one likes a cuteboi who likes like a caveman.

sad. he thinks that by changing his appearance, he can change what's going on inside him.
on top of all that, he'll never pass.

>Gained dead,souless eyes in just 9 years

Well becoming a tranny and getting gangbanged and used as a cum rag will do that too you I suppose


Deeply saddened.

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had a chance, blew it
no sympathy

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I strongly agree with you since I am also a eugenic advocate who believes in the necessity of enlightened aristocracy.

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They should genetically engineer even bigger housecats.

Glad I'm not homo.

It was funny seeing Cosmo wallow in his own psychosis when /v/ pointed out he'll never be a woman, last year.

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looked like fag before and is a fag now. just confirming what we all knew from grade school.

Reminds me that My Chemical Romance was kind of underrated and stupid scene girls and the memes are part of that reason.

Unless you're retarded you can just tell by looking at eye, cheek and jaw ratio. fat distribution is also pretty hard to fake.

I was just listening to Mt Saint Michel + Saint Michaels Mount

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nose, chin, and especially brow ridge are dead giveaways.

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How so?

What the fuck is that things problem?
>2lb weights
Why fucking bother.

Agreed. Bigger and bigger until we have reaaaaally big cats.

You grew out your hair and are just as passing as a female as when you were 15. Great!

Attached: Bran-Stark-Game-of-Thrones-1-1.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

Aroused. Show peen

That was fucking brutal. I feel for the guy.

how does the 24 year old look younger than the 15 year old?

he grew his hair out?

I want to cuddle and kiss him. I'm so fucking lonely

Attached: ff.png (1920x1080, 3.11M)

Too bad about the later seasons

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Puberty is the great destroyer of innocence and beauty.

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I want to violently fuck her tight boi bussy. And make her choke on my cock while she cleans it.

>Lots of mentally ill people should be forcibly sterilised by a sane elite, you're right.
They're gonna sterilize you too, buddy.

>I strongly agree with you since I am also a eugenic advocate who believes in the necessity of enlightened aristocracy.
I believe in the necessity of Santa Claus.

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Like I want to blow my brains out

>how does this make you feel?
Second photo looks fucked up.


fucking horny for the 15 yr old

If he just lifted weights hed be a handsome 24 year old man.

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This makes me want to blow my brains out as well

Needs more bully

I love Aphex Twin. Some really nostalgic music from early youtube to the times of ebaumsworld.

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What does this bong word even mean

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We are trying to help them though. Its their codependent enablers and profiteers that are hurting them.

Rephlex Records puts out some great stuff.

Check out the Braindance Coincidence compilation

I hate it when cute boys turn into trannies.

Attached: shiteater.jpg (582x844, 123K)

White, based, and shotapilled

aww he was cute

>brownnose pup

fucking kek

If only all boys were as cute as little Bran

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>used the words feces three times in one sentence
he really wanted to rub it in

I legitimately believe that the sole reason for this uptick in trannies is neglectful parents letting their kids spend way too much time on the internet delving into places like tumblr that breed these sort of fetish centric communities.

that's a big kitty

That unironically is a cool haircut.

looks like ally sheady. would.

>cumspumption of feces

By Allah.

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I'd take a shit eater killing them self over a kid mutilating abrahamic sandnigger who damages everyone

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Feels bad
I just don't understand why a cute dude would want to become an ugly chick
Literally what for?


Its a dude with long hair. I used to have long hair, listened to a lot of Led Zeppelin; but I didn't think I was a woman.

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boom boom

like i want to rape.

No it's a tiny chink. Only Maine coons actually get as big as that cat looks.

why do you have that picture saved user..

S L I D E.

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Yeah. I think we should totally test his gag reflex user.

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Holy shit, why are white boys the most beautiful thing on this planet?
If this isn’t motivation to fight to preserve our race then I don’t know what is.

kys tranny, you'll never pass

He looks exactly the same. All he did was grow longer hair and look a bit more old under his eyes,

Because white men are handsome creatures and boys are cute.

It is really amazing.

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