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parkland shooter allegedly said nigger once years ago and they took away his scholarship at harvard

Should have kept it on Jow Forums kyle

This stupid kike kid has such a punchable kike face. Looks like he spent some years in a concentration camp.

I disavow Turning Point USAs racism

>333*2 = 666

Department of Education should pull Harvard’s funding.

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he looks very jewish

Can’t do that or they get killed by glowniggers


>even a jew gets denied Harvard because he thinks The People should keep their rights
Fucking dark times for everybody I guess.

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racist piece of shit I'm glad he got what he deserves!

When I was 16 literally everybody said it.

I think this one was actually a conservative


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This makes me happy. He only got in because of media sensationalism. Then media sensationalism got him kicked out. It’s truly poetic justice and highlights the absurdity of it all. HONK.

Jew jewing as usually, nigger X11 times, Jew jokes.
Get called out for it and grilled on Fox.
>"I'm Jewish, my family is Jewish, half of my family was in the holocaust, OY VEEEEEY ANUDDUH SHOAH"
But yeah, he got charred big time.
>Um said so many times. Lost count.

11 times and jew jokes.

So what you fucking kike nigger?

Pic related

He is

Attached: kyle kashuv1.jpg (658x289, 55K)

Also this

Attached: kyle kashuv2.jpg (611x117, 14K)

One more

Attached: kyle kashuv3.jpg (262x248, 10K)

Seems pretty redpilled to me.

You know what, he seems alright


I mean on the one hand I don't give a shit because I'm sure if Kyle or his mentor lil Benji could kick out somebody from Harvard who said "KIKE KIKE KIKE KIKE KIKE KIKE KIKE" in some groupchat when they were 16, they would do it.

On the other hand idea idea of trolling the group chats of 16 year olds to search for wrongthink is clownworld to the max.

He wasn’t the shooter. He went to the school that was shot up.

So, you dumb-fucking mutt, 11 times is more than once. Also, not a kike-nigger. That's you in a nutshell.

Practice makes perfect. Nice

with a little more work he could be the next /lit/niggeranon

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Liberal David Hogg OTOH is still going to Harvard


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Laura Loomer was the one who contacted Harvard....it came from the dissident Right not left

Turncoat USA btfo by Loomer

shut the fuck up commie
just start ur own harvard

I do have my own Harvard. My taxpayer dollars fund its research.

see what happens when a jew goes against the other jews

this is what they are all like behind closed door

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That's because their is no forgiveness or change allowed by the left. Once you're a racist your always a racist and you should be kept from participating in society. You often hear about White Supremacists who have a change of heart and begin to educate people on the evils of Nazis and such? Well those people will slowly disappear when they start realizing that the new left won't allow them to change. The future is ours because our enemies are making us stronger with every action they take.

It's just some angry drunk cringe party texting to one of his mates. Now his life is ruined.

How did he do on FOX today, guys?

He seemed super nervous imo


Good for him. #hashtag Don't Hire The Ivies is alive and well but just not on twatter

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Apple probably has my entire iMessage history.

Thanks for the context OP you fucking faggot. If you don't reply to this post I will kill your mom

>this is what they are all like behind closed door
that is why whenever you've the privilege to pummel the shit out of a white male, do it with absolute brutality and without mercy just short actual murder. Beat them until their faces are bloody and red and their injuries permanent and of long lasting effect.

Only let them say the N word through broken jaws, trauma induced chronic migraines and broken teeth.

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>the gov should do something because a private institution did something i dont like
welcome to the free market kid
>its all da left
>future is ours bcuz of da enemies
The same people who are defending him on twitter are also the same people who bashed the Covington kids lmfao.

Vid related

I was talking about the Jews

Is he /ourguy/?

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How is it ruined? He's going to go on to become a Fox News and Daily Caller contributor.

Fuck you nigger.

>Shoot up a school one time
>Say "nigger" over 50 times
>Now your life is ruined

Yet Jow Forums will say Jews have privilege.

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Jews have to protect their public image. If you're yell nigger 50 times make sure no one dredge up the old chat logs. If you get captured, we cant do anything. you never existed